Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

[Hamburg-Germany] Tracking-Technik an Motorroller entdeckt

Im Sitz eines Motorrollers wurde in den vergangenen Tagen ein
sogenanntes „AirTag“ der Firma Apple gefunden. Der Roller wird genutzt von einer Hamburger Anarchistin, die in der Vergangenheit bereits von Überwachungs- und Ermittlungsmaßnahmen betroffen war.

Das kleine, flache Gerät von einem ungefähren Durchmesser von 3
Zentimetern und einer Höhe von weniger als 1 Zentimeter wurde durch einen augenscheinlich mit einem Cuttermesser oder ähnlichem angebrachten
Schlitz ins das Sitzpolster des Motorrollers gesteckt.
Die Vermutung, dass eine Ermittlungsbehörde oder der Verfassungsschutz für die Platzierung verantwortlich ist liegt nahe.

Apple vertreibt die AirTags ursprünglich zu dem Zweck, Gegenstände wie
Schlüsselbund, Brieftasche oder ähnliches in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des eigenen Smartphones zu orten. Es funktioniert über Bluetooth und hat zunächst eine unmittelbare, maximale Reichweite von ungefähr 100 Metern im Freien.
Continue reading Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

Inden (Germany): arson of the the cable duct of the lignite mine

Inden : arson of the the cable duct of the lignite mine

Layer 2: Burned out conduits – a new cable duct on fire!

We continue to warm up the shitty RWE company!

As promised, we are continuing to heat up the shitty company RWE [German energy company]. We would like to emphasize once again that RWE is just an example for all other capitalists who can suffer the same fate at any time.

On the night of April 23-24, we burned out the cable which connects the infrastructure of the Inden rat hole [an RWE-owned open-cast lignite mine in North Rhine-Westphalia]. We hope to have caused a lot of damage and chaos for the company. Every year, 20 million tons of coal are extracted from the earth in the Inden rat hole to feed the RWE-owned Weisweiler coal power plant and the bank accounts of the financial elite. In 2020 alone, open-cast mining was responsible for 11.2 million tons of CO2 emissions.

Continue reading Inden (Germany): arson of the the cable duct of the lignite mine

EN/ CAT/ : AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023 Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y.

AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023
Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y. at Kan Seitan,
Pedrinyá (Pla de l’Estany, Girona)

Oops comrades and friends!
After some doubts whether to continue with the project…
The main thing is the continuation of the resistance against their absurd system imposed on the entire world population of many species. The human being and his modern toys are a danger to life on earth, even to himself.
We express our rage like wild beings in a domesticated and enslaved
world. We cannot look at the other side when our very existence
is used by some very rich psychopaths for the destruction of basic needs for the human and non-human population. And these medieval relation-
ships are found in all corners of the world, their disgusting authorities and their representatives, a perfect theater of political thieves, the state and private mafias.
We have to stand up to them, anyway.

We call for AGRO-CRUST from JUNE 9 to 11, 2023!

As always, we invite everyone to actively participate in the preparations and/or activities (bands, singer-songwriters, workshops, talks, exhibitions,

Continue reading EN/ CAT/ : AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023 Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y.

Santiago, Chile: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison

Santiago: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison

Received 09/05/2023

The evening of May 8, 2023, Memoria Anticarcelaria held a demonstration for anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 prisoners assassinated in the fire at San Miguel Prison.

The activity passed in front of the prison, in the street, without permission, this being a small space of memory won thanks to the courage of family members who lived through the greatest prison tragedy that ever occurred in this ill-fated territory.
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison

Ears and Eyes moves to the CSRC!


Starting today, the Ears and Eyes project is now hosted by the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). The present website will not be updated anymore. The new address is:

This new website has a modern design, is easier for us to update and brings advanced search features to our database, allowing you to filter and search through our 100 cases of surveillance devices hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Feel free to check out CSRC’s other projects, including their database of resources on targeted surveillance and their Threat Library (a threat modeling tool for anarchists).

As usual, you can get in touch with us if you have feedback, criticisms or information to give us. We also welcome translations in any languages. You can now contact us at CSRC’s email address – – or use our old address if you prefer.

France,Béziers (Hérault) : attack the new police station!

A car deliberately set on fire against the new police station
France Bleu, May 5, 2023 (excerpt)

The district of La Devèze in Béziers was the scene of numerous acts of violence on Thursday night. About fifty hooded individuals organized a real ambush shortly after 11:30 pm, trying to entrap the municipal and national police and the firemen.
Continue reading France,Béziers (Hérault) : attack the new police station!

Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership by anarchists

Athens, Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership.

The future dystopia of a life fully controlled by smart cities, 5G, in which your refrigerator communicates with your mobile phone or a street lamp, and supermarkets offer you everything you want from the (anti)social media, is already here. Everything is more and more connected and everything is monitored. It is a future where people will be controlled by the artificial intelligence of big capital – big data and machine learning. Whatever information capital collects is shared with the State. Technology means repression, blackmail and total social control.

At the same time, the ecological war for resources called green energy is nothing more than a new form of slavery on other continents, allowing Western capitalism to be as independent as Russian gas or oil-producing countries. All this is another great stage of capitalism – green capitalism. It is the exploitation of the climate crisis and biological extinction by capital and the State.

When the N.D. government took power, an unprecedented upgrading of the repressive apparatus in numbers and technical equipment began. The cops are used as a solution to every “problem”: The pandemic, the universities, demonstrations and protests of every kind, the gentrification of Athens. Cops are the number one medicine for everything.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership by anarchists

(Hamburg-Germany) Neither guilty nor innocent! Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

Hamburg: Neither guilty nor innocent! Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

Neither guilty nor innocent!
Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

On July 24, 2020, three houses in Santiago de Chile were stormed and the two anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested. They have been in custody since then. They are accused of actions against representatives of state repression, including Rodrigo Hinzpeter, Chile’s former interior minister, and a station of the Carabineros de Chile. The two revolutionaries are also accused of other explosive charges. On May 19, the trial of our two comrades-in-arms will begin. We
want to inform ourselves about their situation, their
history and ideas as well as the trial and give space to our solidarity.
There will be a contribution (via video) by fellow activists from Chile,
and we will also read texts by the two prisoners.
We also want to eat together.

27.05.23, ab 16 h

Anarchistsiche Bibliothek Die Sturmflut
im Libertären Zentrum //Karo-Viertel
Karolinenstr. 21 (Hinterhaus) nähe U2- Messehallen

Chile : New date for the Oral Trial against Anarchist compañerxs Mónica and Francisco

New date for the Oral Trial against compañerxs Mónica and Francisco

Accused of sending explosive packages against former Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter and the 58th police station, as well as the bombing of the Tanica building, Compañerxs Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar are facing trial for these actions.

Although the trial was initially scheduled for 19 May 2023, at the request of the defence, it was possible to reschedule on 18 July 2023.

Complicity with those who attack the powerful and repressive!
Solidarity with Monica and Francisco

via: publicacionrefractario

Berlin (Germany): the police equipment manufacturer Peugeot goes up in smoke

Berlin:the police equipment manufacturer Peugeot goes up in smoke

[Friday, April 21, 2023, shortly after 4 am, flames lit up the night sky of the Marzahn district in Berlin. Indeed, 37 new vehicles, 25 of which were completely destroyed, were set on fire on the parking lot of a Peugeot dealer on Landsberger Allee. The fire department fought the blaze for more than six hours, and the damage amounts to several million euros.

This attack against the French car manufacturer, official supplier of cars and vans for cops in Greece, Germany, Iran or the prison administrator ISS, was claimed the next day by the Aggressive Action Cell “Zineb Redouane” (named after the woman who was hit in the head by a tear gas grenade on December 2, 2018 in Marseille, while trying to close her window on the 4th floor, and who died the next day). A translation of this communique is below].

You are the crisis – Episode 17: the police equipment manufacturer Peugeot

de.indymedia, 22 april 2023

With a series of attacks worldwide against car dealers and authorized suppliers of certain vehicle brands, the outline of a strategic line has opened up in recent years: those who enable police mobility and transportation are treated as enemies. In the market of police equipment suppliers, a handful of groups compete for the attention of the state’s lethal squads.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): the police equipment manufacturer Peugeot goes up in smoke