Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)

Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy. Until the demolition of every prison. For the anarchy in action. Because for those who love life, to react when life and death are at stake is an act of duty. Anna Beniamino Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist … Continue reading Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Irkutsk anarchists

Alfredo Cospito is an Italian anarchist political prisoner, a member of the “Informal Anarchist Federation” (IFA). Cospito was convicted for the attack on Roberto Adinolfi, general director of Ansaldo Nucleare, and was later sentenced to life imprisonment for the events of the night of June 2 to 3, 2006 at the Carabinieri Cadet School in … Continue reading Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Irkutsk anarchists


WE DO NOT ALLOW THE MURDER OF ALFREDO COSPITO – ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE OCTOBER 20th / CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION On Oct. 20th, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito, during a trial at the Sassari Supervisory Court, made an attempt to read an articulate statement in which he was about to announce that he is starting … Continue reading Italy: WE DO NOT ALLOW THE MURDER OF ALFREDO COSPITO – ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE OCTOBER 20th / CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION.ΕΝ/ΙΤ/ΕL

Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis A solidarity message from captive member of the Organization Anarchist Action to anarchist guerilla Alfredo Cospito, who is on a hunger strike against isolation regime 41bis. For some, the cohesion of comradeship is built on shared positions or philosophical opinions. In an empty dimension … Continue reading Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

2022/11/06 lanemesi Occupied the crane of the construction site of La Scala Theatre in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche and Ivan Alocco on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole (Milan, Italy, November 6, 2022) Since the early hours of this morning, two comrades have been occupying the … Continue reading Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

Claim Arson Attack Against Baeza Trucks in Chile by ‘Maipo Insurrectional Cell – New Subversion’

Claiming responsibility for the arson attack against an aggregates company on the Maipo River, Puente Alto, Chile. Facts: On the night of Saturday, October 1st, we materialized the attack in defense of the land and the waters of the Maipo River via an incendiary sabotage to Baeza Companies, located on the north bank of the … Continue reading Claim Arson Attack Against Baeza Trucks in Chile by ‘Maipo Insurrectional Cell – New Subversion’

France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure Revolutionary solidarity is a sailboat without borders that rides the waves of the storm! From Bure, we wish to send all our solidarity to our comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently in solitary confinement (called “41-bis”) in the prison of Sassari in Sardinia (Italy) for having … Continue reading France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out Contents: — Contro la guerra. Quale internazionale? [Against war. What international?] — Strage politica. Lo Stato italiano alla liquidazione degli anarchici. [Political massacre. The Italian State in the liquidation of anarchists.] — Non staremo al caldo durante la tempesta [We won’t be staying at home … Continue reading Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna by Black Forest Anarchist Cell

Attack carried out on the night of Sunday June 5, 2022. Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna “Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia. I chose to fight on the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats, saguaros, cliff rose and all things wild.” Bill Rodgers, ELF … Continue reading Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna by Black Forest Anarchist Cell

[EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

AGAINST THE 41 BIS REGIME, REVOLUTIONARY SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST ALFREDO COSPITO On Thursday 5th May imprisoned anarchist Alfredo Cospito received notification that he was under the 41 bis prison regime. At the moment Alfredo is still being held in the prison of Terni, in the designated unit. We don’t know if this is a temporary … Continue reading [EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)