All posts by Act for freedom now!

Belfort,France : the bees are going at it as well 

Bees find refuge on a surveillance camera
Est Républicain, 5 August 2021
The sight intrigued many motorists at the Fusillés crossroads in Belfort on Thursday. On a public lighting pole, bees had gathered around the video surveillance camera. They had taken refuge there after an accident. A beekeeper’s vehicle had been hit by a lorry on Wednesday at around 1pm. Two hives had fallen to the ground, releasing the bees.
via: sansnom

(A-Radio) Syria – the forgotten revolution

Dear all,

A-Radio Berlin talked to Almut und Mohamad about the revolution that started ten years ago in Syria and the ongoing struggle of Syrian revolutionaries for their dignity and ideals. We touched on topics like the recent Syrian history, the first ideas and the founding of local revolutionary committees and Omar Aziz, failed solidarity and Western defintions of antiimperialism, money flows and the influence of NGOism on the beginnings of the revolution as well as the importance and development of anarchism in Syria and its history in the Arab world.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download) here:

Length: 1:34 h

You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here:

Among our last audios you can find:
* An audio about the ongoing wildcat strike at Gorillas food delivery in Berlin:
* An interview about the book “Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North”:
* An interview with Rebel Steps about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An interview with The Final Straw Radio about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An update on the Belarus uprising in the end of November 2020:
* An interview about the murder of rapper Killah P and the trial against neonazi Party Golden Dawn:

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021

The pamphlet Fuorirotta. Raccolta di testi sulla rivolta di Genova e su chi cercò di governarla is out
Info and orders:
Here you can see the covers:
From the introduction:
Where to start?
Memory can stay alive, without becoming a symbol or liturgy, as long as it remains linked to a vital desire for permanent conflictuality, self-management of the struggle and attack. If acting becomes doing, a simple repetition of schemas disconnected from a more complex project, then we might as well give up. Already such a big part of our lives is losing any sense so increasing the emptiness around us only means harming ourselves alone.

Continue reading Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021

Roubaix (Nord) France : National Police School hit with molotovs

Roubaix: They throw two Molotov cocktails at the police school and run off 4th of August 2021
The National Police Academy (ENP) in Roubaix (Nord), located in rue Joseph-Dubar, was targeted with two Molotov cocktails on Tuesday night, at around 00:30 according to our information. It was the head of the station at the reception desk who saw the perpetrators and gave the alert.

Continue reading Roubaix (Nord) France : National Police School hit with molotovs

Bologna, Italy – 2nd August and State massacres   

Banners and leaflets at the August 2 demo in remembrance of the massacres at the station of Bologna
If our solidarity with and closeness to the families and friends of the victims of State massacres is absolute and reconfirmed, precisely on a day like today, it is impossible to remain silent about the presence of characters who embody the State’s brutality rather than justice. The State massacre in the jails in March 2020 was filed away as an episode of mass overdose. This demonstrates both that the lives of those who are inside are really worth nothing for the institutions and that massacres are still a habitual practice for states in order to frighten those who rebel.   Continue reading Bologna, Italy – 2nd August and State massacres   

Italy: Against the State and its massacres Anarchist comizi in the streets of Trieste, autumn 2020

Translator’s note
Against the State. Well? For an anarchist these words are clear and simple, a prerequisite of anarchy you might say. But what if, rounded off with ‘and its massacres’, they are plastered on colossal city walls in posters and echoed forcefully in the shadow of a church by a stirring old man with a beard, microphone in hand? Who is this individual who dares bare his soul to the respectable citizens of Trieste?
He is an anarchist who has come together in affinity with others like him on this precise subject, united for a moment in their need to make themselves heard, say the truth to the winds in that city whose sea breezes have not yet swept away its lingering austerity, legacy of the old Austro-Hungarian empire of which it was a prominent part.

Continue reading Italy: Against the State and its massacres Anarchist comizi in the streets of Trieste, autumn 2020

EN: Issue 7 / Year 3 / April 2021 CONFRONTACIÓN Irregular anarchist publication / Chilean region

In this issue:
About the Extension of Control and the Response to Repression
March 29th of Memory and Confrontation
About the Constitutional Farce and the New Electoral Circus
Anarchist Activations: For the Destruction of The Existent or Nothing
Translated by Act For Freedom Now!

Here we are, once again, reaching unthinkable places in CONFRONTATION against all forms of power and authority. Yes, all forms of authority, including that which disguises itself as revolt and “revolution” trying to bring the struggles toward new and old ways of taking, controlling or constructing power. With clear anti-authoritarian conviction we tirelessly shout: neither command nor obey! Attack and destroy all forms of power!
In this new special issue, we continue agitating against and reflecting on elements of reality that we feel are important to view from an anarchist perspective, far from all dogma, rigidity or idealization. We hope that you like this new issue and that you receive it as a contribution to the propagation of the anarchist tension among diverse individuals, groups and territories.
Using the statistics from a new wave of cases in the COVID-19 pandemic to their advantage, the Chilean state managed to extend the “State of Catastrophe” into the month of June 2021. With this, the curfew and military presence – on top of the police presence – remain in the streets, something that we already experienced throughout the previous uprising and the pandemic. And so we arrive at a new period of repressive and sanitary management of the pandemic marked by the failed attempt to force schools to restart in-person classes, the start of vaccinations and the implementation of measures which restrict mobility, oblige confinement and punish disobedience. Punishments which, as we have seen, are imposed unequally in a society marked by privilege and the impunity of those who have historically held power.
Continue reading EN: Issue 7 / Year 3 / April 2021 CONFRONTACIÓN Irregular anarchist publication / Chilean region


Mientras escribo esta reflexión en el día que se cumple un año en el que el Estado chileno secuestro a Francisco y a mí, escucho las voces de compañerxs que se manifiestan afuera de la cárcel. Al otro lado de los barrotes, las rejas y los muros, hay manos y corazones inquietos accionando por quienes estamos dentro de las jaulas del capital. En esta ocasión, no solo llegaron hasta mi sus gritos, también recibí un panfleto ¡El viento trajo un hermoso e inesperado regalo! ¡Bella propaganda anarquista!

Para quienes hacemos o hemos hecho acciones de propaganda antiautoritaria, muchas veces no dimensionamos las consecuencias que pueden tener estas en otras personas. En un principio el objetivo de cualquier propaganda es entregar un mensaje, el que idealmente incite o inspire a otrxs a actuar en contra del actual sistema de terror. Pero, tal vez, el/la receptor de este mensaje no actué, no le haga efecto aquel llamado y siga como un espectador pasivx. En ese caso, vale la pena preguntarnos ¿Quizás la propaganda no fue lo suficientemente efectiva?, ¿Qué es lo que lleva a un individuo a enfrentar lo que lo domina? Como de la misma manera ¿Qué lleva a alguien a vivir pasivamente en un mundo de mísera y opresión? Continue reading CHILE : EL VIENTO TRAE BUENAS SEÑALES POR MÓNICA CABALLERO

(Thessaloniki Greece)Information from a gathering of solidarity with D. Hatzivassiliadis and his transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens.

The anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis passed on Thursday 12/08 in front of an investigator and prosecutor at Thessaloniki Court, supporting his actions based on his conscription policy and his political choice to expropriate a bank, due to his condition of illegality and survival as a fugitive. There has not yet been a decision on the length of his sentence. Some people in solidarity gathered outside the Courthouse, banners were hung, fliers were thrown and anarchist slogans were shouted. The forces of OPKE and MAT (Units for the Reinstatement of Order and special division of the Hellenic Police,)  had blocked all the entrances-exits around the perimeter of the building, as a result of which any live communication of the comrade with the people of the gathering was not possible.
As of 09/08/2021, the fighter was detained at the Thessaloniki Police Headquarters under the pretext of quarantine and could not receive any visitors and it was impossible for him to receive his basic items. This is a result of the wider strategy of the state, which tries to isolate captive militants and cause difficulties in their living conditions. Although they had informed the comrade that he would be quarantined for two weeks at GADTH, today, Friday 13/08, he was abducted at 6am without even receiving his things – while their receipt was scheduled for later the same day – and without knowing where he was being transferred.
From the latest information from people close to him: The comrade has been transferred to Korydallos to the underground wing of the women’s prison and is again in isolation.
Do not leave him alone in the hands of the state.
Strength and solidarity with the captured anarchist fighter Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis.
Via: athens.indymedia
Translation by Act for freedom now!

Solidarity with Boris : Bure (Meuse)

A few days before the beginning of the Rayonnantes camp, we send all our solidarity to Boris, imprisoned in Nacy-Maxéville since september 2020.
Boris was imprisoned in the context of repression against the wave of incendiary attacks on relay antennas, in his particular case those of the Mont Poupet, which Boris claimed. You can read his declaration here.
A few days ago, a fire started in Boris’ cell and he was transfered to Metz hospital. You can find a communique about his situation here.
You can also find more information on the procedure here.
Our struggles against this energy-consuming world, that pushes the commercialization and artificialization of the world, from Cigeo to relay antennas, are the same.
Our struggles for freedom and autonomy stand against every prison.
