Tag Archives: Cop Attack

Claim of responsibility for the incendiary attack on a police post in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned members of FAI/IRF(Tasikmalaya, Indonesia)

I have dreamed of a world in flames, rolling in the infinite and

hurling red-hot meteors and sparks through the starry spaces.”

~ Bruno Filippi

We again claim the action of attacking a police post, on December 17, 2024 in the area of Tasikmalaya, West Java.

We are a small revolutionary cell formed from the consciousness of resistance, a fusion of collectives and free individuals! There will be more attacks to destroy the state and its instruments!

Continue reading Claim of responsibility for the incendiary attack on a police post in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned members of FAI/IRF(Tasikmalaya, Indonesia)

Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

“Soon Anarchists we rush to the fight for victory or death with petrol and dynamite every class and the government to eradicate..”Anarchist Song

As the Mediterranean is increasingly a mass grave crammed with the corpses of the oppressed from the global south , Gaza is being razed to the ground worldwide and winds of war blow baleful to every corner of the globe leading the world’s proletarians to slaughter at the hands of master interests, we have decided to act, to attack. Identifying in the military of any side an enemy to be put down for anyone with a tension of freedom, without leaving aside the specific responsibilities of the homegrown weapon, we have decided to direct our hatred and vengeance against the military personnel of the Carabinieri Corps.

In a present in which every revolutionary hypothesis seems like a vain chimera, we have decided to keep fighting: they may deprive us of the hope for a radically different world but not of the thirst for revenge that we feel against those who perpetuate the oppression of one class over another and its defenders (such as the law enforcement) and those who enrich themselves by plundering the planet in a
dastardly manner.
Continue reading Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for a raid on a MAT (riot cop) bus

The constant distortion of reality by the authorities and their sycophants everywhere.

On 22/10/2021 the 18 year old Roma Nikos Sampanis was shot with 36 bullets by the uniformed scum of the DIAS unit (motorcycle cops) in the area of Perama. This was preceded by the torture of Vassilis Maggos, which led to his death, followed by the rape at the Omonia Police Station, while on 22/09/2022 16-year-old Michalis was dragged and abandoned by an police vehicle in Ampelokipi in Thessaloniki, resulting in him breathing his last breath in hospital.

A little over a year after the murder of Sampanis, the 16-year-old Roma Kostas Fragoulis was murdered in Diavata, Thessaloniki on 05/06/2022 with a bullet in the head by a cop of the DIAS unit as he committed the crime of not paying for twenty euros worth of petrol.
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Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

In the early morning of September 12, at 2:40 a.m., we placed an incendiary device composed of four half-liter plastic bottles with gasoline, tied with adhesive tape, which were set on fire by means of a wick that we assembled with 5 matches and 3 incenses tied with rubber bands.

We placed this rudimentary device behind one of the front wheels to ensure that the main damage was in the engine area.

Although all of their cars are incendiary, the choice of a Special Anti-Violence Force van is not random. There is no exception, every police force is the enemy and we don’t buy their song and dance about fighting against gender violence. The patriarchy will fall when the last stone of this prison society falls. We abhor their gendered capitalism. We abhor its State spawn forced on unfathomable differences to satisfy the needs of post-colonial oligarchies. We do not demand anything from the institutions, we do not want any police in our neighborhoods and communities with the story of women’s security. You, murderous cops, are the phallus (now scorched) of patriarchy!

Continue reading Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Nowadays, the state apparatus and its minions think they are immune. They act against all those who do not accept the miseries they impose on us and who dare to stand up to the vindictive regime. Cops, investigators, prosecutors and journalists have created a regime alliance with the sole aim of repression and the disappearance of dignity. This must stop immediately and these scum must understand that their actions will have the expected consequences. We can come into your homes, your businesses, and attack whenever and however we want without you being able to stop us. Get this through your heads.

We take responsibility for the explosive device in the house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis in Melissia, who was the head of the ΟΠΚΕ team, on 18/3/22, during the transfer of our comrade Fotis Tziotzi to the interrogation room, after his arrest for the bank expropriations in Athens this summer. This cop, after the adventure with the attempted snatching of his gun by the comrade that happened outside the interrogator’s office, ran to testify against the comrade, thus charging him with additional charges. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki
Revolution or Barbarism
In recent years our days have been filled with news of deaths, with numbers of dead, with the words of “experts” who command arrogantly and boastfully from the power they have been given. They are filled with unreasonable orders and outrageous government impositions. We do not intend to extensively analyze positions on the health crisis. The tragic shortages of medical personnel, equipment and infrastructure, the “stain” of 100 deaths a day, i.e. the dire consequences of decades of privatization of public health care. The provocative strengthening of the private sector, exemplified by the big pharmaceutical companies and health giants, whose profits have reached historic highs. The re-emergence of the ‘strong’ state model to restore capitalist equilibria. The strengthening of centralised powers and the emergence of a new caste of all-round technocrats, with the role of abdicating and covering up the responsibilities of the state apparatus and shifting the responsibility for the spread of the virus to the individual. These are just some of the points that shape the management of the pandemic by the capitalist states.
Throughout the pandemic, the key issues that have dominated the public debate have been around public health, mental health and the effects of incarceration, the social exclusion of increasing segments of the population, growing class inequalities, the wider capitalist division of available resources, the role of science and technology, civil rights and the diminished role of bourgeois democracy in emergency situations. Continue reading Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki