Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the Hellenic Train offices

February 28th marks two years since the deadly crime of Tempi. Two years later and the causes of the collision between a Hellenic Train passenger train and a commercial train remain unclear. Unclear precisely because the main perpetrators of this crime are the capitalist policies of the state and its capital.

57 people died and how many others were seriously injured, with the government trying to cover up the causes of the tragedy, defending once again the private capital of the big bourgeoisie. The latest developments that have come to light leave no room for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Whether it is fuel smuggling or the transport of any flammable materials, Hellenic Train, New Democracy and capital are covering up their crime.
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Athens, Greece: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Forward, everyone!
Both with arms and with heart,
word and pen,
knife and gun,
irony and blasphemy,
theft, poisoning and arson,
let us wage… war on society!

~Josheph Dejacque (1821-1864), libertarian anarcho-communist

In a world of constant impoverishment, class inequalities, oppression and exploitation, social fascism advances through the dictates of the state apparatus, capital and its mouthpieces, leaving room for more and more impoverishment and repression. The reformist compromises of the once more radical sections of society, together with stupidification, selfish individualism and worship of oppressors, make it no longer able to conceive of conflict with all of the above.

Our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris and anarchist comrade Marianna M. are an example of selflessness, revolutionary ethos and political commitment in all aspects of the struggle. From anarchist assemblies, to solidarity with prisoners, to struggles in defense of immigrants, labor gains, to the struggle against gentrification and repression, our comrades gave “body and soul” keeping the flame of the revolutionary cause always alight. The events of October 31st froze our hearts but at the same time convinced us to continue the struggle of Kyriakos and Marianna and so many other comrades over the years who gave their lives or were imprisoned in the battle for individual and social liberation, revolution and anarchy.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Election Office Vandalism – Portland, OR (USA)

January 20, 2025

Portland police are still searching for multiple suspects seen vandalizing the Multnomah County Elections Office around 2 a.m. Monday.

A group of eight to 10 vandals smashed 33 windows and two doors at the elections office, located near Southeast 10th Avenue and Morrison Street. Crews worked until 9 a.m. to clean the glass and graffiti.

Surveillance footage provided by Multnomah County shows vandals dressed in mostly gray or black all wearing hoodies, throwing rocks and other heavy objects through the windows.
Continue reading Election Office Vandalism – Portland, OR (USA)

B(A)D NEWS 87 – Angry voices from around the world

Episode 87 (1/2025)

Welcome to BAD News, angry voices from Around The World, a monthly English-language podcast from the A-Radio Network. This month on we are featuring four segments:

x FrequenzA, Leipzig: The colleges from FrequenzA did an interview with an Comrade from Georgia about the current situation there.They talked about the up risings linked to the elections, the political situation in general and existing progressive initiatives. As the interview is quite long we have only a part of it in the show – if you want to listen the whole interview you can find it at
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Claim Arson Attack at the real estate company Ellika, by Fire Estate (Athens,Greece)

At the early morning of Monday, December 23, we decided to leave a little gift in anticipation of the holidays at the real estate company Ellika, at its store on Irakleidwn Street in Thisseio. The otherwise police-controlled neighborhood of Thisseio was the perfect spot for us to contribute, fairly easily, our own sparkle enriching this way the already so glittering decoration of the Athenian center.

This real estate company has 2 branches, one in the center and one in Glyfada, it has been active since 2004 and, in addition to the classic activities of a real estate agency, it deals with auctions and Golden Visa, providing lawyers and accountants to complete the procedures that interested parties need to join the program.

The Golden Visa offers a 5-year residence permit to non-European
citizens with the purchase of a property (usually some wrecked property in the center) with a minimum value of 250,000€ and the possibility of permanent residence. Interested parties usually want the Golden Visa for their access to the Schengen countries, Greece offers the most favorable conditions compared to other countries.
Continue reading Claim Arson Attack at the real estate company Ellika, by Fire Estate (Athens,Greece)

Greece: Taking responsibility- Intervention against the murder of migrants in Rhodes and Thessaloniki

January 2025

Each day we witness the war against immigrants in every way. From their over-exploitation as cheap labour and their countless imprisonments in detention centres, to their torture in the A.T. police stations, the mass murders in detention centres, the pushbacks and drownings in the Aegean sea, these murderous anti-immigrant policies are an integral part of the Greek state’s agenda for its capitalist reproduction.

The social and class war of the Greek state has two aspects. On the one hand, it proceeds to create large surplus populations which, as the most impoverished part of the working class, are at times exploited by domestic capital. Other times, it uses the state itself, which with its rhetoric creates the necessary “internal enemy” that threatens the local proletariat.

Continue reading Greece: Taking responsibility- Intervention against the murder of migrants in Rhodes and Thessaloniki

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24


On 25/01/2025 at noon we chose to intervene with sledgehammers and paints at the television station ACTION 24 on Skiathou Street. Our movement was a minimal act of opposition to a medium that systematically reproduces the dominant discourse, consciously supports any decisions of the state, constantly kills characters at the discretion of the authorities, systematically incriminates and denounces victims of trafficking.

The reason for this event was the appeal of the cop-rapist Bougioukos in the case of the 19-year-old girl from Ilioupoli. The channel in question hosted Bougioukos last year after his conviction, in an interview of the rapist-pimp laundering, attempting firstly to recreate his character and reverse reality by incriminating the 19-year-old survivor and abusing her once again. The status of the cop who arrested the bastard seems to have been enough for the channel to placate him as the wrongdoer in the case.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24

Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation (Massa, Italy, February 28, 2025) en/it


poster pdf

August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’.

A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.

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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim by the Cells of Offensive Solidarity for the placement of an incendiary device at Kypseli’s ΕΦΚΑ (National Social Insurance Agency)

We take responsibility for the placement of a low powered
incendiary device in the early hours of 03/12
at the ΕΦΚΑ office in Kypseli, located on Kefallinias

Although the device, fortunately for you, did
not ignite, the message remains the same.

Rest assured that with the same operational ease, we can
target any location of our choosing at any time, with a
similar device.

The reason we selected this specific target, among the
many offered by the metropolis, is that it is a key
structure of the state mechanism, one that promotes
destitution, subjugation, and consequently, the
manipulation of the majority of society. The Social
Insurance Agency (ΕΦΚΑ) operates under the
supervision of the Ministry of Labour, which in capitalist
terms means it acts as an executive organ of the
ideological orientation promoted by the current

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim by the Cells of Offensive Solidarity for the placement of an incendiary device at Kypseli’s ΕΦΚΑ (National Social Insurance Agency)

This Rose Has Thorns 2024: A year of anarchic attacks in so-called Portland (USA)

A few years ago, in the aftermath of the George Floyd rebellion in Portland, a zine was made chronicling the autonomous attacks that proliferated across the city as public demonstrations increasingly became a dead end.

Feeling inspired by the daring attacks against authority that occurred in 2024, we decided to create an (incomplete) compilation zine. Some of the attacks listed here were explicitly claimed by anarchists, while others were done by perpetrators with
unknown motivations, but whose actions we think are of
interest to anarchists. All of the attacks mentioned here took
place outside of publicly announced events.

Here’s to a 2025 full of joy and destruction! Long Live Anarchy!

Links to download PDFs:



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