Tag Archives: Thessaloniki.

Greece: Thanos Chatzianggelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack of persecutors.

I spent almost two and a half years as a prisoner in their cells of democracy. In hooded interrogation offices, in the corridors and halls of the inquisition, in cages and concrete tombs. And in all these years not a single moment has passed from my mind to bargain my political identity with what it carries as a legacy on it. Today I am back on the streets with a set of restrictions but my conscience is clear for what I have done.
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Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Thessaloniki, Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

The work of the judicial officials is clearly aimed at torturing and impoverishing all prisoners and in general all those who unfortunately have to face their fate.

Judges, prosecutors, appellants, all together have for years created a closed group of torturers, of course with the help and complicity of the governments of the day.
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Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for a raid on a MAT (riot cop) bus

The constant distortion of reality by the authorities and their sycophants everywhere.

On 22/10/2021 the 18 year old Roma Nikos Sampanis was shot with 36 bullets by the uniformed scum of the DIAS unit (motorcycle cops) in the area of Perama. This was preceded by the torture of Vassilis Maggos, which led to his death, followed by the rape at the Omonia Police Station, while on 22/09/2022 16-year-old Michalis was dragged and abandoned by an police vehicle in Ampelokipi in Thessaloniki, resulting in him breathing his last breath in hospital.

A little over a year after the murder of Sampanis, the 16-year-old Roma Kostas Fragoulis was murdered in Diavata, Thessaloniki on 05/06/2022 with a bullet in the head by a cop of the DIAS unit as he committed the crime of not paying for twenty euros worth of petrol.
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Panhellenic day of action 2nd June for hunger strike Giannis Michailidis Greece,Thessalonik)

From the gathering in solidarity with the hunger striker, Giannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since 23/5 /22
As part of the nationwide day of action, a solidarity gathering for Giannis Michailidis was held in Thessaloniki with the participation of more than 70 comrades.

During the intervention, Tsimiski Street was blocked several times at the level of Navarino street and hundreds of texts were handed out to passing drivers and residents of the area.


via: athens.indymedia

Berlin, Germany : Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners

Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners
Wednesday night, March 23, we set fire to a car of the company SPIE in Prenzlauer Berg. SPIE participates internationally in the construction and operation of prisons and other facilities for the purpose of total surveillance and control. Educational institutions, parks, transportation infrastructure, and consumer strips become places of discipline under the electronic eyes and sensors of a mix of private and state security systems. Where people could organize and shape their own lives, where they could resist and simply take what they are not granted under capitalism, companies like SPIE are contributing to the technological assault. Too little is opposed when it comes to the enemies of freedom. Let’s burn down their cars, let’s paralyze their infrastructure!

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Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki
Revolution or Barbarism
In recent years our days have been filled with news of deaths, with numbers of dead, with the words of “experts” who command arrogantly and boastfully from the power they have been given. They are filled with unreasonable orders and outrageous government impositions. We do not intend to extensively analyze positions on the health crisis. The tragic shortages of medical personnel, equipment and infrastructure, the “stain” of 100 deaths a day, i.e. the dire consequences of decades of privatization of public health care. The provocative strengthening of the private sector, exemplified by the big pharmaceutical companies and health giants, whose profits have reached historic highs. The re-emergence of the ‘strong’ state model to restore capitalist equilibria. The strengthening of centralised powers and the emergence of a new caste of all-round technocrats, with the role of abdicating and covering up the responsibilities of the state apparatus and shifting the responsibility for the spread of the virus to the individual. These are just some of the points that shape the management of the pandemic by the capitalist states.
Throughout the pandemic, the key issues that have dominated the public debate have been around public health, mental health and the effects of incarceration, the social exclusion of increasing segments of the population, growing class inequalities, the wider capitalist division of available resources, the role of science and technology, civil rights and the diminished role of bourgeois democracy in emergency situations. Continue reading Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

On 8/2 in the early morning hours, comrade Thanos Xatziagkelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari were arrested on the occasion of an arson attack at the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection and in the afternoon of the same day, comrade Panos Kalaitzis was arrested with a unique connection between his friendly and comradely relations with the former. In the following days the charges were upgraded to formation and membership of the Anarchist Action Organization and on Friday 11/2 the prosecutor ordered their pre-trial detention.
As a reflexive and minimal response we proceeded with coordinated attacks with hammers on :
1 atm in Agia Sofia Street in the Centre
2 atm on Agios Dimitrios Street in the Centre
1 atm in Triandria
1 atm at the War Museum
1 bank in Neapoli
1 supermarket and 1 atm in Neapoli
For us it is known that the state suppresses the internal enemy when it returns a share of the violence of power and criminalizes friendly and comrade connections.

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