(USA) Gay Furry Hackers “SiegedSec” Target Oil and Gas Infrastructure, Satellite Recievers, and Leaks Texas Public Works Data

The final attack on the U.S has arrived :3
With this attack, we’ve targeted the following;

– Texas Fort Worth Transportation & Public Works
– Satellite receivers
– Industrial control systems
– And one more special little gift..~

Starting off, the Fort Worth TPW leak contains ~40GB of documents, most being boring, but with a few hidden gems ;3
(sorry kevin gunn)
We have also targeted various satellite receivers and industrial control systems around the country, particularly in states banning gender affirming care.

LINK 0: https://mega.nz/folder/R2lFjQAZ#PvmEQKuBNL3154ixRsAUCw
LINK 1: https://mega.nz/folder/sjkB2YxA#iGNRH3aumhFINcVgOUspew
LINK 2: https://mega.nz/folder/sClD3JiI#SDFMbC9VE2l7Q4J-cl_qPQ

“i came. i saw. i hacked. i came again”

And now… the finale… the last attack~!
We have targeted various major companies that has worked with the U.S government, through a delicious supply chain attack >w<
We were able to control their accounts used for monitoring satellite receivers, VSATs, VOIP services, etc. As you can imagine, we couldn’t help ourselves ^w^ we removed their accounts, deleted their monitoring sites, and caused chaos!
Here is a few of the affected companies;
– Halliburton
– Shell
– Helix Energy
– Oceaneering

We are glad to participate and lead attacks in this operation, we have seen the support and encouragement of many, and we are very glad our attacks have inspired others to take action themselves <3 This will be the conclusion of SiegedSec’s attacks on the U.S. Our intention throughout this operation was to make a statement and encourage others to do the same. We have proudly succeeded in our goal.

Until next time~

Found On SiegedSec’s Telegram

via: unravel