Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Our comrade Pablo Bahamones Ortiz was arrested along with Herny Mendez (today imprisoned in the former penitentiary of stgo) and Hugo Moraga (in the street after an abbreviated trial that sentenced him to 3 years) while they were being transported in a vehicle on September 8, 2018 under an investigation regarding an explosive attack occurred … Continue reading Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Facing what we see as direct interpellations towards us, the need arises to write this text to make clear the issues. As we have written on several occasions both individual and collectively, we understand anarchy not as an embodiment or place of arrival, but as a tension, a permanent confrontation in the first personm putting … Continue reading Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Regarding my convictions and trial charges and the nexus of non-systemic revolutionary struggle action practices and “my” meaning of the anarchist vision “(…) The reality is precisely this complex thing that cannot be traced back to the results of a judicial proceeding. This will always be arbitrary and will be based not on evidence but … Continue reading Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

25/12/2023 Prison of Sanremo This is not a communique. You will not read reflections on my arrest or concerning this new prison experience, or about other political questions. These will come at the appropriate moment, that is, when I consider some personal matters settled, and some reflections have matured over these first months of detention. … Continue reading Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

Rome: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023) Claim for incendiary barricade and stone-throwing Rome – 2nd November 2023 In the night of 2 November we placed and set fire to tyres to block the traffic in front of the headquarters of Terna spa of via … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English. ——– CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1. “Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to … Continue reading EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

(Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

(Excerpted from La Zarzamora) Letter of solidarity from Wallmapu To all those who struggle and to public opinion in general. Throughout the history of humanity, the pueblos have risen up, fought, resisted against tyranny and oppression imposed in different ways and different contexts. This is how the capitalist system through the state and government as … Continue reading (Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

(Chile) Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison (communiqué and images received on 6/8/23 to the email Arson attack on RED bus outside San Miguel Prison When we visualize the face of the enemy, we immediately recognize the prison and its penitentiary system, with all its apparatuses and officials, as a … Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons July 11, 2023 Monica, Francisco, Joaquín, Juan and Marcelo Speak. – Our emphasis, challenges and urgencies: – 50 years after pinochet’s civic-military coup, his juridical legacy shamefully endures in the heavy sentences of the military court for comrade Marcelo Villarroel. -In the context … Continue reading CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons