Tragic comedy :


She is an advisor to the Prince sent across the border, who today claims to be very ‘shaken’. Thanks to her gracious services, she thought she deserved only praise, honours, interviews, applause. She never thought she would be woken up out of the blue in the middle of the night because one of her cars had been set on fire. Never would she have thought of taking such an ‘unexpected’ ‘risk’. After all, she is only a diplomat, the foreign representative of a State. Who could ever blame her just for that?

Clearly there is – in Athens, but not only –, someone who holds every high official of State responsible for the infamies committed by the State they represent. A car engulfed in flames sufficed to irritate and upset the diplomat’s colleagues to the point of making a Greek tragedy of it (without a fatal ending, albeit, for now). Among them, there are those who declare they are ‘astonished’ at the lack of respect for institutions and those who are ‘worried’ after discovering that these are not so unreachable. But is voluntary servitude really not universal? But are the hyper-securitised neighbourhoods built by fascist regimes really not impregnable?

In any case, let it be clear. Damaging a diplomat’s car is an ‘intimidatory’ act; burying an anarchist in prison for his ideas is not. Preparing and throwing a couple of molotovs is an ‘unacceptable’ act; producing and selling armaments is not. Defying authority is a gesture that ‘cannot be justified’; devastating the environment, polluting the air, poisoning the earth is not… After the victims who become helpers of executioners, all we need now are executioners posing as victims!

But if the police have no doubts about the ‘anarchist matrix’ of that attack, neither do we have any doubt about the ‘matrix’ of social oppression, economic exploitation, human alienation, emotional misery.

Translated y Act for freedom now!