Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures (France)

Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures

Among the tedious publications that the French state releases every year to offer a semblance of democratic veneer is the annual report of the Commission Nationale de Contrôle des Techniques de Renseignement (CNCTR), the body created in 2015 to monitor the proper use of spying measures deployed by these agencies. The release of its 2022 Annual Report on June 15 may have passed somewhat unnoticed, but it’s still worth extracting a few bits of information. All the more so since the report details the official array of surveillance measures carried out on their own initiative, upstream and as a preventive measure, by all the intelligence agencies, leaving us to imagine how this expansion can then be translated into additional prolonged surveillance in a judicial rather than administrative framework (in the form of opening a preliminary investigation or inquiry, which the person who is targeted will not immediately be aware of).

To begin with, let us remind you of the list of agencies concerned by the following figures, which are the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE), the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI), the Direction du Renseignement et de la Sécurité de la Défense (DRSD), the Direction du Renseignement Militaire (DRM), the Direction nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes douanières (DNRED) and the Unité de Traitement du Renseignement et Action contre les Circuits financiers clandestins (Tracfin), plus the so-called second-circle agencies, namely the Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police de Paris (DRPP) ; the Service central du Renseignement territorial (SCRT, ex-RG), the Sous-Direction de l’Anticipation opérationnelle (SDAO) and the Service national du Renseignement pénitentiaire (SNRP). It should also be pointed out that these figures are, of course, the tip of the iceberg, i.e. those recorded within the “legal” framework of supervision by the CNCTR, and not the raw reality in all its complexity, which is obviously greater.

Continue reading Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures (France)

USA: 20 machines across 6 sites of the construction of the mountain valley pipeline were sabotaged – Appalachia

20 machines across 6 sites of the construction of the mountain valley pipeline were sabotaged – Appalachia

An invitation and reportback from a productive fourth of july party

On the fourth of july, 20 machines across 6 sites of the construction of the mountain valley pipeline were sabotaged, using a variety of means to render them inoperable. Machines are often left unguarded, and when they’re not, the security are just prats. It was easy and fun. We gave a big cheer when these machines were seen being hauled off the mountains back to the industrial hellscapes they come from.

Continue reading USA: 20 machines across 6 sites of the construction of the mountain valley pipeline were sabotaged – Appalachia


“Since the new far-right government of finland believes hunting to be ”a valuable part of finnish life” and plans to strengthen and expand hunting rights, we decided to take direct action. We used the bright night of Summer Solstice to destroy several hunting towers and other equipment in southern finland.

There is nothing valuable about a hobby of murdering animals. We wish all hunters plenty of accidents.

Solidarity to all political prisoners!”


Patras, Greece – Responsibility claim for an incendiary attack by Incendiary Memory & Rage Cell.

Patras,  Responsibility claim for an incendiary attack
by Incendiary Memory & Rage Cell

“We are all doomed if our ugliness becomes a habit”

High prices. Poverty. Misery. War. Total capitalist onslaught. State assassinations. “Workers’ accidents”. Femicides. Anti-immigration policy.

The reality that we, the class and social lower strata are experiencing is characterized by an all-out attack by the state – capital – patriarchy against us. We are just one month from the state mass murder of hundreds of migrants in Pylos, four months from the state-capitalist crime in Tempe that was dubbed an accident, three years from the murder of our comrade Vassilis Maggos by the cops, the uniformed minions of power, in the city of Volos, targeted for his unquenchable militant existence.

At a time when people are losing their lives waiting for a non-existent ambulance, cops are shooting and killing 16, 19, 20 year old Roma kids, immigrants, poor people, allegedly in danger and self-defence, applying the racist doctrine of “first we execute and then we evaluate”, a la USA, where once again the toothless public fire protection proves inadequate, resulting in vast tracts of land being burned, hundreds of animals being killed directly or indirectly as their natural environments are destroyed, people watching a lifetime’s work go up in flames, where everyone and everything is measured in money, in compensation, wages, a bonus, a net of money thrown at the plebians, this suffocating reality testifies that the state and capitalist barbarity and violence are constant.

Continue reading Patras, Greece – Responsibility claim for an incendiary attack by Incendiary Memory & Rage Cell.

Poster by squat Analipsi in Thessaloniki for the mass murder of Migrants in Pylos. (Greece)

The seas are full of migrants’ bodies

On 14/6 a fishing boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank off Pylos, most of whom drowned in the sea. A few hours later, the civilian co-operator started to blame the shipwreck. However, we know who is solely responsible. This mass murder bears the stamp and signature of the Greek state, which for several years now has made repatriation, xenophobia, racism, dehumanisation and death politics its flag, regardless of who administers it.

The participants in this crime are a bunch of housecitizens who are not bothered by the hundreds of corpses washed up by the much-publicised sea of the Greek tourist industry. Instead they call for blood every time they hear of poor devils crossing the Greek border. But let those who dream of murders and corpses of immigrants understand that the fascism and conservatisation of society is a phenomenon that not only turns against everything that is considered foreign and different, but instead flattens every aspect of everyday life.

Continue reading Poster by squat Analipsi in Thessaloniki for the mass murder of Migrants in Pylos. (Greece)

THE EYES OF THE DROWNED : Poster for the state murder of migrants in Pylos (Athens,Greece)

Poster for the state murder of migrants in Pylos, which was posted up in the centre of Athens:


(cops, judges, politicians, journalists, fascists)

sleep soundly!

The executioners are innocent.

The dead are guilty.


They will haunt you





via: athens.indymedia
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis Political prisoners for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle message from the prison

  Message from the prison:

We would like to express our gratitude to all the Comrades from collectives, political groups, hangouts, squatters/occupations, individuals, from Greece and abroad, including Europe and America, who responded to our call for financial support regarding the health problems of our relative.

We are deeply thankful for the support we have received, as the current situation has significant implications not only for our family but also for us as political prisoners. It is important to note that we are facing this challenging time while our detention, resulting from the action of the Revolutionary Struggle, continues. Despite this, we would like to acknowledge that one of us, Nikos Maziotis, has exceeded the parole limit and could have been released.
Continue reading Greece: Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis Political prisoners for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle message from the prison

EN/IT/GR : Audio Message by Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis for the Uprising in France

Solidarity message from Greek prisons.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

My sisters and my brothers. Those of you who are fighting against the military machine of the European imperialist class today. Those of you who have not forgotten the slaughter of the Algerians in Paris 60 years ago. Those of you who are struggling so as not to live like slaves until death. Those of you who went with bare hands in front of the lines of the killers, for water, for the land, for the community and the freedom. Those of you who revive the spirit of Louis Blanqui. The youth of the Commune. You thunder deep into our hearts to us, the captive guerrillas all over the earth. The confrontation will continue to become more and more violent day – day. Capitalist culture has no future. We give all our existence to build proletarian – social autonomy and armed power.

Long live revolutionary anarchism.

Long live the international.

Ahead is the rebellion.



Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis: Messaggio di solidarietà dalle carceri greche sulla rivolta in Francia

Messaggio di solidarietà dalle carceri greche

Martedì 4 luglio 2023

Sorelle e fratelli miei. Voi che oggi combattete contro la macchina militare dell’ordine imperialista europeo […]. Voi che non avete dimenticato il massacro degli algerini a Parigi 60 anni fa. Voi che state lottando per non vivere come schiavi fino alla morte. Voi che avete marciato a mani nude davanti alle file degli assassini a Sainte-Soline e altrove, per l’acqua, per la terra, per la comunità e per la libertà.
Continue reading EN/IT/GR : Audio Message by Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis for the Uprising in France





We send these words to our comrades, known and unknown, those who feel in their hearts that the death of speciesism needs fierce and uncompromising resistance, outside organizations of every sort, without wishes of reforming this wretched civilization.

Those looking for legalistic campaigns, vegan savourism or cop-hugging pacifism are in the wrong place. These days are about attacking human supremacism and its world, its technologies and ideologies, all the cages that attempt to oppress us – and which we can empower each other to escape.

Continue reading FOREST ANTI-SPE DAYS #4 AUGUST 17-20 2023, HAMBACHER FOREST (Germany)