Tag Archives: Nikos Romanos

Incendiary attack against Italferr, militarism, and nationalism. (Rome, Italy)

Rome, November 28, 2024 – Incendiary attack against Italferr, militarism, and nationalism

We live in times of integration, where the boundaries that usually divided the various domains of control are disappearing. We are in the era of cybernetics, of biotechnologies applied to the body, of transhumanism through which the machine continues its war against the living, trying to integrate with the biological.

These are also the times of actual war, times in which the private sector increasingly supports the public sector in establishing and pursuing the strategic objectives of the State. Capital has entered a new phase of competition, the surplus is struggling to find outlets, and the balance of power between capitalist blocs and their respective areas of influence is being redefined. And war is always a good business.
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Letter from anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos from Korydallos Prison (Greece)

Monday, November 18, was the day when time stopped for me once again. Hooded anti-terrorism officers, handcuffs, holding cells, television cameras, news bulletins, journalistic scripts, police theories. Behind this familiar pattern and the communicative storm of guilt, there is another reality.

They are the wounds that resurface and multiply, shattering families, destroying human relationships, annihilating dreams, hopes, plans of a life condemned once again to the death of frozen time.

Because the language of truth cannot be hidden, I repeat, I deny the indictment in its entirety. An unfounded, baseless, exaggerated, and unsubstantiated indictment that arises abusively, creating more questions than it actually answers. Following the established political logic of the anti-terrorism law, which creates a category of defendants that exists outside the legal system, since everyone is guilty until proven innocent. The language spoken by the system has already issued its verdict. I became a wandering trophy for all kinds of exploitation. An exhibit in the showcases of the museums of lies and oblivion. With the label of “terrorist” hanging on the annex “guilty of all times,” for observation by usually naive, but mainly scared and peace-loving visitors.
Continue reading Letter from anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos from Korydallos Prison (Greece)

Greece: Giannis Michaildis – Announcement of a hunger strike for my release

After 8.5 years in prison, after all these arbitrary actions against me, I decided to put an end to my 11 years of suffering, by putting a stop to the practice of pre-trial detention, or the additional punishment of escape through legal loopholes. After 5 more months of pre-trial detention, I start a hunger strike for my release. This choice, with the deep motivation of the much desired freedom, I intend to support it with the same consistency that I have supported my choices so far and for which I am being persecuted.

“Woe to those who will accept prison as a condition of life, and from the brightest sunlight, the smallest ray” – The rallying cry of the Alikarnassos prison uprising

For 11 years I have experienced state vengeance against choices in line with my values and ideas. The difficult journey, from which I choose to share some blatant vengeful acts of arbitrariness against me, began in the distant 2011, when an arrest warrant was issued against me for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case, for which I was eventually acquitted as there was not the slightest connection between me and the charge against me. It was the incrimination of a relationship of solidarity with wanted anarchists that put me in their place when they were arrested.

After 2 years of being on the run, I too am now walking through the heavy doors of prison, as the existence of a warrant that entails a decade of incarceration has led to certain choices and consequent mistakes. The comrades who were arrested at the time in the bank robbery in Velvento, Kozani, were tortured by the police, which is common, and then the Ministry of Public Order published photos of our swollen faces, provoking a public reaction. Of course, no police officer was accused of this by the blind Greek justice system. Continue reading Greece: Giannis Michaildis – Announcement of a hunger strike for my release