Tag Archives: Athens

Athens, Greece: ‘Direct Action Cells’ – Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the house of MEP Eliza Wozemberg

“Dead children don’t go away. They stay at home

and have a separate preference for playing in the closed hallway

and every day they grow in our hearts, so

that the pain under our ribs is no longer from deprivation

but from growth.”

Giannis Ritsos

The Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the placing of an incendiary device at the entrance of the house of Eliza Wozemberg in the Varkiza area in the early morning hours of 26 February. We visited this piece of trash to place our small piece in the mosaic of acts of revenge against those who have cynically stained their hands with blood in the murder of 57 people in Tempe and have tried to cover each other’s asses in a coordinated manner. The chronicle of the crime and its cover-up is pretty much known. The vanguard to save the shattered government’s reputation is made up of some shit-sucking mouthpieces of the right-wing bloc, whether they are MPs and ministers or journalists (like an old acquaintance of ours, Portosalte, who doesn’t seem to have a brain) or even “simple and humble” executives and party members who in the social media also reproduce the party’s main line of laundering the money of those directly involved and attacking the victims’ relatives.

Wozenberg could not stand back and keep a low profile. She stood out from this shitty crowd and attacked Karystianou, the mother of one of the victims and president of the Association of Relatives of the Tempi victims, accusing her of deceit, of slandering the country internationally and of having no right to accuse Kostas Karamanlis. For our part, we responded to Wozenberg as she deserves. We answered her because the dead in Tempi could have been us, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our friends and comrades. We ask no one for an account to avenge our dead. This is our answer to Wozemberg. With fire, as she deserves.
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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the Hellenic Train offices

February 28th marks two years since the deadly crime of Tempi. Two years later and the causes of the collision between a Hellenic Train passenger train and a commercial train remain unclear. Unclear precisely because the main perpetrators of this crime are the capitalist policies of the state and its capital.

57 people died and how many others were seriously injured, with the government trying to cover up the causes of the tragedy, defending once again the private capital of the big bourgeoisie. The latest developments that have come to light leave no room for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Whether it is fuel smuggling or the transport of any flammable materials, Hellenic Train, New Democracy and capital are covering up their crime.
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Athens, Greece: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Forward, everyone!
Both with arms and with heart,
word and pen,
knife and gun,
irony and blasphemy,
theft, poisoning and arson,
let us wage… war on society!

~Josheph Dejacque (1821-1864), libertarian anarcho-communist

In a world of constant impoverishment, class inequalities, oppression and exploitation, social fascism advances through the dictates of the state apparatus, capital and its mouthpieces, leaving room for more and more impoverishment and repression. The reformist compromises of the once more radical sections of society, together with stupidification, selfish individualism and worship of oppressors, make it no longer able to conceive of conflict with all of the above.

Our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris and anarchist comrade Marianna M. are an example of selflessness, revolutionary ethos and political commitment in all aspects of the struggle. From anarchist assemblies, to solidarity with prisoners, to struggles in defense of immigrants, labor gains, to the struggle against gentrification and repression, our comrades gave “body and soul” keeping the flame of the revolutionary cause always alight. The events of October 31st froze our hearts but at the same time convinced us to continue the struggle of Kyriakos and Marianna and so many other comrades over the years who gave their lives or were imprisoned in the battle for individual and social liberation, revolution and anarchy.
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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24


On 25/01/2025 at noon we chose to intervene with sledgehammers and paints at the television station ACTION 24 on Skiathou Street. Our movement was a minimal act of opposition to a medium that systematically reproduces the dominant discourse, consciously supports any decisions of the state, constantly kills characters at the discretion of the authorities, systematically incriminates and denounces victims of trafficking.

The reason for this event was the appeal of the cop-rapist Bougioukos in the case of the 19-year-old girl from Ilioupoli. The channel in question hosted Bougioukos last year after his conviction, in an interview of the rapist-pimp laundering, attempting firstly to recreate his character and reverse reality by incriminating the 19-year-old survivor and abusing her once again. The status of the cop who arrested the bastard seems to have been enough for the channel to placate him as the wrongdoer in the case.
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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24


On 25/01/2025 at noon we chose to intervene with sledgehammers and paints at the television station ACTION 24 on Skiathou Street. Our movement was a minimal act of opposition to a medium that systematically reproduces the dominant discourse, consciously supports any decisions of the state, constantly kills characters at the discretion of the authorities, systematically incriminates and denounces victims of trafficking.

The reason for this event was the appeal of the cop-rapist Bougioukos in the case of the 19-year-old girl from Ilioupoli. The channel in question hosted Bougioukos last year after his conviction, in an interview of the rapist-pimp laundering, attempting firstly to recreate his character and reverse reality by incriminating the 19-year-old survivor and abusing her once again. The status of the cop who arrested the bastard seems to have been enough for the channel to placate him as the wrongdoer in the case.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24

Letter from anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos from Korydallos Prison (Greece)

Monday, November 18, was the day when time stopped for me once again. Hooded anti-terrorism officers, handcuffs, holding cells, television cameras, news bulletins, journalistic scripts, police theories. Behind this familiar pattern and the communicative storm of guilt, there is another reality.

They are the wounds that resurface and multiply, shattering families, destroying human relationships, annihilating dreams, hopes, plans of a life condemned once again to the death of frozen time.

Because the language of truth cannot be hidden, I repeat, I deny the indictment in its entirety. An unfounded, baseless, exaggerated, and unsubstantiated indictment that arises abusively, creating more questions than it actually answers. Following the established political logic of the anti-terrorism law, which creates a category of defendants that exists outside the legal system, since everyone is guilty until proven innocent. The language spoken by the system has already issued its verdict. I became a wandering trophy for all kinds of exploitation. An exhibit in the showcases of the museums of lies and oblivion. With the label of “terrorist” hanging on the annex “guilty of all times,” for observation by usually naive, but mainly scared and peace-loving visitors.
Continue reading Letter from anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos from Korydallos Prison (Greece)

Chile: A death in action is an eternal call to struggle. Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna. EN/ES

A death in action is an eternal call to struggle.
Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna.

Kyriakos has left us, he died in an apartment last Thursday. Marianna is seriously wounded in the Evangelismos hospital. Both anarchist comrades present in different scenarios of the struggle. We receive the news with sadness and closeness because the last breath of her life could have been eventually also the last of several of us. Our feelings cannot be more than immense affection and admiration because we know that those who walk the path of the anarchist offensive are valuable and unique in their qualities, contradictions and contributions to the struggle.

Our era is marked by the naturalization of war and death in the service of conflicts between powers, turning loss into a figure, forgetting names and identities. On the other hand, in this, our war against power, we do not forget any face, we do not forget any name. From now on, every 31st of October will be a day in which we, the anarchists of the world are summoned to take a step forward and take up arms against the states, capital and authority, internationally braiding the horizon of anarchy and freedom through attack. None of our dead will be a reference to an old history, they are the present of action and combat.
Continue reading Chile: A death in action is an eternal call to struggle. Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna. EN/ES

Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)

In a society that champions the urban landscape as the sole way of existence, our liberty and very essence endure relentless oppression day after day. To turn a blind eye to this truth is to allow this tyranny to thrive and progress. It’s degrading to merely endure this survival state instead of truly living. We must rebel against it by any means necessary.

Therefore, on 26/5, we executed an incendiary attack on the equipment situated at the construction site of the Elikonos station within the forthcoming line 4 of the metro. We harbor no delusions that this strike will halt the advancement of the new line project, yet we grasp that it represents a stride in the correct direction. Every development zone of this nature leads to the gentrification of the surrounding locality, causing small enterprises to flounder and rents to soar to exorbitant levels. It is our obligation to stand as the barrier against this dystopian future until absolute emancipation.
Continue reading Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)

Larissa prison,Greece:Thanos Chatzianggelou: The right of one is a matter for all of us – start of a hunger strike

Hunger strike of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Thanos Chatzianggelou alongside his comrade Giannis Michailidis.

Our struggles are like journeys. They carry all their contents along the road and not at the destination. And the value of a journey is in sharing it. It is the wild beauty of togetherness.

There is no more room for words – only actions. Today we each have to give a little something, so that some of us don’t have to give everything. And whatever the end, we will be by each other’s side to face it together.

From today, Sunday 11/6, I am starting a hunger strike alongside comrade Giannis Michailidis, demanding the immediate satisfaction of his rights.

No vacillation between duties and dispositions

The right of one concerns all of us

Thanos Chatzianggelou , captured member of the Anarchist Action Organization

Third Wing, Larissa Prison (Γ’ Πτέρυγα, Φυλακές Λάρισας)



via: athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary act by Anarchists

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

Without further words, we want to take responsibility for an incendiary act. On the night of December 18th, we tracked down and burned a Cosmote van(telecommunication company)  in Kaisariani area.

Revenge for Kostas Fragoulis and all those murdered, beaten and tortured by the uniformed bastards of democracy.

Power to the 4 comrades for the case of the Piraeus traffic police, power to the hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and Thanos Hatzianggelou, who started a hunger and thirst strike on 19/12.



Translated by Act for freedom now!