Komotini City , Greece : VIDEO From the march demonstration of defense of Anarchy squat Utopia A.D.

KOMOTINI: VIDEO From the march  of defense of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D.

On Saturday 10/02, a march was held in defense of the Anarchist Steki Utopia AD. The march went through main streets and pedestrian streets with a strong pulse, ending up outside the vacated occupation where the next moves were discussed.
The march was supported by solidarity students as well as comrades from the city of  Alexandroupoli.


Update from the Defense Actions of the Evacuated Anarchist Steki  Utopia AD

February 8, 2024

A few hours after today’s evacuation of the Utopia AD Anarchist Steki, an open assembly was held in which a multitude of solidarity people were informed about the situation. As a first movement, a reflective march of 60 people poured into the city center, with a strong pulse and writing slogans. It should be noted that although the university security guards were instructed to call the police, the presence of police forces was non-existent throughout the protests.

The march ended outside the vacated hangout, where the next moves were discussed. We believe that the evacuation of the place is a continuation of the state attack on the occupied law school and the bringing in of 18 students, of which 12 turned into arrests. The main people responsible for the repressive operations are the rector Fotis Maris and the dean of the law school, Michalis Chrysomallis. Neither of them, however, has so far taken responsibility for the organization of the above actions.

We, on the one hand, call on the rector’s authority, if it has a trace of dignity, to stop shifting its responsibilities elsewhere, on the other hand, we assure that we will not choose the path of silence

Utopia AD Anarchist Steki  (Occupied since 2003… And counting)

Via: utopia-ad.org/

Paint against a company that does projects for borders by Vandals against borders (Athens,Greece)

Paint against a company that does projects for borders
by Vandals against borders

The Greek state has completely systematized racism. The institutional form of racism dominates the public sphere in ways and practices fed by a particular audience. Thus racism is adopted by states and unfolds through their institutions. Even fascist practices that have always run parallel with the state are being so faithfully implemented by the latter in many cases that even fascist groups are taking on new forms.

Institutionalized violence against migrants includes concentration camps, border killings, pushbacks, asymmetric border “wars” (such as the Evros border). Racism and xenophobia are not just current phenomena, but have existed in the Greek state for many decades. Nevertheless, as we see globally, the intensity of the war against immigrants has intensified and deepened. On the one hand, labour needs are changing compared to other decades, but on the other, having broken whatever social contract that may have existed in the past, states are present to provide repression, policing and national ideology.
Continue reading Paint against a company that does projects for borders by Vandals against borders (Athens,Greece)

$hile: Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

February 4, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

These days, nostalgia strikes, longing for that enveloping air of the streets upon awakening in these cells. It’s already going on 12 months since the GOPE kicked down different doors of the various spaces in which we moved or had entered at some point.

From the bottom of our hearts, we lament that the bastard police exposed those beautiful little beings to so much violence, and that their eyes saw their despicable uniforms and weapons that were at the ready when they found and captured Aldo, so far the only one accused for the explosive attack against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie of $hile, and Lucas, accused for possession of various weapons and explosives.

It didn’t matter in the least to the police that they were violating the most basic rights of the children present in the various spaces that were raided.
Continue reading $hile: Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

Chile: Words dedicated to Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry

Words dedicated to Angry

When the proletarian youth from the neighborhoods of the city suburbs bow their heads and resign themselves to being cheap labor, they don’t call the attention of Power. They are handled with labor regulations (when the work is more or less formal), and/or are seen as the object of certain social policies that mix control with handouts.

When they dedicate themselves to petty economic delinquency to subsist, and become thiefs, shoplifters, low-level dealers or any other variant of the so-called “common criminal”, they are responded to with police, Penal Code and prison. When young people come from these same sectors, structurally marginalized by the capitalism of our time, they obtain certain class consciousness; when they rebel against exploitation with weapons in hand, they are always candidates for being labeled “terrorists”. Them! When they’ve done nothing but react with the most human dignity possible faced with systematic and historically accumulated conditions of class violence dolled out from above by the true terrorists.
Continue reading Chile: Words dedicated to Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry

(Chile) Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Boroño High School 10 Years After the Death of Sebastián Oversluij

Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Boroño High School 10 Years After the Death of Sebastián Oversluij

December 19, 2023 / informativoanarquista

Throughout these days, masked students armed barricades and confronted the presence of the Carabineros (COP), wounding one in the back resulting in mild burns. In memory of the pelao Angry, who was assassinated during a bank expropriation in Pudahuel on December 11, 2013.

Translated by Act for freedom now!


Today, Monday, February 5. 2024, 16 months after their installation on the Hill, from the morning TOMI AVETE workers have been collecting the last of their rubble and removing the sheet metal from the construction site in the area of Byzantinos, opposite the theatre. TOMI ABETE is a subsidiary of AKTOR, the company that took over the subcontract from PRODEA for the regeneration of the Hill.

After 16 months of destruction and 3 years of struggle, the reconstruction workers are finally leaving, the cops have gone and Lofos is freed and the capital that they threatened to level.


from an Open Assembly for the defense of Lofos Strefis

Ps: Prodea Investments is the leading real estate investment company in Greece


To Shadowbox Studios,

You dumb motherfuckers left your feller buncher near the highway where everyone could see it lit the fuck up in the night sky. You’re all fucking losers and we hope the extra rain sank its lifeless corpse so deep in the mud that it takes weeks to get it out.

To everyone else,

There is still a forest to defend, and some of us intend to do so with or without a “movement” to back us up. There is more to the Weelaunee forest than the section that is fenced off and under 24/7 police occupation. We vowed to defend the forest from Blackhall too. No matter what the project is, anything destroying forests must be met with the same rage, hostility, and violence. Weelaunee is our home and we will not abandon it.
Continue reading FIRE TO THE FOREST DESTROYERS (Atlanta city , USA )

Berlin (Germany): attack on the A100 freeway construction site

Berlin: attack on the A100 freeway construction site

On the night of January 18 to 19, 2024, we neutralized 2 excavators on the 16th section of the A100 (Kiefholzstraße – Treptow) with time-delay incendiary devices. Numerous needle punctures like this can eventually bring down the system. It’s also a cheerful response to the Switch-Off call, which is now finding an energetic echo internationally.

Sabotage is a direct tool for stopping the projects of the powerful. One of their gigantic mega-projects is the continued construction of Berlin’s “Autobahn 100”. We believe that a multitude of different methods are needed, not just symbolic resistance. It’s pointless to appeal to the dominant political system, to its authorities and to democratic reason to prevent this concrete furrow in the middle of Berlin. Let’s turn our anger into courage and attack their profiteers, their managers and their construction vehicles. Through our ideas and our actions, we want to move closer, step by step, to a society where capitalism’s destruction of nature, its warlike and technological excesses, and the oppression of human by human, finally belong to the past.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): attack on the A100 freeway construction site

EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

On January 30, we placed an incendiary device under a car with the number plate of Greece’s diplomatic mission in Germany. The action took place in the Rosenthaler district in Berlin.

The action is not directed against a specific person but against the relations between two racist and murderous states and those responsible for them. The burning diplomatic car is once again a vehicle for international messages between the oppressed and at the same time a message to those who want to rule the world…

..that we have not forgotten the hundreds of murders committed last June off the coast of Pylos at the hands of the Greek coastguard and Frontex.

…that we have not forgotten the racist, murderous acts of violence by the police against Roma youth in Greece.

…that we do not remain inactive in the face of the persecution of anarchists and individuals fighting against oppression and exploitation.
Continue reading EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

Brunsbüttel (Germany): holes in pipeline under construction

Brunsbüttel : holes in pipeline under construction

Update: According to an article released at the beginning of January (Spiegel, 9/1), the sabotage against this gas pipeline was more extensive than the information originally released and translated below. The pipeline under construction was perforated in eight different places (not three), spread over a distance of more than a kilometer, causing damage estimated at at least 1.6 million euros. This new 55-kilometer pipeline is intended to connect the new liquefied natural gas terminal near Brunsbüttel to the German energy grid. According to investigators, the holes drilled in the steel gas pipe were barely visible from the outside, as the plastic coating covering them had contracted again after drilling. They were discovered at the end of November during a pipeline pressure test and reported to the police by the operator, Gasunie.

From Switch off the system of destruction, December 24, 2023

Brunsbüttel (Schleswig-Holstein region) November/December 2023

Federal Prosecutor’s Office investigates possible sabotage of liquefied natural gas pipeline

The Criminal Office of the Schleswig-Holstein region is investigating a possible attempt to sabotage the new liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline between Brunsbüttel and Hetlingen in northern Germany. Holes measuring around one centimeter in diameter were discovered in at least three places along the 55-kilometer route.
Continue reading Brunsbüttel (Germany): holes in pipeline under construction