(Chile) Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding

Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding

Received by email 10/01/23. Second email with photo and note received 10/02/23.


Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding. Puento Alto, Chile.

On the night of September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and refridgerator, burning part of its infrastructure and logistics with the goal of causing the most damage possible while being cautious and certain that there were no live animals inside. With this attack we aim to sabotage the transport of the cordillera slaughterhouse and refridgeration, “producer” supply line for butchers, both of which belong to the holding DINACAR, which also raises pigs (Porky/Viña Vieja Farm) and cows (“Viento Sur” chain of farms), completing the chain of the death industry from start to finish.

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(Chile) Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco

Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco

Monday, August 7, posters were pasted barricades were raised, and molotovs were thrown at the Carabineros (COP) in solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco.

The posters red: “Because there’s no space for doubts nor repentence in our heart. Each direct action evokes the presence of all of our dead, mutilated, and imprisoned. The struggle is our best homage.” and “Are you with the powerful or with those who rebel? Faced with the case against the comrades, let’s grow solidarity with Monica and Francisco”.

via: informativoanarquista

Some images:

Toulouse, France : Eiffage car burns in solidarity with December 8 defendants

Toulouse: Eiffage car burns in solidarity with December 8 defendants

New match: Antifrance-Eiffage

In these days of the Rugby World Cup, La Dépêche de Minuit [La Dépeche de Midi = mainstream bourgeois newspaper in Toulouse, NdT] didn’t want to forget the celebrations taking place outside the city center full of gendarmes.

On the night of October 9, during the group phase of the tournament [phase de poules – pun with the french word for ‘chicken’, i.e. cops, NdT], but mostly driven by hatred of cops, some hands chose petrol over balloons to set fire to an Eiffage car in the bourgeois neighborhood of Côte Pavée.

Continue reading Toulouse, France : Eiffage car burns in solidarity with December 8 defendants

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, Athens (Greece)

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens

The squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens, was the setting for 3 days of discussions on a wide range of topics that cut across the community: gentrification, anti-fascism and borders, solidarity with political prisoners, and more.

The workshop on political prisoners announced the opening of a new solidarity campaign with a comrade from the Prosfygika community, Kostas Dimalexis*, incarcerated since November 22, 2022 on similar charges to those of our comrades indicted on 8.12. We (a few French people on the move) took the opportunity of this discussion to explain the case of 8.12, its background and the call for international solidarity for the indicted comrades. We also announced our solidarity with all Palestinian, Turkish and Kurdish political prisoners, with Alfredo Cospito, with our Basque comrades and also with those locked up in the CRA.


via: solidaritytodecember8

Solidarity with comrades of December 8th case, on trial from October 3th to 27th in Paris. (France)

Day 12, Friday, October 20: If you use Signal (Il suffira de Signal..)

from Paris-luttes.info


An activist from Rennes testifies for C. They met during the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) in 2018. Later, they rubbed shoulders during preparations for feminist mobilizations on November 25, 2019 and March 8, 2020; also in the preparation of mobilizations with the Justice and Truth for Babacar committee [1] but also in mobilizations with undocumented migrants, notably with the requisition of an apartment building in winter 2020. She describes the desire to build a fairer world, the ideals they uphold, but also the growing repression and criminalization of these groups by the state. She paints a portrait of an activist who rejects ancestry relations and advocates non-violent means of action, a world away from the apocalyptic vision constructed by the DGSI and the public prosecutor’s office.

Next, a witness for S. takes the stand. He is a fire chief at Disney and has been his colleague for over 7 years. He describes S. as a very good, serious and trustworthy fireworker. With the help of the lawyers, his intervention demystified many of the elements developed by the prosecution on the 1st days.

Continue reading Solidarity with comrades of December 8th case, on trial from October 3th to 27th in Paris. (France)

Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona (Spain)

Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona

“Pla Endreça” is a demonstration of power through which the government of Collboni intends to erradicate all forms of expression that escape state control. Looking at the past years, this is nothing new: The same techniques as the Colau – increasing the number and weapons of the local police and more repressive methods – only that this time they do it openly, vindicating it in the name of the citizenry.

We loathe a society of citizens who are loyal to capital and obedience, loyal to the peace constructed out of cameras and fingers pointing at those who break the authoritarian schema. We want nothing of this structure, its tyrants, nor its followers: we don’t want order. This is why we attack where it hurts, at a headquarters of false promises of a nonexistent good life.
Continue reading Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona (Spain)

(Chile) Night of Riots for a Black September 11

via: informativoanarquista

Night of Riots for a Black September 11

On this new commemoration of September 11, marking 50 years since the coup d’etat, the figures indicate more than 360 events and demonstrations in the country. Within this number were dozens of barricades, direct action, molotov cocktails thrown, fires set, and even expropriations (looting), bursts of gunfire at the cops and burnt busses.

These actions mainly took place in the emblimatic Villa Francia, Lo Hermida, Cerro Navia, La Victoria, San Bernardo, La Pincoya and Recoleta. Although, actions also happened in Puente Alto, Maipu, Melipilla, La Granja, La Pintana, Ñuñoa, Lo Espejo, Valparaíso and Concepción, among others.

Continue reading (Chile) Night of Riots for a Black September 11

Public Communique of Mapuche Political Prisoners from Angol Prison

via: https://lazarzamora.cl/?p=11389

August 10, 2023

By: Mapuche Political Prisoners of Angol

The mapuche political prisoners of the Angol Prison call on their mapuche traditional authorities who have backed them in this long and painful hunger strike to come to Angol Prison, now that we have seen that there is no political will to resolve our demands on the part of the government and the prison.

Those who, entrenched in biased racism, have delayed a solution, leading us to the extreme of our conditions of bodily health. For this reason, faced with this humiliating attitude of those who aim to push us, seeking to bully our families, submit our children to degrading treatment, all with the ultimate intention of making us abandon our political and human rights.

We the Mapuche political prisoners, owe ourselves to the joint and collective ways that indicate our traditional Mapuche ordering. This is why we make this call, to our Mapuche authorities, to anounce before our communities and relatives, the difficult decision to carry out a THIRST STRIKE in the coming hours, to push the government to resolve our demands.
Continue reading Public Communique of Mapuche Political Prisoners from Angol Prison

Athens, Greece: A demonstration in defence of squats and free spaces

Athens:  A demonstration in defence of squats and free spaces


Meet at Patision station 12:00 pm.


Hands off the squats. Hands off the parks and squares. The city does not belong to developers, businessmen and tourists. The city belongs to us, who inhabit the spaces and bring them to life. To us, who build it and produce its wealth.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: A demonstration in defence of squats and free spaces

Greece: Update from the march in Solidarity with the occupation of Evaggelismos on Sunday 8 October in the city of Heraklion in Crete

 Update from the march in Solidarity with the occupation of Evaggelismos on Sunday 8 October in the city of Heraklion in Crete

One week after the eviction of the Evangelismos squat after 21 years, we decided to call a march in the city centre on the day of the municipal elections. The march came as a continuation of a week full of actions following the eviction of the squat, and was one of the most crowded in the history of the movement in Heraklion, with more than 2,000 people attending. The people and groups in the city that issued calls formed a common block with a banner “EVANGELISMOS HAS NOT SURRENDERED”

Hundreds of texts were handed out, Flyers were thrown, and very loud slogans were heard throughout.

The cops tried to disperse the crowd by firing tear gas from both sides, but the bulk of the march remained in solidarity with the crowd and did not retreat until they could no longer breathe from the chemicals. Some people – including families with young children – who tried to escape, were briefly trapped in an alleyway by cops.

“Patience, strength, belief in the Cause. We’re right, in the end.”

Occupation of Evangelismos

Heraklion, Crete

October 2023
