[Italy] Two contributions from Luigi Palli

/ Italiano / Français / English / Deutsch /

We received and we spread these two writings from Luigi, who has been under house arrest for 6 months with all restrictions for the Scripta scelera investigation against the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny”.

Contribution to the Internationalist Days in Prague May 20-26, 2024

Source in Italian: https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/07/luigi-palli-contributo-alle-giornate-internazionaliste-a-praga-dal-20-al-26-maggio-2024/

First of all, I want to congratulate and salute the comrades from Třídní Válka, for their commitment and perseverance. In these last two sad years of war they have been active, including and especially in contacting revolutionary groups abroad, something that – in my opinion – few in our latitudes have done.
Continue reading [Italy] Two contributions from Luigi Palli

Appeal verdict of the trial against Gianluca (Genoa, Italy, February 14, 2024)

Appeal verdict of the trial against Gianluca

On February 14th, the hearing of the appeal trial in the so-called ‘Diamante’ case was held at the Genoa court. The judges confirmed Gianluca’s conviction for ‘illegal possession of explosives’ (art. 1 and 2 of law 895/67) and ‘attempted crime’ (art. 56 of penal code), reducing the sentence to 3 years and 2 months (plus euro 3,000). In first instance, the comrade had been sentenced to 4 years and 6 months (plus euro 15,000), while the other comrade defendant in the trial was acquitted.

Solidarity with all imprisoned and indicted anarchists and revolutionaries!

[Received via e-mail and published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/15/appeal-verdict-of-the-trial-against-gianluca-genoa-italy-february-14-2024/]

[IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Il 21 febbraio si è tenuta in corte di cassazione l’udienza sulle misure cautelari scaturita dal ricorso del PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova avverso l’ordinanza del tribunale del riesame del capoluogo ligure. Il 28 agosto le misure erano state annullate in riferimento al reato associativo (art 270 bis c. p.) e confermate, mantenendole inalterate, per le altre accuse. Il PM, in buona sostanza, ha chiesto che le misure venissero confermate anche per il reato associativo, contrariamente a quanto stabilito dal riesame. Questa richiesta, se accolta, avrebbe potenzialmente condotto in carcere gli otto compagni per i quali il GIP aveva stabilito la custodia cautelare e le restrizioni pure in relazione all’art. 270 bis c. p. La cassazione ha dichiarato inammissibile il ricorso del PM.

Continue reading [IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Athens,Greece: Fierce attack with dozens of cocktail Molotov’s against the MAT (riot cops) in the most police-controlled neighborhood of Athens

Exarchia: A fierce attack with dozens of cocktail Molotov’s against the MAT riot cops took place at the junction of Themistokleous and Tzavella streets, in Exarchia square, late on the evening of Saturday, February 17, 2024, in the most policed ​​neighborhood of Athens, with dozens of cops  stationed 24 hours a day like a peculiar army occupation, since August 9, 2022, when the only square in the neighborhood was fenced off with sheets to build the subway metro construction site>

Patras, Greece: Claiming responsibility for the attack on the City Unity private College by Anarchists

Patras, Claiming responsibility for the attack on the City Unity private College by Anarchists

In the continuous advance of educational restructuring in Greece over recent years, domestic and international bosses have found fertile ground for profit in the name of education and higher education, which, based on European standards, is rapidly moving towards its transformation into another commercial product. From tuition fees in postgraduate courses and mandatory private contractors within the social welfare of the state universities (cooking, cleaning), the managers and sponsoring companies, the businesses on the campuses (Coffee island being a shocking example in the city of Patras) capital is flowing into the areas of what was once asylum, as it tries to go with the policy of privatization in all areas of life.

Within this condition, we do not find it surprising that both in Patras and other cities, they have found fertile ground for the private interests of IEK and colleges to flourish, for which the circumvention of Article 16 through the “free university” bill is the ideal condition for upgrading the degrees they provide to a level equal to that of public universities, leading to a subsequent degradation of public ones as they will not be able to compete with the private ones, leading them either to closure or to the path of commercialization, raising even greater class barriers in accessibility to higher education and literacy.
Continue reading Patras, Greece: Claiming responsibility for the attack on the City Unity private College by Anarchists

Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Thessaloniki, Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

The work of the judicial officials is clearly aimed at torturing and impoverishing all prisoners and in general all those who unfortunately have to face their fate.

Judges, prosecutors, appellants, all together have for years created a closed group of torturers, of course with the help and complicity of the governments of the day.
Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests
by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance

On the evening of January 5th, we chose to target the Bob W Akadimia Athens in the Exarcheia area at 4 Zalongou Street, a hotel with Israeli interests. This action was obviously carried out to support the resistance in Palestine against the murderous state of Israel and to target Israeli capital in our country, but a reason could not exist here without taking into account the gentrification of this particular neighbourhood and the tourism in it aimed at bending the resistance that Exarcheia has had as its roots for many decades. Through gentrification, the neighbourhood is aimed at becoming a middle-class amusement park and ultimately at changing its class status, driving out the residents and activists who live and operate in it.

As far as the Palestinian question is concerned, we understand our obligation to act from our own position and place.

As anarchists, we must stand in practical solidarity with the people of Palestine, show that, contrary to the bigotry and the “puppet government”, Greek society is on the right side of history, which has also been shown by the magnificent demonstrations that have been held in this country from 7/10 on wards.
Continue reading Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Houdeng (Belgium): helping yourself to enemy warehouses

Houdeng, helping yourself to enemy warehouses

Houdeng-Goegnies: a Customs shed burnt down and weapons stolen
RTBF/RTL (Belgium), December 18, 2023

The Houdeng (La Louvière) customs warehouse on the Garocentre site was the target of a fire on Sunday morning. The Mons public prosecutor’s office confirmed on Monday the criminal origin of the building fire, as reported in the local press, as well as a burglary.

The perpetrators entered through a wire fence. They then broke open the sliding door. The hangar was set on fire. Several customs vehicles inside were found burnt out. Weapons, in particular, were also stolen, added the public prosecutor. It remains to be seen whether these weapons were the result of seizures or were customs property.

Continue reading Houdeng (Belgium): helping yourself to enemy warehouses

Germany: Thales Group Vehicle Attacked in Berlin: For Refaat – For Gaza

In the early hours of February 15, we set fire to a Mercedes van belonging to the French arms company Thales in Berlin. Standing up for the oppressed in Gaza and Palestine is a matter of dignity.

If I Must Die

If I must die,

you must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself—

sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope

let it be a tale

— poem written by the Palestinian poet, writer and professor, Refaat Alareer who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on December 6, 2023 along with 6 members of his family.

source: https://de.indymedia.org/node/340604


Sindre is an animal rights activist, 21 years old, from so-called Sweden. Sindre is a kind and respected comrade in the animal rights community, who has fought against animal abusers in various ways.

In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care. The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson. Sindre denies the alleged crime. Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages to Niklas. The sentence was appealed, but later in 2023 The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been only four months.