Greece: 28/7/22, Medical announcement for the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

28/7, The condition of Giannis Michailidis in the last 24 hours and according to the recent medical examinations, has deteriorated rapidly. His hypoglycaemia is now very severe with blood sugar levels around 50. At any moment he may fall into a hypoglycaemic coma, which of course (since he is isolated outside the clinic in the special detention area) may not be noticed in time and may not be able to be brought back up in time.

now – although he has a strong feeling of thirst – cannot drink a sufficient amount of water as even two sips cause gastroesophageal reflux. This results in severe dehydration, severe stress on the kidneys and severe pains in urination. The risk of renal failure is high and is exacerbated by metabolic disorders and severe ketoacidosis.

As a doctor, I address the Last Warm Request to the competent Judicial Council of the Court of Appeal of Lamia, towards an immediate and positive outcome of the case of Mr. Michailidis. Any further delay and negative decision will lead a young man to a certain, torturous and quick death.

The personal physician of Giannis Michailidis, Pantelia Vergopoulou

Director of EKAB – ESY, General Practitioner, Intensivist, Anesthetist
