Marius Mason is an anarchist animal rights activist who has been in prison since 2009.

Marius plead guilty to being involved in an arson at a research lab, and to twelve acts of property damage. Marius release date is January 10 2027.

Recently Marius has been moved to a new prison. If you want to write letters to Marius, you can reach him at the following address:

Marius Mason #04672-061

FMC Fort Worth

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119


RUMOER #7 in english

As always: angry, enthusiast, wild, worried and looking for interesting reflections and analyses in a world which doesn’t show us much good stuff. We wrote about nuclear technology (keep an eye on this, read about it, talk about it, do something), leaving as few as possible DNA traces, attack, so-called Smart Cities and much more.

We really like to spread this publication for free, not just by post and in social spaces, but also on the street and other gatherings. But that costs some money. Give us some or plenty of money:

Continue reading RUMOER #7 in english

South ,London: Week 2 : Discussion Series ,God and the state Mikhail Bakunin.

In this series of discussions we will go back into the heritage of anarchism to look at specific written contributions to the theory and practice of attack, informal organisation and permanent revolt. Each week some extracts will be shared beforehand which can be read to prepare for the next discussion or not. Each discussion will start with a short presentation of the book.

“Government by science is becoming as impossible as that of divine right, wealth, or brute force. All powers are henceforth to be submitted to pitiless criticism.

If it is allowable to cite any one name from those of the revolutionists who have taken part in this immense work of renovation, there is not one that may be singled out with more justice than that of Mikhail Bakunin.”

Carlo Cafiero, Elisée Reclus. Preface to God and the State (First French Edition)

PDF of God and the State:

Tuesday 5th of December at 19:00

Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD

Athens, Greece: If you were invisible, would you rob a supermarket? by ALIENATION_2.0

Athens,  If you were invisible, would you rob a supermarket? by ALIENATION_2.0

At noon on Saturday 4/11, an expropriation took place at s/m My Market on Agia Sophia Street, in one of the most central parts of the Vyrvna  neighbourhood.

Supermarkets have always been one of the businesses that never miss an opportunity to turn every crisis into an opportunity to multiply their profits on our backs in a variety of ways. Either by draining their workforce with meager wages and flexible hours, or by imposing exorbitant mark-ups on all their products, with priority given to basic necessities further hampering our quality of life.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: If you were invisible, would you rob a supermarket? by ALIENATION_2.0

Text by Anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives (Greece)

For the participation in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives

Responding to the Call to all political prisoners of the world to participate in a one day hunger strike in defense of Palestinian prisoners the Friday 24 11 23*

The revolutionary Palestinian initiative on October 7, 2023 is a new historical culmination of the struggle for social liberation. The breach of the zionist colonialist fortress marks the deconstruction of along-standing regime of imperialist power worldwide. That is why NATO, through its Israeli gendarme and with the passive consent of all the subordinate states, has responded with the most dense and rapid technocratic genocide in the entire history of capitalism, promoting through live broadcast its uninhibited and free of any institutional constraints determination to maintain its exploitative domination against popular struggle.
Continue reading Text by Anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives (Greece)

Munich (Germany): another attack on a city construction site

Munich : another attack on a city construction site

At around 4 a.m. on Friday November 10, Munich firefighters arrived a little late at Johanneskirchen Straße. There, an excavator and a dump truck, located on the tramway construction site run by the municipal public transport company MVG (Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft), were burning up.

The two construction machines were destroyed, with the flames causing damage estimated at 300,000 euros. The fact that they were separated by several meters, leading investigators to suspect the existence of several sources of ignition, prompted the Munich Criminal Police and the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz) to take over the investigation.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): another attack on a city construction site

Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : sabotaging the daily routine

Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône): sabotaging the daily routine

Act of vandalism: SNCF traffic disrupted on the Marseille-Miramas axis in both directions until November 15
La Provence/Var actu, November 13, 2023

Users of the SNCF line between Marseille and Martigues will continue to experience complicated journeys until Wednesday November 15. The train company has announced that delays of 10 to 20 minutes between l’Estaque and Vitrolles, as well as cancellations, “are still to be expected” in both directions.
Continue reading Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : sabotaging the daily routine

Athens, Greece: Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

Athens, Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

50 years after the Polytechnic uprising, 15 years after December ’08, which erupted after the murder of the anarchist student Alexandros Grigoropoulos, the states and the capitalists have launched an attack of unprecedented intensity on the conquests won through blood and struggle. The intensity of the attack is experienced by the most impoverished sections of society who are subject to daily exploitation. The murders in the workplaces and work sites, at the borders, in prisons and police checkpoints are dubbed ‘industrial accidents’, ‘isolated incidents’, ‘shootings’ and occupy a single column in the margin of a newspaper. But they are clearly state and capitalist killings in an environment where our lives are devalued and expendable.

In a neoliberal environment where the bosses, whose sole criteria is to increase their profitability, aim the guns of the cops at the disposable, poor, outcasts and petty criminals. The forces of repression have always been the murderous assault battalions of bourgeois democracy.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

Athens,Greece: THE CONSPIRACY OF REVENGE Taking Responsibility For The Attack On The House – Offices Of The Company ERGOMAR

 THE CONSPIRACY OF REVENGE : Taking Responsibility For The Attack On The House – Offices Of The Company ERGOMAR

 We take responsibility for the attack on the home – offices of the ERGOMAR company of the well-known businessman Dimitris Marinelis, at 12 Hous Street, in Kifissia.

The reason the attack was carried out is to target the corrupt role of construction companies. It is an open secret that the collegium of politicians and big bosses share state resources and European funds, thus misappropriating large sums of money at the expense of the Greek people.

For years now, with direct assignments to their minions, they manage and obtain huge sums of money – kickbacks with the well-known over-budgeting of projects and materials needed for their implementation. Construction companies are the ones responsible for many workplace accidents, as in order to make as much profit as possible they reduce the necessary safety measures for workers.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: THE CONSPIRACY OF REVENGE Taking Responsibility For The Attack On The House – Offices Of The Company ERGOMAR