Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’

The decay and ugliness of the present is not hidden behind theoretical embellishments. Instead, it relies on the transparency of habit and the power of acquiescence. There is not the slightest reason to face the war of the increasingly authoritarian bourgeois-democratic order against those who are left over or who rebel against its multidimensional existential … Continue reading Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’


via: Translated by Act for freedom now! June 22, 2021 In the last days of the first week of June, the Gendarmería de Chile (Genchi) carried out a massive transfer of prisoners from the Cárcel de Alta seguridad (CAS) to the prison of Rancagua, capital of the O’Higgins region, 87 kilometres south of Santiago. … Continue reading CHILE: COMMUNICATION FROM ANARCHIST PRISONER MÓNICA CABALLERO

Chile : New Hunger Strike and Uprising by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Rancagua Prison

first publish on 15.6.2021 FACING A NEW HUNGER STRIKE, MOBILIZATION AND STRUGGLE FROM COMPANY PRISON RANCAGUA. We assume the conflict with the state, prison and capital from the moment when we leave empty words and take action. With this, we assume the step to the offensive and the hostile consequences that come from the winding … Continue reading Chile : New Hunger Strike and Uprising by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Rancagua Prison


DANCING ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS » Let’s continue the assault on the existent with all means, undeterred by those who would silence us with weapons from the stockpile of reaction, be they the kick of the democratic jackboot, the empty chatter of opinion or the siren calls of the candy men of hope.» … Continue reading DANCING ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS , DANZANDO AL BORDE DEL ABISMO : es/en

Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Today, Saturday, June 5, 2021, in the afternoon, the anarchist and subversive prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores have been transferred from the city of Santiago to Rancagua, from the High Security Prison to the concessioned  prison of that city.In October 2019, before the revolt, the gendarmerie was preparing a closure … Continue reading Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

JUNE 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[PDF for printing] [PDF for reading] Against another year of state encroachment, against the restriction of free movement under the auspices of “safety,” against the continued brutalization of our friends in prison, we call for a renewal of solidarity on June 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. … Continue reading JUNE 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons

To peoples, individuals, communities and territories in struggle and resistance. To those who revolt in the face of this present of oppression and misery. To our families, our friends, our accomplices, compas and loved ones, throughout the world. To everybody! Ideas without actions are worthless, they’re just theoretical shit, so idea and action have to … Continue reading Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons

Las Condes, Chile : Explosive attack against BancoEstado

via: Attaque source : Contra Info / Tuesday 4 May 2021 The night of 3rd May, after more than 42 days of hunger strike of our compas Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Joaquín García, Pablo Bahamondez, Juan Flores and Marcelo Villarroel. A few minutes before the start of the curfew, we headed for the neighbourhoods where … Continue reading Las Condes, Chile : Explosive attack against BancoEstado

May the solidarity, heterogeneous and insurrectionary, spread over many regions

Received by email: “Last March 22nd different anarchist and subversive partners from the revolt, kidnapped in many prisons of the Chilean state, have begun a hunger strike demanding the repeal of the article 9 and the restitution of the article 1st from the decree of the law 321. The retroactive character of this law modifies … Continue reading May the solidarity, heterogeneous and insurrectionary, spread over many regions

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile Striscione in solidarietà con i compagni in sciopero della fame in Cile affisso a Komotini davanti all’edificio governativo della regione della Macedonia Orientale e Tracia. Recentemente si è concluso lo sciopero della fame (e per un periodo anche della sete) del prigioniero politico Dimitris Koufondinas, che a seguito … Continue reading Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]