EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone has refused to attend any more workshops run by right-wing Senior Officer Steven Sollars at HMP Bristol due to the constant provocations, insults, denigration and threats. He was confined to his cell for 23 hours a … Continue reading EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL

Even though the cops couldn’t prove their terrorism case against him after a four year investigation, anarchist prisoner Toby Shone is facing a Serious Crime Prevention Order that will legally sanction the criminalisation and total surveillance of him and everyone around him for years to come after his release. In November 2020, a series of … Continue reading UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL

Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Important notes: The anarchist comrades from the anarquia.info they did a correct translation for the Spanich text and the anarchist comrades from the attaque they did a correct translation for the French text. My name is Toby Shone, and I’m an imprisoned anarchist held in Bristol prison who was kidnapped at gunpoint by the anti-terrorist … Continue reading Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Bristol,UK : final info updates about Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced

Anarchist Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced Posted on October 19, 2021 by BristolABC Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison for 8 drug offences at Bristol Crown Court on October 13, 2021 after Terrorism charges were dropped. He has already served 8 months of this sentence on remand. The ‘drugs’ were … Continue reading Bristol,UK : final info updates about Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced

June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[En Español] [Français] As time moves on and the seasons change, we approach once again the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. Another year has passed, and many of our dear comrades remain captives of the state, subject to its daily subjugation, isolation, and brutality. June 11th … Continue reading June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners


Send letters to Toby :
Toby Shone
HM Prison Parc,
Heol Hobcyn John,
Coity, Bridgend CF35 6AP
South Wales,


El 6 de mayo, un juez decidirá si concede o no la Prevención de la Delincuencia Organizada Grave (SCPO) contra el anarquista encarcelado Toby Shone. Declarado inocente de los cargos de terrorismo en relación con una supuesta participación en 325.nostate.net, fue encarcelado en cambio por posesión de medicamentos psicodélicos, entre ellos psicocibina y LSD. La policía intenta vengarse de su incapacidad para presentar un caso político contra él debido a la falta de pruebas, solicitando una orden que pondrá las finanzas de Toby, el uso de dispositivos, los movimientos, la vivienda, el empleo y sus amigos y familiares bajo una intensa vigilancia y control por parte de la policía durante por lo menos los próximos 5 años. La razón que da la policía para justificar esta SCPO es el «estilo de vida alternativo y las creencias» de Toby.

Para mostrar tu apoyo a Toby, acude al Tribunal de Crown de Bristol a las 8.30 horas el 6 de mayo.

Demostración de solidaridad en el Tribunal de Crown de Bristol el 6 de mayo de 2022, a las 8.30 de la mañana.


Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

[A4 PDF version for printing] “The event aims to be an informal and self-organised gathering of activists, representatives and delegates from groups active in the prisoner solidarity / anti-prison / anti-repression struggle, one focused on the consolidation of international solidarity…” – second call-out for the International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering, Brighton Hi comrades, known and … Continue reading Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

The Direct Action Cores take responsibility for the arson attack on the house of the trade union police officer, Theodoros Foukas, in the Byron area in the early hours of 1/3. For three years now, our group, through the strategy of personal targeting of representatives of power, has been trying to put into practice the … Continue reading ( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

“Above all one thing must be clear, one is only part of the FAI-FRI in the moment of the action, then each one returns to their life as anarchist, nihilist, individualist, to their own projects and rebel or revolutionary perspectives with all their adjuncts of assemblies, coordinations, affinity nuclei, occupations, communes, struggles in the territory … Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.