Chile: Words dedicated to Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry

Words dedicated to Angry

When the proletarian youth from the neighborhoods of the city suburbs bow their heads and resign themselves to being cheap labor, they don’t call the attention of Power. They are handled with labor regulations (when the work is more or less formal), and/or are seen as the object of certain social policies that mix control with handouts.

When they dedicate themselves to petty economic delinquency to subsist, and become thiefs, shoplifters, low-level dealers or any other variant of the so-called “common criminal”, they are responded to with police, Penal Code and prison. When young people come from these same sectors, structurally marginalized by the capitalism of our time, they obtain certain class consciousness; when they rebel against exploitation with weapons in hand, they are always candidates for being labeled “terrorists”. Them! When they’ve done nothing but react with the most human dignity possible faced with systematic and historically accumulated conditions of class violence dolled out from above by the true terrorists.

But within all the images that obsess the borgeouis and their loyal subjects, the figure of the anarchist and/or subversive youth that dares to enter the temple of money, the territory where humanity offers tribute to the Money God, with weapons in hand to expropriate from the expropriators, fleeing the imposition of wage work, the pack of citizens grows hoarse screaming: thugs! Antisocial! Kill them all! Throw them in jail! When their hired thugs levied from the police, the prison or private security companies (a tremendous business led by several former State security agents), shoot young proletarians to death, there’s no violence for them, no act of justice and professionalism.

This is how clear things are in our time, and this is why those who openly claim that we’re in the midst of an open and implacable social war are not mistaken, not by any means.

These are violent times, that will not end with us holding hands in a peaceful meeting, but rather by applying more and greater violence against the enemy where it most hurts. As someone said a half-century ago: we must illuminate the sector of what deserves to be destroyed. And this destruction must point precisely at the heart of exploitation and domination in all its forms. You were killed by a mercenary, a gun for hire, who is obviously presented as a hero by the journalists/police who dedicate themselves to deepening the mass dumbing down without which this shit civilization wouldn’t function for another minute. The likes of those who kill and die to defend the filthy symbol that this absurd world forces us to need even to be able to move through the city and breath, money, are no more that crumbs of human shit floating in the sea of state and capitalist domination.

May they be swept away, along with all that they defend, and only then in this moment will be able to say: we have avenged our brother, and all our ancestors that gave their life in the struggle for total liberation!


Today for Today: Writings of Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry –

Authorship acknowledged, ownership unknown
No rights reserved
Pirate, copy and disseminate

Published December 2016

Translated by Act for freedom now!