Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) France : Sabotage attempt for the arrival of the Olympic flame.


Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) : Sabotage attempt for the arrival of the Olympic flame

« Massive » attack on the SNCF network : some cables had already been targeted during the passage of the Olympic flame in Marseille
France3/BFM, 26 July 2024

A precedent before the act of « sabotage » on the installations of the SNCF on Friday July 26. An incendiary device summarily constituted of bottles filled with petrol, equipped with a fuse to light the whole thing, was found on the LGV line between Aix and Marseille on the 8th of May on the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille.

Continue reading Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) France : Sabotage attempt for the arrival of the Olympic flame.

Blois, France : An attempt to impede the passage of the Olympic flame

via: attaque

Blois : An attempt to impede the passage of the Olympic flame

La Nouvelle République / Thursday 11 July 2024

A person was arrested on Monday 8th of July 2024 for having thrown nails in front of the procession of the Olympic flame on its arrival at Blois. They will be tried on a charge of obstruction.

Although on the whole the passage of the Olympic flame took place in a lighthearted mood in the department, in Blios an incident resulted in an arrest on Monday, July 8th in the early evening.

Continue reading Blois, France : An attempt to impede the passage of the Olympic flame

Privas (Ardèche) France : the Internet is hanging on by a thread

The Internet is hanging on by a thread

Act of vandalism: a dozen communes affected by a major Orange internet outage
Le Dauphiné/France Bleu, May 31, 2024

During the night of May 30 to 31, a major cable in the Orange network in the Ardèche region was damaged by an act of vandalism, when wires were severed, causing a major internet outage for ADSL and fiber. The same applies to the telephone network, including copper. All communes in the cantons of Privas and Le Pouzin were totally or partially affected. “The areas of Privas, Alissas, Cruas, Rochemaure, Meysse and Le Teil were also affected”, said Orange.

Throughout the day, the operator worked on repairs. By early evening, users had regained their connection. Orange has lodged a complaint.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

(Chile) Fiery Outings at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Luisa Toledo and in Solidarity with the Prisoners of July 6

July 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On both Tuesday the July 9 as well as the Friday the 12th, masked students of Manuel Barros Borgoño High School displayed banners, spread pamphlets and armed barricades while confronting the presence of the COP with molotovs. The first day in memory of Luisa Toledo, and the second in solidarity with the comrades who were detained and imprisoned during the July 6 raids in Villa Francia and other areas, the same day that the 3 year anniversary of the death of comrade Luisa Toledo was being commemorated.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Noyarey (Isère) France : solidarity sabotage against the war industry

solidarity sabotage against the war industry

High-voltage cables set on fire: ultra-left suspected

Le Dauphiné, June 27, 2024

A new electrical sabotage attack took place overnight in the Grenoble area on Monday night, as Le Dauphiné Libéré learned from corroborating sources on Wednesday morning: in the commune of Noyarey, 20,000 volt electrical cables were set on fire along the RD 1532, the incident apparently only being discovered late on Tuesday afternoon. During the night of June 12-13, two 20,000-volt power transformers were set on fire on avenue du Grand Sablons in La Tronche and avenue de l’Europe in Grenoble, leaving 2,000 homes and businesses without power.

In Noyarey, the perpetrators of this latest attack targeted easily accessible cables that cross a small stream, the Ruisset (or Gélinot stream), at the level of a small bridge over the RD 1532. The fire caused extensive damage to these cables, but it seems that there were no major power cuts in the neighborhood, either to homes or to neighboring businesses, which would explain why the fire was only discovered on Tuesday afternoon.
Continue reading Noyarey (Isère) France : solidarity sabotage against the war industry

12 Comrades in Pre-Trial Prison for July 6 Repressive Operation (Chile)

12 Comrades in Pre-Trial Prison for July 6 Repressive Operation

July 10,2024 / informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

Yesterday, on this same site, we made a roundup  of the repressive events that took place at dawn on July 6 in the context of the commemoration of the death of comrade Luisa Toledo. Now, we’re adding information relating to the attempted explosive attacks and updating the news regarding legal status. The situation is as follows:

-Today (July 9) the Court of Appeals accepted the petition of the Southern Prosecutor’s Office and determined pre-trial prison for the 9 comrades whose detentions had at first been declared illegal by the 6th Guarantee Court. These comrades were processed by the Law of Arms Control in flagrante delicto: Daniel Yáñez Seguel, Ismael Almonacid Sánchez, Tomás Montenegro Astudillo, Ricardo Alvarado García, Patricio Araya Muñoz, René Camacho Cáceres, Marcelo Ahumada Jiménez, Roberto Ocampo Binder, and Sebastián Moncada Román.

-The comrade (companera )whose lawyer had proposed a bond of 1 million pesos also remained in pre-trial prison, and the bail was rejected today. Milán Miranda is being processed for possession of an explosive device and possession of explosives, after they found a homemade grenade with black powder and industrial explosive material in his house.

-José Araya Vidal, the comrade who suffered a fracture in a motorcycle accident during the operation and was later hospitalized also remains in pre-trial prison and is set apart as the only one accused of planting explosive devices.
Continue reading 12 Comrades in Pre-Trial Prison for July 6 Repressive Operation (Chile)

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion Tuesday 6th August at Touchpaper Anarchist Library South (London, UK)

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion

Tuesday 6th August 7PM
Touchpaper Anarchist Library SE145HD

Rote Zora was a women’s armed struggle group agitating in Germany in the 1970s through to the 1990s. The group originated as a feminist breakaway from the Revolutionary Cells, inspiring an entire generation to fight against patriarchy in all its expressions: (gene) technology, medical, domestic and systemic violence, rape culture, religious power, the medical industry, the war industry – exploitation and oppression at work, in the streets, and at home.

With glue, spraypaint, arson, poetry and bombs, they fought against the old world they lived in, with a burning desire for a new world without oppression, exploitation or war. Together, we will watch the documentary “Frauen bildet Banden!” (women, form gangs!) from 2019, made by FrauenLesbenFilmCollectif Las Otras, in which a number of Rote Zoras share with us their experiences about the struggle against patriarchy, connecting the struggles of the past with the opportunities that lie ahead of us today.

Starting from a few of their communiques, we will go deeper in a few
topics they have brought to the table back then and that might inspire us today.

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

The metro construction site is under fire

The night brings good advice
IAATA, May 19, 2024

Ecological transition and decarbonization are hammered into our heads under the guise of green capitalism. The reality is that capitalism is not a system of transition but of accumulation. 3rd metro line, LGV freeway… This system is maintained by its flows, and that’s where it finds its weaknesses.

Whether Macron likes it or not, if there’s accumulation there’s no trickle-down, it’s a fable with the same misery at the end, the rich don’t share and the poor work themselves to death. That’s why on the night of May 17 to 18 in Toulouse, a drill belonging to NGE, working on the new Toulouse metro line, was set on fire.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

Lacanau (Gironde),France : cell tower arsoned… the day before it was installed

cell tower arsoned… the day before it was installed

Lacanau : a cell tower set on fire
Sud Ouest, May 25, 2024

The location is isolated. On the night of Thursday May 23 to Friday May 24, a cell tower due to be installed at Longarisse, in the commune of Lacanau, was destroyed by fire. Only the upper part burned. It was due to be erected the same day by the operator Free.

The Gendarmerie has made the necessary observations and opened an investigation.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Paris, France : Sabotage on high-speed trains just before the start of the Olympic Games

Arson attacks paralyze French high-speed rail network hours before start of Olympics

Over 800,000 passengers unable to travel to the French capital – French railways say mass attack and vandalism. Sabotage on high-speed trains happened in France, just before the start of the Olympic Games , while more than 800 thousand passengers cannot move in the French capital.

The French railway company SNCF suffered during the night of Thursday to today Friday (25-26/7) a “massive attack of a range capable of causing paralysis” of the TGV high-speed train network,

which was “largely disrupted”, it informed to AFP, a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

We are diverting some trains to classic lines, but we will have to cancel a large number” of routes, SNCF added in a statement.

The French railway company clarified that “this situation is expected to last at least throughout the weekend, while repairs are carried out”.

Three high-speed train lines were vandalized overnight in France, Reuters reported, citing a statement from the state railway company, which caused major traffic problems on the day of the official opening of the Paris Olympics.

An airport on the Switzerland-France border was evacuated for security reasons. New alarm after the attack on the trains, just hours before the start of the Olympic Games.

“For security reasons, the terminal had to be evacuated and is currently closed,” Basel-Mulhouse EuroAirport said on its website.

from: the scum media Zougla gr of Greece and french media