Tag Archives: Alfredo M. Bonanno

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

ES: (Chile) Entrevista a Espacio Fénix

Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world.

The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.

Without further ado, we have in this first venture of dialogues the comrades of Espacio Fénix.

1-How and when did Espacio Fénix arise, and what projects converge in the space?
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$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

“Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

On December 16, 2009 I was expelled from Argentina after 21 months of confinement in different units of the province of Neuquén to be at the disposal of the Chilean state and it has been 14 years since then.

In 2014 I was sentenced to 14 years for two bank robberies. Strictly speaking, I am serving this sentence in its entirety, from beginning to end, without any benefit and it ends today December 16, 2023 and still the state keeps me behind bars.

According to the gendarmes, I must serve 12 more years of imprisonment to be able to apply for some intrapenitentiary benefit only in 2036. According to their retroactive modifications of the illegal Chilean law, in 2056 I will definitively expire my sentences, all of them from events that occurred more than 30 years ago.

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Lecce , Italy : For Alfredo M. Bonanno

For Alfredo

It seemed impossible that this moment would come.  Speaking with Alfredo  has always given me the idea of the present, the moment to grasp.  I think many of us owe a lot to the reading of his texts and the long discussions that always left something new. The most crucial thing I learned was always to start from myself.

The large amount of writings and reflections and the huge number of anecdotes and experiences, will ensure that Alfredo remains among us, fortunately, to provide advice and suggestions, to open glimpses and passages but also to raise doubts, make efforts of reflection and imagination, build projects, maintain commitments, equip themselves with tools, destroy cages. Because as he himself said “this is about a method, the anarchist and insurrectional one, but basically it is an experience that we are talking about, not theories that clash or get along. An experience that continues over time and becomes action”. That experience for which at a certain point it is necessary “to close the book”.

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Chile: Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

One death always makes us think of many more and it is the beautiful thing in the midst of sadness, our dead come out to dialogue, with us and with each other.

Bonnano did not share the relationship that many comrades on this earth have with those who have died.

Ironically today, his physical departure, makes us remember so many moments around his analysis, also the discussion with him in 2013, after his expulsion, the harshness of his phrases, but the beauty of the meeting, even in virtuality.
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UK: Letter from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone for comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno

Farewell, Alfredo

I heard today by telephone as the morning winter sun shone through grey clouds into the confines of my cell that our comrade Alfredo Bonanno passed away during sleep surrounded by the love of his close ones. I too send my incendiary embrace to all those who feel his loss and assert that a combative memory will remain.

Alfredo’s contributions to the anarchist movement are undeniable, critical, insightful, and prescient. One of Alfredo’s texts, ‘What are Anarchists?‘ had appeared in an investigation file against me for which I was accused of distributing. His booklet published under the title ‘Locked Up‘ by Elephant Editions is one of the most important documents on the topic of imprisonment in my opinion.

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