Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Rome, 24th April 2024

We learn from the mass media (which from the morning have given some prominence to the event) that shortly after 4am on Wednesday April 24th, in viale Giulio Agricola in the Appio Claudio district in Rome, unknown persons had set up a road block with an improvised incendiary barricade composed of rubbish bins dragged into the roadway and set on fire. At the same time a nearby post office had been attacked: the flames, although put out in conjunction with the intervention of the police forces, had nonetheless damaged the postamat (ATM).

Continue reading Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Athens, Greece: The final destruction of Exarcheia square has begun

Recently trucks have been unloading concrete bases at the Exarchia square construction site. They are the bases that will support the new sheets of the construction site extension. This development suffocates the streets around the square in a continuation of the general plan of desertification and gentrification of the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

For the square, this means further occupation of the public space, cutting off from the world its minimal remaining free space as a meeting and socializing point. Around the now larger construction site the police presence will be more intense and suffocating, making it even more difficult to hold gatherings, events and political coming together in general.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: The final destruction of Exarcheia square has begun

Back in print!: With blood and words – Evegeniia Iaroslavskaia-Markon

“So, that is my life – the life of a schoolgirl-revolutionary, a student-dreamer, a friend and lover of the great man and poet Aleksandr Iaroslavskii, an eternal wanderer, an itinerant anti-religious lecturer, a writer for Rul, a street newspaper vendor, a thief with a long criminal record, and a traveling fortune-teller.” (from My Autobiography, E. Iaroslavskaia-Markon)

The manuscript, completed on February 3, 1931, anticipated by a few months the execution of the authour at the age of twenty-nine, which took place in the courtyard of the isolation block in the gulag of the Solovki Islands. The manuscript – thirty-nine pages written in dense, tight handwriting – was discovered in 1996 in the archives of the FSB headquarters of the Arkhangelsk region. In her autobiography, Evgeniia talks about herself, her life, her comrade and companion Aleksandr Iaroslavskii and their commitment in fighting ’til their last breath against the tyranny of the Bolshevik power.

Evegeniia Iaroslavskaia-Markon, With blood and words

133 pages / 6 euros

Printed Spring 2024

available through:


“On June 9th we walked around a beautiful part of our city that is being destroyed by gentrification. So we grabbed some spray cans and made sure the property values of every building went down just a but by putting up tons of messages about the liberation of all life on earth.
Anarchist freedom cell of the FAI/IRF”

We received this text and believe this action took place somewhere in the so called united states

Presentation and Discussion: 7pm, Tuesday 11th June at Touchpaper Anarchist Library (South London, UK )

Something’s Missing?
Portland in Revolt 2020-2024
Presentation and Discussion: 7pm, Tuesday 11th June*

In the uprising ignited by the police murder of George Floyd in 2020, the city of Portland had a particularly long, hot summer – with its own trajectory of revolt and militaristic repression. Anarchists from this context will present their experiences and perspectives.

In Portland as in many other places, anarchy is lived and experimented by those who don’t wait for streets filled with angry crowds or popular assemblies filled with revolutionary declarations. Instead it is found in the here-and-now attacks on power, in plain words and destructive acts. But what happens when the possibilities change rapidly as they did in Portland? Can anarchists bring something to such a moment that (proto-)politicians and organisers can’t?

“In our view it is necessary to resist the sirens of recognition, if not political, also social. We are not generals searching for soldiers, neither shepherds searching for sheep. We don’t need pats on the back or smiles from the people. We don’t have to be accepted, since we neither want to convert nor guide anyone. We want individuals to unleash themselves because – as, in a far away past, an anarchist prince once privately confided –“without disorder, revolution is impossible”.”

“Only the one who rebels and has already rebelled, albeit only in the microcosm of their own life, only one who has already braved the consequences of this rebellion and lived them in depth, can have nerves sensitive enough and the intuition necessary to grasp the signs of an insurrectionary movement in the making.

[…] The strongest moments of the people in arms eliminate, of course, all prior procrastination and uncertainties. They allow to see clearly what yesterday was just a blur. But they cannot illuminate what does not exist. These moments are a powerful reflector that allows the realization of a revolutionary and anarchist project, but this project must exist already, if only in its methodological outlines. It must already have been worked out, even if not in every detail, and, as far as possible, have been tried and tested.”

* 11th June = international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners. Library open as usual from 4pm. Let’s read together and discuss the statement from J11 2024

Against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine)

Here’s the English translation of the pamphlet against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine), available for download! The first  .pdf file is the cover, the second one is the text.

Printing and distributing is encouraged, as well as sending comments, critiques and general feedbacks to our mail: bencivengaoccupato -at-

cover pdf

pamphlet pdf


Lyon, France: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

 Down with DETS, long live housing for all

Indymedia Lille / Friday May 24, 2024

On the night of May 22, the windows of the DETS were shattered in support of all the people on the streets.

DETS is the state organization that finances emergency accommodation and housing for homeless people.
It is they who, in conjunction with the prefecture, chose to leave 14,000 people on the streets. In Lyon, you have to wait 5 years for social housing, 3 years for emergency accommodation.

On May 22, 2024, the solidarités femmes a la rue [solidarity between women sleeping rough] collective occupied the Chanfray gymnasium, evicted the same evening by the police at the request of the town hall, like 2 weeks before at the Dargent gymnasium.
Continue reading Lyon, France: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about the 41BIS regime and the current situation in Italy, while a text was sent by a comrade of the newspaper Vetriolo which was translated into Greek and read at the event, followed by an update from a comrade on the new penal code and the event ended with a discussion, after some questions were asked to the Italian comrade.
Continue reading Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

United States: Some Windows Smashed For Palestine

On May 26 Israel killed 48 civilians in a drone strike in Raffah. As a small retaliation we smashed all the windows of Hudson Technologies. Hudson Technologies holds a 250 million dollar contract with the Department of Defense to make fuel for foreign militaries, including Israel.

Although they deserve worse punishment, we could not let them continue their crimes in comfort. Upon entering the facilities grounds we passed a deer and exchanged a knowing glance before she scampered into the darkness; from Weelaunee to Palestine the land must be liberated by those who love and those who fight.
Continue reading United States: Some Windows Smashed For Palestine