Tag Archives: Trento

Rome, Italy: Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Rome,Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Dayvid, anarchist comrade arrested in Greece and imprisoned in Korydallos prison in Athens, was taken to Italy as soon as the judge denied the possibility to do his sentence in that country. He is now imprisoned in the prison of Civitavecchia.
To write to him:
Dayvid Ceccarelli
via Aurelia nord km 79,500, SNC
00053 Civitavecchia (Rome)

A reminder of the contact details of the solidarity fund:
Gaia Taino
Postepay numero 5333 1711 6663 2741
Iban IT38M3608105138230559830588

Dayvid Free
Everybody Free
Fire to the prisons

via:ilrovescio.infoTranslation by Act for freedom now!

Trento (Italy): solidarity attack against the military housing construction site

Trento : solidarity attack against the military housing construction site.

“Trento, night of August 2 to 3. Arson attack against the machinery on the construction site of new housing for the military in the south of the city of Trento. A tag “War on war” was left on the spot. Against the war between states, against the state and its war on those who still raise their heads, solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna.”

[Translated from Italian by Il Rovescio, August 15, 2022]


via: sansnom
Translation by act for freedom now!