Tenants Raging Against Airbnb (Canada)

Tenant rage strikes again!
In view of tenants’ day, we decided to answer the call for the creation of collaborative art on Airbnbs, because we’re sick and tired of passing by housing that serves above all to enrich shitty fucking landlords rather than house our neighbors. We will never any longer ignore these new buildings destined only for short-term rentals, while we struggle to put a roof over our heads.

Continue reading Tenants Raging Against Airbnb (Canada)

Solidarity Means Attack – Fuck France, Free Kanaky

This week, an anti-colonial uprising broke out in Kanaky, an archipelago in the South Pacific. Kanaky was named “New Caledonia” by British colonizer James Cook and has been occupied by France under that name since the 19th century. The Kanaks are black indigenous peoples of the islands whose cultures face genocide from white French “immigrants” who drive them from their lands and impose capitalism. For more general information:


France is a member of NATO, an ally of Israel, the capital of anti-immigration racism in Europe, a nuclear-armed state, etc. By attacking France, we support not only Kanaky’s struggle for freedom but also that of many other peoples, including other French colonies in the South Pacific. and Caribbean.
Continue reading Solidarity Means Attack – Fuck France, Free Kanaky

Pößneck (Germany): “It’s better to make a disorder…”.

“It’s better to make a disorder…”.

The small town of Pößneck, some thirty kilometers south of the city of Jena (in the Thuringia region), is not known for its mischief, to say the least.

Unlike its little sister, Jena’s walls have, over the centuries, endured the fury of peasant rebels who, between 1524 and 1526, destroyed and pillaged hundreds of castles and religious buildings in the Holy Roman Empire. This insurrection, dubbed the “Uprising of the Common Man” (Erhebung des gemeinen Mannes) or more simply the “Peasants’ War” following Engels’ study, even aroused the ire of the Pope of Protestantism, Martin Luther, who advised the nobility to slaughter the 300,000 insurgent beggars to the last man. In his pamphlet entitled Contre les hordes de paysans voleurs et assassins (May 1525) (Against the hordes of thieving, murderous peasants), Luther wrote: “Let all who can, strike, kill and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that there is nothing more poisonous, harmful or diabolical than a rebel. It’s like when you have to kill a rabid dog: if you don’t hit it, it will hit you, and a whole country with you.”

But today, the good city of Jena is best known in the textbooks of domination as having been one of the cradles of German Romanticism, whose university saw Goethe and prestigious teachers such as Fichte, Schiller and Hegel pass through, not to mention a famous student, Karl Marx, who completed his doctorate in philosophy there in 1841. A little later, it was also here that Ernst Haeckel, patent eugenicist and inventor of the term “ecology” in 1866 (the anarchist Elisée Reclus preferred the term “mesology”), made his career. However, it would be a pity to remain in the academic sky of bourgeois ideas in 19th-century Jena, without mentioning another, lesser-known revolt that brought the city down to earth.
Continue reading Pößneck (Germany): “It’s better to make a disorder…”.

Brooklyn, New York City: Comrades Destroy NYPD Bus (USA)

Eat It, Eric Adams

The night before last we set a police bus on fire as a peaceful protest against the cops for their repression of anti-genocide demonstrators and activists against Cop City (a plague of a project attempting to emerge all over the country, including New Jersey).

The NYPD are violent suffocators of the people’s will, terrorizers of the homeless in our streets, and act in concert with the IDF, who train them in butchering our freedom. They do all this with no consequences in their future and no fear in their faces—we change this with fire. There are police cars and pro-genocide businesses all over waiting for our spark.

Avenge Bay Ridge!

From cop country to Gaza, GLOBALIZE THE INTIFADA!


In revolutionary solidarity,


(Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

Desde Informativo Anarquista, proyecto de contra información, escribimos estas palabras a 15 años de la muerte en acción del compañero Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri.


La muerte es un acontecimiento que nos aleja inevitablemente del cuerpo de quien ha dejado de vivir. Pero tan rápido como el cuerpo se marchita, el imaginario común gira a la aurora y despliega el hecho culmine de la muerte hacia cientos, sino miles, de recuerdos, testimonios y acciones que forjan en la piel una vitalidad capaz de impulsar un corazón que late en todas direcciones.

La memoria no es un ejercicio de unanimidad ni de plenitud homogénea. No siempre tiene los mismos puntos de referencia ni las mismas explicaciones. Lo que sí, es colectiva, a la vez que integra matices y particularidades que responden a lugares propios, a voces solitarias o sueltas, que convergen y se encuentran en determinadas ocasiones entre unas y otras. En tal sentido, la memoria anárquica ha sido un punto de conexión, un motivo de encuentro que da paso a la búsqueda y al acercamiento de afinidades con las decisiones y caminos que unx compañerx construyó en vida.
Continue reading (Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Programm 2024

Active Internationalism

As a starting point for this discussion, we propose to orientate ourselves on a text from an anarchist meeting in Brussels in 2011. Even though certain circumstances have changed since then, it can still serve as a starting point.

The old internationalist tale

Having a fast look at the era of the first International and the revolutionary brotherhoods which in those days were able to stimulate and stir up a permanent insurrectional tension across the borders, tells us a lot about the paradoxal situation we are now living in. Never before have there been so many means of transport, travel and communication, never before were the curcumstances in different countries so much alike and yet it seems as if we, anarchists and revolutionaries, have never been so much attached to the stately borders. Paradoxaly it seems as if the globalisation of the domination goes together with the de-internationalisation of its declared enemies.

It´s not that all left-overs of the old internationalist tale have been swept away, but let´s be frank: it´s a dim situation. We don´t really get any further than solidary pats on the back and in the best case some sharing of experiences and projectualities. Simply having a look at the shameful lack of perspectives around the insurrections across the meditarenean (or, as you wish, around the revolt of december 2008 in Greece) is sufficient to become aware of this.

Continue reading Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Return Fire vol.6 chap.6 out, rest of double-issue forthcoming -UK

Hi everyone,

Here’s the first part of our upcoming string of staggered releases; Return Fire vol.6 chap.6, complete with a separate version of the covers if you’re printing yourself. Here’s the main contents:

Let’s Talk about Attack
(lighting the fuse in every restless heart)

Targets That Do Not Exist Anywhere Else
& ‘To Choose Wisely’

The ‘Green’ Farce Everywhere and Nowhere Else
(putting fire to the new face of ecocide)

‘Gállok is the Name of a Place’
& “Their Greed Never Stops”

‘The Scarcity Dynamo’
(patriarchy & the logic of the Machine)

Their Sustainability is a Disaster – Let’s Smash It
& ‘The Ecological Transition is a Hoax’

“We Notice When Bigots Get a Win”
(connecting trans- & migrant-defence)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

“What Happens After the Cancellation of the Project?”
(review: Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan’s ‘We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself’)

Rebels Behind Bars
(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon
(troubling heritages of technological progressivism & leftist conceptions of growth in the struggle)

Riots and Eagles
& ‘With Whom One Relates’

…and more!

This is the first part of a double-issue, so expect both the second part (chap.7) and six separate supplement zines to follow in the coming weeks, along with the usual updating of the pages for our posters, translation of Return Fire articles (in this case into French), and Anarchist Library archives.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

R.F., MayDay 2024

[webmaster: apologies for 2-day delay in uploading due to tech issues]

Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

[A4 PDF version for printing]

The event aims to be an informal and self-organised gathering of activists, representatives and delegates from groups active in the prisoner solidarity / anti-prison / anti-repression struggle, one focused on the consolidation of international solidarity…”

second call-out for the International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering, Brighton

Hi comrades, known and unknown to us.

We welcome this initiative, and send our love and gratitude to all gathering in Brighton with the aim of together building a more durable and combative struggle against the authoritarian nightmare of the present-day. From the limits of our own capacity, we’d like to offer some thoughts; reflections that have been born from decades of shared struggle and over 10 years of publishing our magazines with a strong presence of anti-repression/anti-prison documentation and agitation. (This has included putting out texts and translations from comrades behind bars, sometimes with the direct participation of the prisoners themselves.) As limited and fallible as they are, they are what we have to offer: they are here for you and the comrades back in your own areas to do with as you will. Considering the international dimension of the gathering, we have tried to provide adequate context for those less familiar with recent cycles of struggle on these isles, and we have also brought our thoughts into conversation with other writings produced in the course of the struggle in past years, with their questions, analysis and proposals.

Continue reading Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

Anarchist Comrade Thanos Hatzianggelou was released from prison on Friday 24/5/24

Comrade Thanos Hatzianggelou was released from prison on Friday 24/5 after a long wait for the answer from the council for his conditional release. The restrictive conditions imposed on him are the ban on leaving Thessaloniki, mandatory residence in the house he had declared in Thessaloniki and two days monthly to present at a police station.

We continue our struggles supporting the prisoners, giving them a voice until the demolition of the last prison. To once again walk side by side with our comrades in the paths of rebellion and disobedience. Until total liberation.

Burlotto and fire in all cells/cages

Freedom to all prisoners of war


Milan, Italy: Hammer blows against a RE/MAX estate agency (26 March 2024)

Milan, hammer blows against Remax

During the night between Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March we paid a visit to the estate agents Remax in Via Noe in Milan, damaging the windows with writings and hammer blows.

This company, along with many others, does business with Israel, speculating on the expulsion of the Palestinians from the land and houses they are living in. Houses that Remax are making huge profits from reselling and renting to Israeli settlers.
Continue reading Milan, Italy: Hammer blows against a RE/MAX estate agency (26 March 2024)