Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures
Among the tedious publications that the French state releases every year to offer a semblance of democratic veneer is the annual report of the Commission Nationale de Contrôle des Techniques de Renseignement (CNCTR), the body created in 2015 to monitor the proper use of spying measures deployed by these agencies. The release of its 2022 Annual Report on June 15 may have passed somewhat unnoticed, but it’s still worth extracting a few bits of information. All the more so since the report details the official array of surveillance measures carried out on their own initiative, upstream and as a preventive measure, by all the intelligence agencies, leaving us to imagine how this expansion can then be translated into additional prolonged surveillance in a judicial rather than administrative framework (in the form of opening a preliminary investigation or inquiry, which the person who is targeted will not immediately be aware of).
To begin with, let us remind you of the list of agencies concerned by the following figures, which are the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE), the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI), the Direction du Renseignement et de la Sécurité de la Défense (DRSD), the Direction du Renseignement Militaire (DRM), the Direction nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes douanières (DNRED) and the Unité de Traitement du Renseignement et Action contre les Circuits financiers clandestins (Tracfin), plus the so-called second-circle agencies, namely the Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police de Paris (DRPP) ; the Service central du Renseignement territorial (SCRT, ex-RG), the Sous-Direction de l’Anticipation opérationnelle (SDAO) and the Service national du Renseignement pénitentiaire (SNRP). It should also be pointed out that these figures are, of course, the tip of the iceberg, i.e. those recorded within the “legal” framework of supervision by the CNCTR, and not the raw reality in all its complexity, which is obviously greater.
Continue reading Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures (France)