Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th

On March 8th the first hearing took place of the summary trial at the court of Massa  arranged for four of the ten under investigation for Scripta Scelera. As we know, one of the comrades. Luigi, has been transferred to the prison of Bologna to have him connected via video conference. A warning to the presence of those in solidarity at the hearings and a punishment for breaking the silence imposed through restrictive house arrest with two texts. During the hearing the comrade read out a statement which had already been circulated.

The judge rejected the defence lawyers’ request for an annullity of the hearing on the basis of the decision to let Luigi participate in video conference. The civil parties appeared and witness lists were submitted: the Avvocatura dello Stato joined the civil action on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic, claiming that “Bezmotivny” had damaged the State’s image and that of public administration. The expert was not commissioned to transcribe the wiretaps because the designated expert stressed the impossibility of finishing the work alone in the time available, which was six months: the judge expects to award a collegial assignment at the next hearing. In the meantime, the trial will continue without these being available. During the next hearing, the examinations of the prosecution witnesses will begin, in particular, the deputy commissioner Ardolino will be heard and inspector Canosa of the Rome department of public safety.

The hearing, which was in any case short-lived, was attended by some 20 in solidarity. For the next one, to be held on Friday March 29th again at 3pm, the judge ordered the transfer of all the defendants, including Luigi (who will be transported by the prison police), However, reserving the right to change their minds if ‘elements of risk to public security’ emerge. We stand in solidarity with the accused and will smash any attempt at isolation.

Here are the details for the cash support account of the comrades: carta postepay n. 5333 1711 9250 1035 – IBAN: IT12R3608105138290233690253 – Registered in the name of: Ilaria Ferrario.

[Received by e-mail and published in

Translated by Act for freedom now!