Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Today, Saturday, June 5, 2021, in the afternoon, the anarchist and subversive prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores have been transferred from the city of Santiago to Rancagua, from the High Security Prison to the concessioned  prison of that city.In October 2019, before the revolt, the gendarmerie was preparing a closure … Continue reading Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Italy – A pamphlet in solidarity with Juan Sorroche, anarchist prisoner of the Italian State :it Download the pamphlet Contro venti e maree [Against winds and tides], a “collection of texts by Juan Sorroche, anarchist prisoner of the Italian State, on trial following an explosive attack against the Northern League”. Edizioni Sole Nero issue 008 PDF for reading and printing: Solidarity with Juan on hunger strike! Translated by act for … Continue reading Italy – A pamphlet in solidarity with Juan Sorroche, anarchist prisoner of the Italian State :it

Italy – Anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche Fernandez is on hunger strike

via: Updates: abril 27, 2021 After 12 days of hunger strike Juan tells us today 1 that he is well and in a good mood. He has lost 3 kg and his blood pressure, blood glucose and weight are checked every day. He has not yet decided how long he will continue the strike. … Continue reading Italy – Anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche Fernandez is on hunger strike

June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds We once again approach June 11th, a day of remembrance and active solidarity, in a world of multiple crises and struggles for liberation. All of these are interconnected; there are no separate worlds. Across borders, languages, contexts, and identities, both catastrophes and victories of spirit and defiance reverberate around … Continue reading June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

THE CAROUSEL OF REPRESSION Almost eight years after the arrests for Scripta Manent, for the second time the Court of Cassation, on 24th April 2024, will pronounce judgement on the crime of “political massacre”, pursuant to art. 285 c.p., against Alfredo and myself, the last remaining fragment pending in the process (i), after a whirlwind … Continue reading Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

ES: (Chile) Entrevista a Espacio Fénix Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world. The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, … Continue reading Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

Italy: Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest With Juan, Rupert, Poza, Nasci and Stecco in prison, Nico, Sasha and Eleonora under house arrest, our friend and comrade Agnese has started to serve the final sentence of 19 months, between work and forced domicile. To the struggle and solidarity the magic of transforming these absences into stimulus, … Continue reading Italy: Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building December 15, 2023 / informativoanarquista (received 12/15/2023 by email Claim for the attempted explosive attack on the corporate Scotiabank building Succeeding in an attack is the most expected situation because we like things to turn out as planned and for our claims to be … Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

25/12/2023 Prison of Sanremo This is not a communique. You will not read reflections on my arrest or concerning this new prison experience, or about other political questions. These will come at the appropriate moment, that is, when I consider some personal matters settled, and some reflections have matured over these first months of detention. … Continue reading Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

“Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel On December 16, 2009 I was expelled from Argentina after 21 months of confinement in different units of the province of Neuquén to be at the disposal of the Chilean state and it has been 14 years since then. In 2014 I was sentenced to 14 … Continue reading $hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel