Case of the comrade Zukato
Saturday, July 22, the comrade Zukato ended up with burns on his body after manipulating an accelerant at the occupation of Aplicación High School, the educational instition that he attends. Due to the seriousness of what happened, he was taken to the emergency room at the Posta Central where he was hospitalized and taken into surgery.
Amid the manipulative practices of the hegemonic press, Zukato’s family made known that around 8:30am on wednesday July 26, the comrade entered the wing for a second time. These interventions, which were very long, were accompanied from the street by students from Tajamar High, L1, Aplicación High and individuals who held vigils across Santiago.
Late on that same Wednesday night, Zukatoś mother was intimidated inside the ex posta central. Despite being authorized by the authorities to move freely through the hospital, not only because her 16-year-old son was gravely injured but also endorsed by the Mila Law (dignified accompaniment law), she was impeded by security guards who obstructed her way to stop her from being able to see Zukato, who was in the wing. In resistance, she defied them, walking down the hallways until more than 10 guards came and physically pushed her out and, in parallel, called carabineros who came quickly to back them up and took her to the police station. After hours, the Carabineros let her go after threatening her.
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