UK: Letter from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone for comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno

Farewell, Alfredo

I heard today by telephone as the morning winter sun shone through grey clouds into the confines of my cell that our comrade Alfredo Bonanno passed away during sleep surrounded by the love of his close ones. I too send my incendiary embrace to all those who feel his loss and assert that a combative memory will remain.

Alfredo’s contributions to the anarchist movement are undeniable, critical, insightful, and prescient. One of Alfredo’s texts, ‘What are Anarchists?‘ had appeared in an investigation file against me for which I was accused of distributing. His booklet published under the title ‘Locked Up‘ by Elephant Editions is one of the most important documents on the topic of imprisonment in my opinion.

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Update on the Situation in the Ritsona and Malakasa Refugee Camps by Solidarity With Migrants. (Athens,Greece)

Ritsona camp visit after the wildfire, 10.12.2023

On 10 of December, a group of 8 solidarians visited the Ritsona camp.

The decision of this urgent visit was made the night before when there was an outback of news regarding the fire situation inside the camp. Νο news for the causes of the fire by the state administration. The fire destroyed people’s belongings and documents. The groups gathered a noticeable amount of clothes and blankets from free shops, which filled up 3 cars. Regarding the news, 12 containers have been affected by the fire, and among them, 7 containers have been burned down completely. Beforehand, it was communicated through the comrades inside the camp that the families that had been the most affected by the fire, to come outside of the camp. On the arrival of solidarians, about 20-30 families were already waiting outside the camp.

The main issue was having enough warm clothes for everyone. solidarians have been informed that all the belonging of the residents of the seven containers has been totally burned down, including clothes, legal documents (asylum card), medicine, food, phones, etc.

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Kos island ,Greece: Stop the genocide of the people of Gaza and the Apartheid regime. There is no peace without justice. Free Palestine.

On Saturday 9/12 in the central square of Kos, a solidarity action was held against the genocide of the people of Gaza by the murderous state of Israel. The people who participated distributed texts, held placards, shouted loud slogans against the genocide. No justification for the crimes of the occupying state of Israel to the Palestinian people. No support and involvement of our country in the plans of the fascist state of Israel and America. Stop the genocide of the people of Gaza and the Apartheid regime. There is no peace without justice. Free Palestine.

يوم السبت 12/9 في الساحة المركزية لمدينة كوس، أقيمت مسيرة تضامنية ضد الإبادة الجماعية لشعب غزة على يد دولة إسرائيل القاتلة. وقام الأشخاص الذين شاركوا بتوزيع النصوص، وحملوا لافتات، ورددوا شعارات عالية ضد الإبادة الجماعية. ولا يوجد مبرر لجرائم دولة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بحق الشعب الفلسطيني. لا يوجد دعم أو مشاركة لبلادنا في مخططات دولة إسرائيل وأمريكا الفاشية. أوقفوا الإبادة الجماعية لشعب غزة ونظام الفصل العنصري. ولا يوجد سلام بدون عدالة. فلسطين حرة.

Το Σάββατο 9/12 στην κεντρική πλατεία της Κω, πραγματοποιήθηκε δράση αλληλεγγύης κατά της γενοκτονίας του λαού της Γάζας από το κράτος δολοφόνο του Ισραήλ. Τα άτομα που συμμετείχαν μοίρασαν κείμενα, κράτησαν πλακάτ, φώναξαν δυνατά συνθήματα κατά της γενοκτονίας. Καμία δικαιολόγηση για τα εγκλήματα του κατοχικού κράτους του Ισραήλ στο Παλαιστινιακό λαό.Καμία στήριξη και εμπλοκή της χώρας μας στα σχέδια του φασιστικού κράτους του Ισραήλ και της Αμερικής.Να σταματήσει η γενοκτονία του λαού της Γάζας και το καθεστώς Απαρτχάιντ.Δεν υπάρχει ειρήνη χωρίς ΔΙΚΕΟΣΗΝΙ.

Loire/Puy-de-Dôme , France : double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

Loire/Puy-de-Dôme: double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

During the night of November 19 to 20, we attacked the power supply of two production sites of the Aubert et Duval corporation:

At Firminy, we sawed through a pylon on the 220kV line supplying the site. It only partially fell.

– In Ancizes-Comps, we also set fire to a 220kV line, at the point where the high-voltage cables went underground. We were able to get close and place our devices at the foot of the sheaths, without harm.

Aubert et Duval is a key player in the French military industry. It supplies parts for Naval Group submarines, Dassault Rafales and Framatom nuclear power plants.

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Poster: Stop the massacres!

Poster seen on the walls of Paris (France) and Brussels (Belgium), November 2023.

Once again, war ignites the Palestine-Israel region. A wave of coordinated attacks by Hamas has unleashed a full-scale military operation by the Israeli army. Cold-blooded murder and hostage-taking have been followed by the bombing of entire cities, famine and the deportation of millions of people.

Hamas and Israel. Two regimes with bloodstained hands, which is undeniable. Two military powers that strike indiscriminately. Two authorities who use terror to try to conquer or preserve power – rather like all States, including our own, which do not hesitate to lock up and crush rebels with their laws.

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Athens, Greece: Claim for attack on “AB Vasilopoulos” supermarkets

Athens: Claim for attack on “AB Vasilopoulos” supermarkets

In the autumn of 2023, a new labour law of A. Georgiadis was passed. Among other things the law includes : thirteen-hour contracts, zero-hour contracts, the complete abolition of the five-day working week, the illegalization of strikes, as well as the complete liberalization of dismissals, withdrawing any justification for them.

“AB Vassilopoulos” took advantage of the above by firing hundreds of employees the day after the law was passed. Thus, it is clear whose interests these laws really serve.
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When we think of Palestine, don’t let’s forget ENI (Italy)

When we think of Palestine, don’t let’s forget ENI

From the Instagram profile of the Young Palestinians in Italy:

In the 2000s the discovery of large natural gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranean area has allowed the zionist entity to reduce energy dependence from abroad and to become an exporter. The most important deposit, Leviathan, is located less than 200 kilometres from the coast of Palestine and Israel hopes that others will be found to increase the reserve and increment exportation to Europe, which since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war is looking for new energy sources. In this optic, on October 29th the minister of Israeli Energy, Israel Katz declared he has granted 12 licences to six companies for the exploration of natural gas off the Mediterranean coast to create more competition and diversify suppliers.

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Text of N. Maziotis convicted for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle for the 4th rejection of parole (Greece)

Text of N. Maziotis convicted for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle for the 4th rejection of parole

The last board of misdemeanors of Lamia (29/9/2023) rejected my request (for the 4th time) for parole on the same grounds as the 3 previous ones, i.e. the disciplinary records for which I have been punished in the past have been deleted and should not normally count under the penal code for parole. But this time the board of misdemeanors of Lamia, in the reasoning of the rejection, went a step further than the previous boards by proving that it has the same logic that the institutions of the bribe-taking state, the post-conflict state and the junta used to have, when they asked for statements of repentance and renunciation from fighters as it also proves to have the same logic of the Inquisition.

I am quoting the contested passage of the decision verbatim:

[…] “However, the repeated commission of serious misdemeanors that also constitute criminal offences demonstrates the applicant’s lack of self-discipline and compliance with the basic rules of the penal system, his constant tendency to commit criminal acts and therefore his insufficient imprisonment and the his lack of moral improvement, for the purpose of his conversion and the possibility of his smooth reintegration into society in the event of his release from the detention centre. In addition, during the applicant’s personal appearance at the council remotely, through technological means, the latter showed particularly aggressive behaviour towards the council, as well as complete disrespect for justice and the penal system, and stated that he considers himself a political prisoner, while at the same time, he did not show that he had realized particular disrespect for the criminal acts he had committed. 
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Athens, Greece : Expropriation of Sklavenitis supermarket in Upper Ilisia area.

Athens : Expropriation of Sklavenitis supermarket in Upper Ilisia

On 16/12/2023 we went shopping in Ano Ilisia at the Sklavenitis supermarket, only our “shopping” was different this time as it had a 100% discount. How is this done, you ask? It’s very simple. We got organized, entered the supermarket, took what we needed and left without letting them steal from us one more time. You see it’s a matter of choice.

In this “celebratory” climate, where the public discourse is flooded with calls for help for the needy, we have chosen to show our solidarity by grabbing necessities from those who steal from us every day and share them with solidarity structures that support the most impoverished parts of society. We decided not to offer this solidarity from our non-existent reserve but by taking back from those who always gain on our backs.

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Athens, (Exarxeia) Greece :Taking responsibility for the actions against gentrification and displacement By Anarchists

Athens, Exarxeia area:Taking responsibility against gentrification and displacement  by Anarchists

The gentrification of the neighbourhood of Exarchia continues at a rapid pace. Our rents are going up, Airbnbs are springing up everywhere, Cyrille-hipster shops are opening one after the other and groups of tourists are socializing with the cops continuing to pollute our neighbourhood with their presence.

At the same time, the control and surveillance of the area with dozens of cameras reinforces the repressive apparatus of state and capital which, together with the cops, are attempting to sweep and destroy  of resistance, self-organization, occupations, the Exarcheia of rebellion. Latest attack: on the trees of the square, one of the few green spots in the neighbourhood.

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