AnarSec: Tech Guides for Anarchists

AnarSec is a new resource designed to help anarchists navigate the hostile terrain of technology — defensive guides for digital security and anonymity, as well as offensive guides for hacking. All guides are available in booklet format for printing and will be kept up to date.

As anarchists, we must defend ourselves against police and intelligence agencies that conduct targeted digital surveillance for the purposes of incrimination and network mapping. With the defensive series, our goal is to obscure the State’s visibility into our lives and projects. Our recommendations are intended for all anarchists, and they are accompanied by guides to put the advice into practice.

With the upcoming offensive series, we hope to contribute to the practice of hacking the State and capital. Astute readers may notice that the art featured on our homepage and booklets is taken from communiqués detailing how anarchists robbed a bank (Phineas Fisher) and destroyed police servers (AntiSec) using only a keyboard.

The defensive series currently includes:


Qubes OS



Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino


Almost eight years after the arrests for Scripta Manent, for the second time the Court of Cassation, on 24th April 2024, will pronounce judgement on the crime of “political massacre”, pursuant to art. 285 c.p., against Alfredo and myself, the last remaining fragment pending in the process (i), after a whirlwind of delays, recalculations, and repressive-jurisprudential manipulations (ii).

Although the repetition of error numbs the horror, and we are living in times of multiple horrors flaunted and total anaesthetisations, I believe there are still some words to be said about the ongoing annihilation attempt, about reactions, successful and attempted. Not so much because I believe this may be useful for our personal fates, but out of a kind of stubborn “romanticism” that considers silence and resignation always and even more lethal in a political process.
Continue reading Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Newfoundland (Canada): sledgehammering the weather station for the future wind farm

World Energy GH2 equipment vandalized in Mainland

Radio Canada, March 14, 2024 (excerpt)

Someone recently damaged World Energy GH2 facilities in southwestern Newfoundland. The damage amounts to more than $5,000, and took place on February 21 or 22 in Mainland, at a location where World Energy GH2 collects weather data, says the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), which is investigating the incident. The vandals targeted solar panels, the windows of a small building and equipment.

In a similar incident in January 2023, someone had already damaged the company’s heavy equipment. World Energy GH2 intends to build around 150 200-metre-high wind turbines on the Port-au-Port peninsula, west of Stephenville. The consortium is also studying the possibility of building a wind farm of roughly the same size in the Codroy Valley to the south.

Prague, Czech Republic: May Action Week in Prague is calling for an anti-war demonstration to take place on Friday 24 May 2024 at 5pm on Palacký Square.

The collective organizing the May Action Week in Prague is calling for an anti-war demonstration to take place on Friday 24 May 2024 at 5pm on Palacký Square.

War is a phenomenon that not only theoretically, but also very concretely intrudes upon everyone’s life. Under the current social order, there is no boundary separating life in war from life in peace. We are all at war. Only the ways in which the reality of war affects us differ. Some are living on the home front in bombed-out cities, others are sent to the front to serve as cannon fodder, and some others are forced to sell their labor force, which turns the wheels of the war economy. We are all also targets of war propaganda designed to induce us to engage in one form of war or another. Finally, we are also all indoctrinated with the so-called duty to sacrifice ourselves in war for the sake of the country, the nation, the people, the economy, democracy, religion…

Continue reading Prague, Czech Republic: May Action Week in Prague is calling for an anti-war demonstration to take place on Friday 24 May 2024 at 5pm on Palacký Square.

March 29 Day of Remembrance in Pudahuel Sur ( Chile )

March 29 Day of Remembrance in Pudahuel Sur


Taken from Frente Fotográfico.

The Coordinadora 29 de Marzo of Pudahuel sur organized a political-cultural act on Saturday the 23rd, as an instance of memory in the context of a new commemoration of the day of the Young Combatant.

The day began with various workshops, music and an open mic for those who wanted to share words or reflections about the date. Later on, troupes, collectives and neighbors, marched together through the territories of Pudahuel Sur to carry the idea and embody it in reality, spreading and keeping alive the memory of all the assassinated and political prisoners who still continue to struggle for their freedom.

Sardinia, Italy : To support anarchist comrade Davide Delogu

Let’s not forget the anarchist comrade Davide Delogu now under house arrest after 13 years in prison. Funds are necessary so as to be able to support him in his daily expenditure and also for yet more legal costs concerning the trial for attempted escape and many other smaller trials.
For anyone who’d like to contribute:
Davide Delogu support fund:
Carta postepay intestata a Laura Gargiulo
IBAN: IT17I3608105138295981295990

If there are any problems write to: —

[Received by e-mail, taken from Sardegna Anarchica, and republished in:]

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code. (Greece)

Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code.

“Go on, comrades:
There is a whole world to be demolished!”
Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai

Book presentation of the book by Alfredo Cospito “Which International?”
(Interview and discussion with Alfredo Cospito from Ferrara prison, Italy).

Intervention by Italian comrades on the book by Alfredo Cospito, the isolation of the comrade, the 41bis regime
& update on current repression operations in Italy.

Update on Law N.5090/24 (New Penal Code).

Telephone communication with a prisoner about the new penal code and the struggles inside the prisons.

Update from the lawyer Alexandros Kanellopoulos regarding the provisions and changes brought about by the law N.5090/24.

The proceeds of the book will be used for financial support
of comrade Alfredo Cospito.

During the event
there will be a political poster exhibition from Greece and Italy
& place with printed material (brochures, stickers, etc.).

University of ASOEE
Thursday, May 16
7 p.m.

Anarchist Hangout Nadir
Saturday, May 18
7 p.m.


Anarchist project Ragnarok

Anarchist Hangout Nadir

France: Let’s put out the flame of the JOP ! [Olympic games]!

Let’s put out the flame of the JOP

Call to the mischievous, the jokers and other heretics of the Sport Business

The harm caused by the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) no longer needs to be demonstrated as it is now well known: security delirium, anti-terrorist law, mismanagement and financial malpractices, shameless increase in metro tickets, eviction of homeless people,  students expelled from their lodgings, etc, etc.
The list is too long, and now, obvious.(1)
The promotion of the JOP also passes through the journey of the olympic Flame whose route through France is due to start in Marseilles on May 8th (entire course on

Continue reading France: Let’s put out the flame of the JOP ! [Olympic games]!

Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th

On March 8th the first hearing took place of the summary trial at the court of Massa  arranged for four of the ten under investigation for Scripta Scelera. As we know, one of the comrades. Luigi, has been transferred to the prison of Bologna to have him connected via video conference. A warning to the presence of those in solidarity at the hearings and a punishment for breaking the silence imposed through restrictive house arrest with two texts. During the hearing the comrade read out a statement which had already been circulated.

The judge rejected the defence lawyers’ request for an annullity of the hearing on the basis of the decision to let Luigi participate in video conference. The civil parties appeared and witness lists were submitted: the Avvocatura dello Stato joined the civil action on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic, claiming that “Bezmotivny” had damaged the State’s image and that of public administration. The expert was not commissioned to transcribe the wiretaps because the designated expert stressed the impossibility of finishing the work alone in the time available, which was six months: the judge expects to award a collegial assignment at the next hearing. In the meantime, the trial will continue without these being available. During the next hearing, the examinations of the prosecution witnesses will begin, in particular, the deputy commissioner Ardolino will be heard and inspector Canosa of the Rome department of public safety.
Continue reading Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.