Athens, Greece: Claudio Lavazza ,a whole life dedicated to the struggle

English PDF Greek PDF Our anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza has been in prison since 1996, having already completed 25 years of continuous detention. He is one of the longest serving political prisoners in Europe. Claudio was one of the militants who took up arms to oppose capitalist rule politically and militarily. An insurgent proletarian who … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claudio Lavazza ,a whole life dedicated to the struggle

Claudio Lavazza free!

via:  infernourbano On the day of January17 we covered a TGV [high speed train] in writings and posters for the freedom of Claudio Lavazza held hostage in the French prisons. One writing also concerned Emilio Scalzo, he too deported and imprisoned in the French jails. Solidarity to Claudio and Emilio Translated Act for freedom now!

EN/FR/IT/ES Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza (France)

Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza The prosecutor Céline Bucau of the Mont de Marsan Court, after months of pretexts and procrastination to avoid pronouncing the total amount of years that Claudio still has to serve, yesterday – January 11 – came to the decision that the concurrent sentence (of his Spanish and French … Continue reading EN/FR/IT/ES Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza (France)

Prison de Mont-de-Marsan : Claudio Lavazza extradited to France

via: Attaque source:Il Rovescio / Wednesday 12 May 2021 Last week the anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza, who has already spent almost 25 years in the prisons of the Spanish State, was extradited to France, where he has a sentence of 10 years pending (the cumulative sentence process, which will establish the actual time still to … Continue reading Prison de Mont-de-Marsan : Claudio Lavazza extradited to France

Text by anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatziivassiliadis: Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza

Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza The French State is at the forefront of the predatory capitalist war against the planet. It protects its monopolistic exploitation of natural resources and its investments in North Africa and the Middle East with military interventions and all kinds of support to counter-revolutionary forces. French militarism is a … Continue reading Text by anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatziivassiliadis: Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza

Athens, Greece: Update from the event on April 14 2022 at ASOEE on the case of anarchist Claudio Lavazza

On Thursday, April 14th, the event of Anarchist Initiative against State Killings, concerning the case of the anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza, took place at the ASOEE with quite a massive presence of comrades. The presentation was read as well as the transcript of an interview Claudio has given about his case and a video was … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Update from the event on April 14 2022 at ASOEE on the case of anarchist Claudio Lavazza

Athens,Greece: EVENT – DISCUSSION ,Thursday 14 April 19.00 AT ASSOE (ΑΣΣΟΕ) ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY in Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza

Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza Thursday 14 April 19.00 AT ASSOE ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY Athens . EVENT – DISCUSSION on the case of Claudio Lavazza, with video screening. Claudio Lavazza – A whole life dedicated to the struggle IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF COMRADE CLAUDIO LAVAZZA SOLIDARITY TO ALL CAPTURED REVOLUTIONARIES AROUND THE WORLD by Anarchist initiative … Continue reading Athens,Greece: EVENT – DISCUSSION ,Thursday 14 April 19.00 AT ASSOE (ΑΣΣΟΕ) ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY in Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza

France. Telephone interview with Claudio Lavazza

March 6, 2022 (Taken from Radiocane) Q: Listeners have probably already had the opportunity to learn about the events that you have lived throughout your long imprisonment in Spanish jails from reading your biography. Let’s start now with the case that led to your current detention in France. What facts does this case refer to? … Continue reading France. Telephone interview with Claudio Lavazza