Naples, Italy: Zac “free”! Acquittal at the end of first instance trial in Naples and notification of special surveillance 11th July 2024

Zac “free”! Acquittal at the end of first instance trial in Naples and notification of special surveillance
11th July 2024

Zac “free”!!!

Zac was acquitted at the last hearing of the trial, on July 11th (both 280bis and 270quinques because the fact does not exist). The reasons will be produced within 90 days.

A large group of comrades and others in solidarity was present at the hearing, but a few hours before the sentence they tried to spoil things (with little success) by notifying the start of the preventive measure that Zac had been sentenced to in December (2 years and 6 months’ “qualified special surveillance” for the offences he was accused of in the trial), which imposes the following restrictions: obligation to stay in the municipality of Pozzuoli, to be at home from 9pm to 7am, to not “habitually” frequent persons who have been convicted or are subject to preventive measures, not to leave home without prior notice from the supervisory authority, not to have access to public establishments and public entertainment, “to live honestly respecting the law”, not to possess or carry weapons, not participate in public meetings, always carry the red booklet, turn up every Sunday, or anyway any time reqursted, to the supervisory authority.

The review hearing for surveillance will be on October 25th.

Meanwhile, as a banner incited outside the court…


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Pisa, Italy: Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre 2 June 2024

Pisa, Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre

In the night between 1 and 2 June, using rags and fuel, we set fire to a fibre optic street cabinet in the Fontina area of Pisa. We chose this place because it is in an industrial area near the Carrefour hypermarket, a robotics laboratory of the Sant’Anna Institute and the Bank of Pisa. Each day reality shows us how domination and war are directly linked to the development of these technologies, as the smart annihilation of the population of Gaza is demonstrating.

As much as the media has downplayed the damage by attributing it to a fault, they have had to admit that the repairs will require a long time. In this way we hope we have spoiled the work of the above-mentioned institutes and the festivities for this hypocritical republic.

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

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Rivendicazione dell’attacco incendiario contro la fibra ottica (Pisa, 2 giugno 2024)

La notte tra il 1 e il 2 di giugno abbiamo incendiato con stracci e combustibile un armadio della fibra ottica a Pisa in località la Fontina. Abbiamo scelto il posto perchè situato in un’area industriale vicino ad un ipermercato della Carrefour, ad un laboratorio di robotica dell’Istituto Sant’Anna e al Banco di Pisa.

La realtà di tutti i giorni ci mostra come il dominio e la guerra siano direttamente legate allo sviluppo di queste tecnologie, come lo sterminio smart della popolazione di Gaza ci insegna. Per quanto i media abbiano minimizzato il danno attribuendolo ad un guasto, hanno dovuto ammettere che le riparazioni richiederanno parecchio tempo.

Speriamo di aver guastato con ciò l’opera degli istituti sopracitati e i festeggiamenti per questa ipocrita repubblica.

Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Leipzig : arson attack on a Tesla dealership

[On the night of May 12/13 in Leipzig, several Tesla cars were set on fire in the Schomburgkstrasse parking lot of a Tesla dealership. Two Tesla cars were completely destroyed, and two others heavily damaged, with damage amounting to 120,000 euros. The Saxony Regional Criminal Police’s Center for Defense against Terrorism and Extremism (PTAZ) was in charge of the investigation. The day before the attack in Leipzig, 2,500 demonstrators marched in Berlin from the forest towards the Tesla factory in Grünheide, with clashes with the police. On May 16, a communique was published on de.indymedia.].

Disrupt Tesla – Electric cars set on fire west of Leipzig

On the night of May 12/13, as the dust began to settle in Grünheide and the cops were leaving, we went to remove several Teslas from circulation at a car dealership in western Leipzig using incendiary devices.

Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

(Uruguay) Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar

Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar
July 13, 2024 / informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

From the territory in conflict with the uruguayan State, we join the campaign against the isolation that the gendarmerie and the legal power in Chile wish to impose on the comrade Francisco Solar.

The exceptional intensification of prison conditions is a clear example that their “law” is a falsehood, that it’s not equal for everyone, that it’s valid up until it touches their privileges, which they’ve definitely felt with the direct attacks that they’ve received!

Continue reading (Uruguay) Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar

Worldwide: This techno-prison is vulnerable!

“Civilization is like a jetliner, noisy, burning up enormous amounts of fuel. Every imaginable and unimaginable crime and pollution had to be committed in order to make it go. Whole species were rendered extinct, whole populations dispersed. Its shadow on the waters resembles an oil slick. Birds are sucked into its jets and vaporized. Every part, as Gus Grissom once nervously remarked about space capsules before he was burned up in one, has been made by the lowest bidder.” – David Watson

… A thought after the crash of Microsoft operating systems bringing temporary paralysis, and in some cases ongoing disruption to many aspects of the megamachine: banks, logistics, emergency services, planes and airports, trains, medical databases, TV stations.

In Portland, Oregon the mayor made an emergency announcement due to the paralysis of city services, including emergency services.

There were also incidents of schools and supermarkets closing, and card payment systems crashing in businesses.

An industry analyst counted 1,396 cancelled flights wordwide. In some cases there were no screens working to announce the cancelled flights. In the UK, the 143 cancelled departures and 142 cancelled arrivals coincided with the busiest day for air travel bookings so far this year.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

Carpe diem!

Leeds (UK): massive riot against the child-snatching authorities

Leeds: massive riot against the child-snatching authorities

A large-scale riot broke out in the working-class neighbourhood of Harehills in Leeds, yesterday 18th July 2024. Fights with police started in the afternoon after social services tried to abduct four Roma children from their home. The children fought off the agency workers and were joined by a crowd of locals who attacked the police, as they evacuated the ‘social care’ workers and attempted to drag away the intractable kids. One van left through a jeering and combative crowd with smashed windows.

Several more police cars were smashed, overturned and destroyed. Police were attacked with stones, bricks and bottles, before being forced to make a ground retreat, chased by a crowd that grew to several hundred, maybe a thousand. Public-order cops in riot gear were seen escaping in vans under a torrent of projectiles. Burning barricades were constructed with bins and other objects. A double-decker bus was destroyed by fire. Police reportedly called on regional reinforcements, but it was not until 1am that they returned to the streets with the fire brigade. Nobody was reported hurt although it seems unlikely that all cops escaped unscathed, no matter how fast they ran away.

The next day, as fires still smouldered, police began ‘several’ arrests and promised to ‘hunt’ the combative youth in the area, calling for snitching and DIY surveillance footage and working with ‘community and religious leaders’, and ‘reassurance patrols’, to pacify the population, fearing another hot night tonight (19th July).


9/7 Update. Raids for Investigation About Explosive Artefacts (Chile)

via:  informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

9/07/2024 Update.

At last the democractic inquisition decided on the freedom of the arrested comrades and sentenced 9 comrades to pre-trial detention who stand accused of gun possession through the descovery of a bag inside a building.

Additionally, the authorities decided on pre-trial detention through the appeal of the Southern Prosector’s Office against the comrade accused of possession of explosives, and she is being transfeered to San Miguel Prison.

May multiform and combative solidarity annihilate the walls of the prisons!

As Informativo Anarquista we’d like to be concise about the situations that have taken place since the morning of July 6, on the eve of the commemoration of the death of dear comrade Luisa Toledo.

In sum, the events were as follows:

Continue reading 9/7 Update. Raids for Investigation About Explosive Artefacts (Chile)

(Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

At dawn on Saturday July 6, various raids were carried out in the context of an investigation for the placement of explosive artifacts. 14 people were detained, various households raided, among these the Radio Villa Francia and the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, where the Luisa Toledo Popular Cafe takes place.

Desperate, the Prosecutor’s Office dusts off old tactics, the massive raids have returned, the mediatic shows and the premise of raid and arrest, in order to investigate. We don’t ask them to improve the protocals of justice, we only unveil the hypocracy and absurdity of the legal labyrinth. We despise the world of power, its logic, mazes and tactics.
Continue reading (Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

Raids in Villa Francia: Tohá Praises “Blow” to Social Organizations (Chile)

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Sent to The Zarzamora by Puntada con hilo

In a time when people who were once “feminists” and/or defenders of “gender” quotas herald the fight against “organized crime” (designation for everything and nothing, directed – often – at migration), the minister of the interior CAROLINA TOHÁ, dressed in the colors of the chilean gendarmerie, very happy and surrounded by uniforms, praises the police “blow” and warns that they are being “strongly persecuted”… Who?: In the words of Tohá, “those who want to demonstrate points of views or critical postures in an emphatic manner in Chile”, will be “welcome”, but not those with “violent practices and methods”… Tohá makes this kind of “clarification” in order to make the raids ordered by her government in five neighborhoods of the metropolitan Region this Saturday July 6 appear as “an arsenal”. The guarantee judge declared – after the fact – that nine of the arrests were illegal, the supposed evidence is weak. The discourse of the government links those detained with the “placement of a bomb in an automobile in the metropolitan region in late 2023”, but after trying to assert that they had found “bombs ready for use in the future”, Tohá corrects: “we don’t know exactly”. Their objective appears to be to counteract “the agenda” as she calls it, of people to whom she attributes “connections in activities” to “influence in various spaces of society…” (Channel 24 live from Talagante 12:20 Saturday July 6, 2024).

For many activists, this will be a “first repressive action of Boric and his FA-PC-Agreement government”. Even if it were – we’re not aware of it being “the first” -, nothing about this is new in the postdictatorship of which Boric is a simple continuation (albeit with faces that were once youthful). It’s possible that there are those who imagine that with his “peace accord” (or pacification), the performative Constitutional Convention and an ex-student-leader president, the repressive stamp of the postdictatorship would change, but no.

Continue reading Raids in Villa Francia: Tohá Praises “Blow” to Social Organizations (Chile)

Ten OMNY Machines Smashed by the Transit Liberation Front NY,USA

Recently, Black Revolutionaries in Atlanta sent out a call for a Summer of Resistance, a sustained, militant, and decentralized campaign targeting the multitude of appendages of the settler-colonial so-called United States, its Zionist client government, and their many accomplices in promoting a genocidal agenda in Palestine that is killing tens of thousands. In response, we turned our attention to the MTA and the touchless payment system, OMNY, that it is trying to shove down New Yorkers’ collective throat. These machines represent a world in which we must trade away our privacy for the right to move about our own city. The existence of OMNY and the city’s desire to phase out all other methods of payment is an obvious ploy to increase surveillance and further violate our communities by policing the main arteries of transit for everyday New Yorkers—as if the subways weren’t fucking crawling with police already.

We smashed ten of these machines in multiple subway stations across the city. We estimate that this is equivalent to about $40,000 in damage.
Continue reading Ten OMNY Machines Smashed by the Transit Liberation Front NY,USA