Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy) it.en.de.

Actforfree : receve and spead: General solidarity info news in english here ———————————————————— PDF Operazione Scripta Scelera: revocate tutte le misure cautelari, l’8 ottobre la prossima udienza del processo di Massa  Dopo alcuni mesi senza la pubblicazione di aggiornamenti specifici sull’operazione Scripta Scelera, scattata l’8 agosto 2023 contro il quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”, informiamo che … Continue reading Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy) it.en.de.

Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th On March 8th the first hearing took place of the summary trial at the court of Massa  arranged for four of the ten under investigation for Scripta Scelera. As we know, one of the comrades. Luigi, has been transferred … Continue reading Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

[IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari Il 21 febbraio si è tenuta in corte di cassazione l’udienza sulle misure cautelari scaturita dal ricorso del PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova avverso l’ordinanza del tribunale del riesame del capoluogo ligure. Il 28 agosto le misure erano state annullate in riferimento al reato … Continue reading [IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

[IT, EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni (7 novembre 2023 Italy)

Operazione Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni (7 novembre 2023) Il 30 ottobre il tribunale del riesame di Genova ha disposto il trasferimento agli arresti domiciliari (con le restrizioni nelle comunicazioni, nelle visite e il braccialetto elettronico) per il compagno anarchico Gino Vatteroni, tradotto in carcere il … Continue reading [IT, EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni (7 novembre 2023 Italy)

Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023) The anarchist comrade Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria, in “Alta Sicurezza 2” [High-security 2], where many anarchist comrades have been imprisoned in the past and where … Continue reading Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

Italy: Update on the ”Scripta Scelera” operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023)

Update on the Scripta Scelera operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023) We inform you that on October 4th an aggravation of the precautionary measures has been notified concerning two of the anarchist comrades accused in the operation Scripta Scelera of the 8th of August … Continue reading Italy: Update on the ”Scripta Scelera” operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023)

EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)

solidarity poster scripta scelera english pdf (it can be printed as an A3 poster and as an A4 flyer). The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… Four house arrests with restrictions on visits, communication and the electronic bracelet, five obligations to stay in the municipality of residence combined with the obligation to return … Continue reading EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)

Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera” (Italy)

Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera”  We receive and circulate: SOLIDARITY WITH THE COMRADES STRUCK BY OPERATION “SCRIPTA SCELERA” On Tuesday 8th of August the umpteenth anti-anarchist operation was unleashed in a number of cities in Italy. With the magniloquent name of “Scripta Scelera” a new attack on anarchism has … Continue reading Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera” (Italy)

Italy: Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation ”Scripta Scelera” (29 August 2023) have been increased

Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation Scripta Scelera (29 August 2023) have been increased. This is to let you know that on August 29th the repressive measures concerning Michele, anarchist comrade involved in the Scripta Scelera investigation against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly magazine “Bezmotivny” have become more severe. In the … Continue reading Italy: Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation ”Scripta Scelera” (29 August 2023) have been increased

 Italy: Update on the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation ”Scripta Scelera” and details of the solidarity fund

Update on the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation ”Scripta Scelera” and details of the solidarity fund Informing you that the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation Scripta Scelera in relation  to the new repressive measures ordered by the judge for preliminary investigations Ghio concerning the procedure Scripta Scelera  … Continue reading  Italy: Update on the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation ”Scripta Scelera” and details of the solidarity fund