PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions

From No Trace Project

“In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That’s why we have collected information about taking action.”

PDF: read | A4 booklet: part 1, part 2 | letter booklet: part 1, part 2

Oproep voor week van antimilitaristische agitatie /// Callout for week 1 to 8 of February, of anti-militarist agitation (Netherlands)

We call out to a week of agitation
Spreading propaganda, pamphlets, and other material
Organising events and info evenings
Doing above ground and underground actions
-against the militarisation around us

The world is being set on fire. Everywhere in the world, armies and the weapons industry are being reinforced with billions. Bombs, guns, submarines, fighter jets, and much more. Often tested on living victims.

Continue reading Oproep voor week van antimilitaristische agitatie /// Callout for week 1 to 8 of February, of anti-militarist agitation (Netherlands)

Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis


State and capital are the only terrorists – Solidarity with the armed rebels

On Thursday 16 January ‘25, we held a solidarity gathering for the imprisoned comrade – sentenced to several years imprisonment for his participation in the Revolutionary Struggle organisation – at Lamia court.

Comrades from Athens, Lamia and Chania, with loud pulse and slogans, we stood outside the courthouse of Lamia, which, as a mechanism of state and economic domination, applies tactics of political extermination, inspired by the tradition of counter-revolutionary terror courts.
Continue reading Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

The anarchist library “Libertad” was created in Paris in 2010 as a place ‘where experiences and perspectives can resonate with each other, in order to put an end to a deadly world based on the logic of exploitation and domination’. Month after month, many discussions, debates, talks and film screenings have taken place there, among the thousands of books, archives and zines to be borrowed or taken away. Its walls have echoed the voices of comrades from other continents who have come to share their struggles.

They have allowed us to collect documents and
testimonies of past struggles to better deepen the possibilities of the present. They spoke out in solidarity with imprisoned comrades and the waves of attacks on the existent. They vibrated with lively debates about the new assaults of domination on freedom and the living, and the different paths to undertake to bring down the world as it is.

Continue reading The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

Bern, Switzerland : Greetings to the comrades and all prisoners!

We went to the so called womens prison in Hindelbank. We greeted the people on the other side of the walls with music, paroles and firework, we laughed and sang together.Only local images are allowed.

Loads of love and courage and strenght to all those inside the prisons. May your hearts always be free, may we soon stand side by side with rage and love in our bellies to fight this patriarchal system!Only local images are allowed.
Greetings to Hanna and Maja und Dimitra and Marianna and all the other comrades!



On New Year’s Eve, a moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society. – Hamburg,Germany

On New Year’s Eve, around 50 people gathered outside the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg to celebrate the New Year with the prisoners.

Unannounced and undisturbed by the cops, the prisoners were greeted with fireworks and slogans.

The prisoners responded with applause, shouts and fires at the windows of their cells.
A moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society.
Continue reading On New Year’s Eve, a moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society. – Hamburg,Germany

Revista anarquista internacional “Kalinov Most” #11. Diciembre 2024

Ya está nuevamente en las calles, un nuevo número de Kalinov Most

En esta onceava entrega puedes encontrar:


*Sobre el uso compulsivo de las redes sociales virtuales y sus consecuencias

*Hacia una negación radical de la moral cristiana

*Destruyendo el binomio teoría/practica

Aportes externos:

*Alemania: ¿guerrilla anarquista? dos reflexiones de un debate en curso.

*De algunos problemas entre tantos o muchos. (Texto original de Alfredo María Bonanno y traducido especialmente para Kalinov Most)

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:

Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas y Ediciones Orsini) , México (Konspiración Iconoclasta), entre otros lugares…

También puedes encontrar algunos números en digital:

Call to action against the PRGT pipeline (Canada)

poster correct  pdf

As of August 2024, construction work has started on the the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) pipeline.

The project is owned by Western LNG and the Nisgaa Nation, the latter which has allowed for construction to start on their land first, the rural Nass river valley that sits adjacent to the pacific ocean. State and industry are committed to developing an “energy corridor” through the remote region.

The nearly completed and fiercely contested Coastal Gas Link pipeline was the first pipeline in the southern energy corridor, and PRGT is the first pipeline projected for the northern energy corridor. The line is set to end at Ksi Lisims LNG terminal (Nisgaa owned as well) where liquid and natural gas would be stored and prepared for export to international markets by tankers. LNG is being sold as a green alternative for those looking to shift away from coal. But the green transition is a lie. We know that energy, and its current reorganization, is inseparable from domination, capitalist exploitation and the extractivist logic that devastates the land. We propose attack.
Continue reading Call to action against the PRGT pipeline (Canada)

France: Communique claiming responsibility for the attack on three electrical transformers in Toulouse on the night of December 2 to 3, 2024

via: sansnom  Translated by Act for freedom now!

Toulouse: “They refused to be cannon fodder, we will refuse to be drone fodder”.

Communique claiming responsibility for the attack on three electrical transformers in Toulouse on the night of December 2 to 3, 2024

That night, with light hearts, we wandered around the city in search of a breath of fresh air, a nice encounter, an adventure like only the night knows how to welcome. And as it’s impossible to walk 500 meters in this sad city without coming across one of these industrial horrors at the service of the generalized massacre underway, the adventure quickly presented itself to us. Light-hearted, but never insensitive or resigned, we went looking for a few treasures of our own, which we scattered here and there, so that, with one great BANG, these industries of death would finally power off.

Continue reading France: Communique claiming responsibility for the attack on three electrical transformers in Toulouse on the night of December 2 to 3, 2024

Let’s Derail the Trainline Extensions! We Can Break the Development! (South London Deptford, UK

Let’s Derail the Trainline Extensions!
We Can Break the Development!

Public Meeting
6pm Monday 20th January

Check for address:

In the spreadsheets and boardrooms of the powerful, south east london has been carved up into ‘opportunity areas’. TfL and local councils are preparing the way for the biggest ever wave of property speculation.

We intend to fight it. There is always the choice to rebel. The means are available to those who want to find them.

A meeting for everyone who wants to do something directly against the plague of construction turbo-charged by proposed new tube stations.

Against the terrorism of money, displacement and misery. A proposal will be made for creating self-organised struggle groups, made of people who know and trust each other. This is not the place for political organisations, journalists or activists, but for whoever wants to struggle on their own behalf.