Once again we find ourselves around the campfire, in another rebellion. Time passes, but reality makes us feel that we are as if we were stopped in time; governments are still here and there, as are capitalism, religions, patriarchal culture, extractivism and individual and social authority. Sometimes it’s like running on a treadmill, we run, we sweat, we have the sensation of moving forward, but we don’t do it. That does not take away our desire and will to keep fighting, to get up and keep trying to break the treadmill, without giving up. Yes, like those stubborn and maladjusted anarchists, from all sides and all times. Comrades of years or new ones that join with contributions to this rebellion, that never tried to serve as a guru, or guide, or “example of perfect life” of anyone, without impositions perfect life” of anyone, without impositions or demands. Rather, it is only to expose our ideas (always debatable), reflections, experiences, feelings and individual or collective sensations; it is a humble contribution to the great flame, which gives warmth and strength to all of us comrades around the world, and that, at this very moment, many of them are prisoners, fugitives, under surveillance, many are persecuted; but, even so, they continue conspiring, propagating and agitating the social revolution against all authority, in all corners of the planet.
In this region another show of “the Democratic elections 2023”, another change of label but not of content. Now a new character leads this town: “Miky Vanilla” (Milei). A super fascist as president. Again, the sad meme, became reality. The ultra right wing, which hypocritically, put itself as a name: “Partido La Libertad Avanza”. And what they want the least, is the freedom of anyone. They even call themselves: Anarcho-capitalists. Another unreal contradiction, like the name of their Party. Anarchy and capitalism are polar opposites. Like calling themselves anarcho-government or anarcho-authoritarian.
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