Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany

Attack on the Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin – Sabotage as Strike – Life as Sabotage

Le enviamos saludos de apoyo, solidaridad y libertad. We send you greetings of support, solidarity and freedom. No estáis solos: ¡juntos liberaremos la Tierra! You are not alone – together we will liberate the earth! Give back the earth! ¡Devuelvan la tierra!

Our action is a powerful salute in support of the Indigenous struggles in Colombia against coal mining and a sabotage of the German climate and industrial policies. In response to the eviction of Lützerath, this action is a belated receipt, and a declaration of solidarity with the “Last Generation”.

This morning, on 12.06.2023. we glued an incendiary device to the Reuter coal power plant in Berlin and set it on fire. At the scene we didn’t leave behind any superglue but in the early morning hours we ignited a large incendiary device. With this we wanted to hit the Reuter coal-fired power plant in the industrial and commercial area around the “Wiesendamm” and the “Freiheit”: We did not find any Wiesendamm (meadows) or Freiheit (freedom) there, only an excavation pit about three to four meters deep, in which more than ten power cables were exposed. To set the fire, we descended with a ladder into the shaft, which was about two by two meters wide.
Continue reading Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany


Unravel is a counter-information project with an insurrectional perspective that aims to connect acts of negation and attack in the so-called USA. Those in power want our acts to remain disparate and disconnected, the spark that drives each of us shielded from the other’s view. By weaving together the threads of action, this project hopes to draw throughlines in the struggles that anarchists engage in, in order to broaden and amplify shared projectualities.

Domination and authority cross us in a tangled and knotted web of ever more interconnected systems; unraveling this network at one point has the potential to create a cascade that throws everything into disarray, opening spaces for freedom. This website is explicitly anarchist, and accepts/reposts communiques, reportbacks, analysis, calls to action, events, and mass media articles about unclaimed acts of vandalism, sabotage, arson, or destruction.

Actforfree receive and spread.

Larissa court, Greece : Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision.

Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision.

The hearing on 14 June began with the lawyers’ speeches. After a long break, the court found comrade P. Kalaitzis not guilty and comrades Gewrgia Voulgaris and Thanos Chatzianggelou guilty.
Continue reading Larissa court, Greece : Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision.

Athens, Greece: Commando attack in Koukaki area in Athens by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Commando attack in Koukaki area in Athens by Anarchists

On Thursday 8 June, 23  in solidarity with the anarchist militant Giannis Michailidis, we carried out a raid on Veikou Street in Koukaki, destroying the facades of an elta, a realestate office, a vodafone shop, an s/m bazaar and 2 ATMs.

The above attack on capitalist objectives is aimed at putting pressure on the state mechanisms and those of the justice system that judges, sentences and releases according to political and class criteria, but also at highlighting the hunger strike as a political issue. Giannis’s health condition, already aggravated by last year’s long hunger strike, is in a bad state after more than 30 days of hunger strike. Our comrade’s justice is a fact, he is not alone, he will be supported to the end.





Translated by Act for freedom now!

Lozanne (Rhône) France : Lafarge attacked

Lozanne (Rhône): Lafarge attacked

News flash:
During the night of June 4 to 5, an electricity pylon caught fire. The cables running down from the pylon were ignited. It was in Lozanne.

The target was the Lafarge cement plant and quarry. This site is one of the most polluting in France. Lafarge wants to expand the site.
We followed the line and found the weak point.

That morning, the cops were raiding homes all over France in relation to the ransacking of a Lafarge site in December 2022.

Radio silence despite the short-circuit boom. Now you know.

Lozanne (Rhône) : Attaque Lafarge

Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex (USA)

Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex

Computers and the Internet form a battleground dominated by global capitalism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, cis-hetero-patriarchy, and eugenicist ableism. Yet any militant struggle involves operating on enemy territory.

This is a call to take creative and destructive action against the computer systems of the organizations building cop city. Websites can be defaced or decommissionsed; servers can be broken into; accounts can be compromised. Hackers, let’s fucking go.

Extensive lists of cop city supporters can be found here and here.

Continue reading Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex (USA)

Sassari (Italy): a bug found in a comrade’s car

Sassari:a bug found in a comrade’s car

1. antenna, 2. connected microphone, 3. positive and negative terminals for power supply, 4. strong magnets to stick the device to the car, 5. transmitter with SIM card and GPS.

All this was found by comrades in their car. It’s not impossible that the same kind of device has been installed in other vehicles. The device was found last week.

Announcement for the end of the hunger and thirst strike by Anarchist Giannis Michailidis.

Giannis Michailidis – announcement for the end of the hunger and thirst strike.

As I complete a cycle of struggles for my release, I feel the need to express my gratitude to those people who fought hard for it all the time in and out of prisons.

The positive outcome of this battle is due to those who have experienced the consequences of repression, to the wider solidarity stream created, to the prisoners who chose to fight with the same means of hunger or thirst strike at my side. But the decisive contribution to every hunger strike belongs to those who suffered, were exterminated, murdered or maimed fighting with this means of struggle. To these people I owe my freedom.

Giannis Michailidis
Translated by Act for freedom now!

On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos …(Peloponnese ,Greece)

On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos

The world of the State and capitalism is constant and murderous

Over 79 Dead after a shipwreck with migrants southwest of Pylos

The exploited and the oppressed continue to pay with their blood to maintain and reproduce the barbaric exploitative oppressive system that represses, murders and impoverishes. This is demonstrated by the dozens of murders of workers in the sweatshops of modern slavery, which in the first quarter of 2023 alone reached 57 [in Greece].

This is amply demonstrated by the thousands of deaths due to the criminal management of the pandemic and the total abandonment and dismantling of public health, the dozens of victims of state capitalist crime in Tempi, the murdered Roma by the uniformed bastards of ELAS, (greek police forces) the drowning and murders of migrants and refugees in the sea and land borders of Fortress Europe.

Villepinte (France): Anarchist comrade Ivan Alocco is out of prison.

Villepinte (France): Ivan is out of prison

I was released from prison on June 12.

The investigating judge issued an order placing me under judicial supervision.
The restrictions are :
– a ban on traveling to the Île-de-France neighborhood
– a ban on leaving mainland France
– I must report to the gendarmes once a week
– I have to hand in my passport and identity card at the court clerk’s office.

The investigating judge’s decision to let me out of prison, quite surprising in view of her recent opposition to a request for release, is perhaps due to her desire to “cover up” the incompetence of the JLD. In fact, my lawyers have lodged an appeal for a procedural defect following the last extension of my preventive detention (the January 24 hearing). If the appeal had been accepted, which it probably would have, it would have confirmed that the JLD and her clerk’s office don’t know how to read…

For the time being, the investigation remains open.
Continue reading Villepinte (France): Anarchist comrade Ivan Alocco is out of prison.