Italy – Solidarity communique following Operazione Sibilla [Operation Sybil]

SIBILATIONS – On the anti-anarchist operation denominated Sibilla All this must end. For ever. And if the State and the bosses are our living enemies, then the role of anarchism as the spade with which we’ll dig their graves is more evident than ever. Prima le buone notizie, Ottone degli Ulivi —- 11th November 2021 … Continue reading Italy – Solidarity communique following Operazione Sibilla [Operation Sybil]

Lecce, Italy – Chatter and identities

11/11/2021, Biblioteca Anarchica Disordine The democratic system is the best you can aspire to live in: in it all freedoms are guaranteed. Let’s take freedom of the press and freedom of expression as examples; under democracy it is possible to say and publish everything, provided it is what the democratic system allows one to say … Continue reading Lecce, Italy – Chatter and identities

en/es/fr, Italy: ON 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy At 4am in the morning of 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy on orders of the PM Comodi in an investigation set off by the usual Nobili and Basilone. Alfredo, in prison for having shot at Adinolfi, CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, and for ”operation … Continue reading en/es/fr, Italy: ON 11/11/2021, the ROS [Carabinieri Special Operations] raided the homes of dozens of comrades all over Italy

Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Contribution for the debate at the anarchist space Motín by anarchists editors of “Vetriolo”. Madrid, February 27, 2021 Thanks to the comrades for the invitation, we regret that more comrades could not come. The reason for such a small presence is the restrictions related to the repressive laws enacted by governments, under the pretext of … Continue reading Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

25–26–27 June 2021: Anarchist Bookfair in Carrara (Italy)

25–26–27 JUNE 2021: ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR Presentations, debates, exhibitions, stands and distributions of books, pamphlets, papers, magazines and various materials. At Teatro P. 38, via San Martino 1, Carrara. FRIDAY 25th JUNE 11am — Meeting and discussion with some comrades of the magazine “I giorni e le notti” on Anarchism in the era of the Emergency … Continue reading 25–26–27 June 2021: Anarchist Bookfair in Carrara (Italy)

MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate! [en, it, de]

MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate! In one of Berlin’s squares where gentrification and repression are no longer a river in flood but rampant water, in the tide that destroys the shores of a historic neighborhood, lived and conquered with sweat, gasoline and barricades, the new puppets, the admirals of respectability and normalization, make their way … Continue reading MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate! [en, it, de]

Act for freedom now! Translations, Publications, Editions, Distro 2008 – 2024

================================ SOLIDARITY WITH IVAN! FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE! Repression and vehicle arson’s For reading For printing This zine comes from an informal and anonymous collective formed in solidarity with Ivan. This collective does not claim to be a reference support committee or anything official. We welcome all autonomous initiatives in solidarity with Ivan and/or any other … Continue reading Act for freedom now! Translations, Publications, Editions, Distro 2008 – 2024

Italy – Quale internazionale? [What international?], a book by Alfredo Cospito and many others, is out

via: Quale internazionale? published little more than a year after the publication of the third part of an homonymous interview with imprisoned comrade Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist paper Vetriolo, is finally available. This booklet, edited by Alfredo and the other comrades editors of the paper, is the expression of a passionate trajectory of … Continue reading Italy – Quale internazionale? [What international?], a book by Alfredo Cospito and many others, is out