Soleil noir n°3, irregular anarchist newsletter – March 2022 (France)

Soleil noir n°3, irregular anarchist newsletter – March 2022
“With quite a delay to the digital delivery, here is the n°3 of Soleil noir of last March which has already been circulating in print since that date…
In it you will find texts around the health pass, the struggles that opposed it and their contradictions, the revolt in Guadeloupe and Martinique, the New Right, Youssef who died in detention in Caen, solidarity with Claudio Lavazza who is awaiting trial, border control devices, elections and their eternal absurdity, and finally a few short reports of direct action taken against this shitty world…
SN “
To write to them:
You can download n°1 of July 2020 and n°2 of May 2021
via: sansnom