It’s been almost a year since Strefi hill became a construction site guarded by cops 24/7. It’s been almost a year since the municipality has been trying to take away anything that is wild and free on the hill. The real estate company Prodea Investments and Unison entered Strefi on October 3rd 2022 with “redevelopment plans”.

Of course, their plans did not restore any of the hill’s problems, but caused more instead. Flooding and the corrosion of the soil are the main problems of the hill. As you can see in the pictures, even after a small amount of rain, everything is falling apart after Prodea’s flood protection project and the excavations for underground lighting and CCTV networks. The majority of the plants that hold the hill together have been eradicated.

Continue reading THREE YEARS IN DEFENCE OF STREFFI HILL. (Athens,Greece)

(Chile) Words of Mattias Jordano After 3 Years of Incareration

Words of Mattias Jordano After 3 Years of Incareration

October 21, 2023 / informativoanarquista

Communicated from ccp Colina 1, October 15, 2023.

It’s been 3 years since I’ve seen the street and breathed freedom, since I was kidnapped by the oppressive Chilean State on October 15, 2020.

When it seems that nothing makes sense and that everything is over, the incendiary strength that lives in my heart returns. That light also lives in the hearts of all of my comrades who have never left me alone, even though some of them are no longer on this earth.

My little brothers tobias and Javier Recabarren have always transmitted their energy to me, and they fill the emptiness that one can find inside these walls and cold bars of the infamous carceral system.

Continue reading (Chile) Words of Mattias Jordano After 3 Years of Incareration

(Chile) Demo and Double Incendiary Attack on RED Busses at Aplicación High School

Demo and Double Incendiary Attack on RED Busses at Aplicación High School

On Tuesday, September 12, a large group of masked people, some in white overalls, carried out molotov confrontations against teh presence of the Carabineros (COP) and completely burnt to RED busses, one in Alameda and another in Cumming, all in the surroundings of Aplicación High School.

A colonol of the Carabineros said: “This is a situation that was very well-planned by these people. I don’t know if they’re students, I imagine so, because at the same time we reported a very rapid exit of approximately 50 students. They split up into two groups and very quickly made the bus drivers get out, they made the passengers leave, and immediately sprayed accelerant liquid and proceeded to burn the busses, which were completely burned.”
Continue reading (Chile) Demo and Double Incendiary Attack on RED Busses at Aplicación High School

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for smashing Israeli interests by proletarians

Athens: Taking responsibility for smashing Israeli interests by proletarians

Over the past 20 days we have witnessed another page in the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and dignity. On October 7, the coordinated operation of the Palestinian resistance organizations, Al Aqsa storm, was manifested in response to the decades of occupation, displacement, genocide and humiliation suffered by the Palestinian people at the hands of the Zionist state of Israel.

A genocide that is taking place under the indifferent gaze of the international community, which, through its unrelenting support for the Israeli state, is complicit in the thousands of dead, the thousands of refugees, the daily bombardments and conditions of blockade, as well as the deprivation of food, water, medical care and finally the right to life of the Palestinians.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for smashing Israeli interests by proletarians

Athens ,Greece: some news and updates on antifascists action days again fascists .

Our comments:

The 21 Italian neo-Nazis and the 6 fascists from Thessaloniki were not arrested. In addition to the arrests we mentioned, there are a number of people taken away by cops that could be turned into arrests.


On 28/10 /23 there was a nationalist motorbike demo in the northern suburbs of Athens. Among them were Propatria, National Front and Greeks for the Homeland.

31/10/23 fascist group (unknown who) gathered at their memorial.

31/10/23 the national front stand next to the Italian neo-Nazis …

Continue reading Athens ,Greece: some news and updates on antifascists action days again fascists .

2 Septa Transit Police Vehicles Had Their Tires Slashed at All Out For Gaza Demo (USA)

2 Septa Transit Police Vehicles Had Their Tires Slashed at All Out For Gaza Demo

The All Out For Gaza demo tonight was a genuine expression of love, solidarity, and rage for Palestinians experiencing genocide at the hands of the occupying forces of the state of Israel. While the spirit of this demo was more inspiring in some ways than most demos in Philly, there was a general vibe that the space was not open to more combative expressions of solidarity.

This was due both to the crowd generally not taking part in that, but also the march route being relatively devoid of potential targets. However small though, we take victories where we can get them. During the march I punctured the tires of 2 Septa Transit Police vehicles that the marched passed by. Police are an occupying force in any form and are the enforcers of settler-colonialism.

Continue reading 2 Septa Transit Police Vehicles Had Their Tires Slashed at All Out For Gaza Demo (USA)

(Chile) March of Indigenous Peoples in Resistance

March of Indigenous Peoples in Resistance

October 17, 2023 / informativoanarquista

Monday, October 9, a march passed through Alameda in solidarity and memory of the indigenous peoples in resistance, in a context in which the government of Boric implants the longest State of Exception of past decades and intensifies repression against the Mapuche communities that position themselves from the Weichan and who don’t lower their guard.

Throughout the march barricades were errected and the Carabineros (COP) were confronted and Wuñelfe, Wenufoye and Palestinian flags were flown. Chilean and Israeli flags could also be seen burning, the latter representing the colonial advance of the State of Israel against the Gaza strip, in response to the Hamas offensive that took place a few days ago.
Continue reading (Chile) March of Indigenous Peoples in Resistance

Ames, Iowa United States: 15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game

15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game – Ames, Iowa

September 15, 2023

A 25-year-old Des Moines resident is facing more than a dozen felony charges stemming from their alleged role in vandalizing several law enforcement vehicles last weekend in Ames.

The Iowa State University Police Department reported that 15 vehicles from the Iowa State Patrol and Story County Sheriff’s Office were damaged during the Sept. 9 Cy-Hawk game between Iowa State University and the University of Iowa.

In an email to the Ames Tribune, the ISU PD said the vehicles were “gashed” and, in some cases, “caused extensive damage.”

Continue reading Ames, Iowa United States: 15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game

UK : Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone moved to HMP Garth.

 Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone moved to HMP Garth

Toby continues to be held as a TACT (Terrorist) prisoner despite being proclaimed Not Guilty of any terrorist offence by a High Court Judge in a court of law in October 2021.

Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and emails. Emails are getting through very quickly on (please get him a reply sheet). You can also write to him at:

Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE

If anyone in the north of the country would like to visit Toby, please contact his soli group at

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