Buenos Aires (Argentina): Arson attack against a police car

via: attaque Buenos Aires , Arson attack against a police car Contra Info / Tuesday March 29, 2022 February 24, 2022, 2:15 am A patrol car of the Metropolitan Police of Buenos Aires set on fire, at the corner of police station number 37, between General Mariano Acha street and Juramento street, in the neighborhood … Continue reading Buenos Aires (Argentina): Arson attack against a police car

[IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (marzo 2022) Informiamo che a metà del mese di marzo è stata nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito, attualmente recluso nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Terni. La censura avrà una durata di tre mesi, quindi fino a … Continue reading [IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone has refused to attend any more workshops run by right-wing Senior Officer Steven Sollars at HMP Bristol due to the constant provocations, insults, denigration and threats. He was confined to his cell for 23 hours a … Continue reading EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki Revolution or Barbarism In recent years our days have been filled with news of deaths, with numbers of dead, with the words of “experts” who command arrogantly and boastfully from the power they have been given. They are filled … Continue reading Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Genoa, Italy – Claim for an incendiary attack on a high voltage pylon

In the night of christmas eve, tired of the artificial panorama of a city ready to celebrate on the capitalist sleigh, we decided to contribute to the illuminations by lighting up a Terna high voltage pylon with cans of petrol. Our little nocturnal present succeeded, illuminating the grey sky with dazzling flashes and some dull … Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Claim for an incendiary attack on a high voltage pylon

en/es/fr, Italy: ON 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy

 roundrobin.info At 4am in the morning of 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy on orders of the PM Comodi in an investigation set off by the usual Nobili and Basilone. Alfredo, in prison for having shot at Adinolfi, CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, and for ”operation … Continue reading en/es/fr, Italy: ON 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Update of Material “Expanding the Revolt”.

From the project “Expanding the Revolt” in Buenos Aires, we wanted to provide different comrades with an update of the work that we have been doing in the last year in terms of anarchist zines, magazines and books. For us it is extremely important to make our own editions, some of them coming from our … Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina: Update of Material “Expanding the Revolt”.

Uruguay: Activity in Solidarity with Prisoners in Struggle in Chilean Prisons

via: publicacionrefractario.Translated by Act for freedom now! ———– We invite you to participate in the Evening of Internationalist Solidarity with the prisoners in struggle in Chilean prisons to be held on Friday, August 13. Since we understand the social struggle as a set of practices that involve reflection, projection and offensive action against the state-capitalist … Continue reading Uruguay: Activity in Solidarity with Prisoners in Struggle in Chilean Prisons

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Graffiti and Locks Glued at Havanna stores

via: es-contrainfo.Translated by Act for freedom now! Buenos Aires July 2021 CONSUME UNTIL THE DESERT SURPRISES US Graffiti painted and locks glued in Havanna stores. On the “coldest morning of the year” we visited several Havanna coffee shops and managed to intervene on six of their facades. Gluing locks and padlocks, we painted their windows … Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina: Graffiti and Locks Glued at Havanna stores


ES: ¿QUÉ PASA EN CUBA? UNA MIRADA ANÁRQUICA DE LAS PROTESTAS DEL 11-J. ——————– -Interview with comrade Gustavo Rodríguez (First of three parts) These days we have received a torrent of statements generated in the mass disinformation media about the recent protests in Cuba. On the one hand, there are those formulated by the Cuban … Continue reading WHAT’S HAPPENING IN CUBA? AN ANARCHIC LOOK AT THE 11-J PROTESTS.