WE DO NOT ALLOW THE MURDER OF ALFREDO COSPITO – ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE OCTOBER 20th / CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION On Oct. 20th, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito, during a trial at the Sassari Supervisory Court, made an attempt to read an articulate statement in which he was about to announce that he is starting … Continue reading Italy: WE DO NOT ALLOW THE MURDER OF ALFREDO COSPITO – ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE OCTOBER 20th / CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION.ΕΝ/ΙΤ/ΕL

Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

2022/11/06 lanemesi Occupied the crane of the construction site of La Scala Theatre in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche and Ivan Alocco on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole (Milan, Italy, November 6, 2022) Since the early hours of this morning, two comrades have been occupying the … Continue reading Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

The mountain and the little mouse At dawn on Thursday, September 29, a dozen or more policemen showed up at a comrade’s home with a search warrant for the crime of defacement, which a public prosecutor of the Lecce court had no shame in signing. Having ascertained that only the suspect was present, they decided … Continue reading The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism (Italy)

The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism Here the english translation of the article by Lunanera, “L’orizzonte degli eventi. Pensieri incendiari sparsi sulle ultime gocce di carburante del Capitalismo” (published in “Bollettino”, no. 7, Biblioteca dello Spazio Anarchico “Lunanera” and Archivio di Documentazione “Franco Di Gioia”, Cosenza, … Continue reading The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism (Italy)

Italy – You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation

You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation At dawn on 16th March 2022 two anarchists were arrested in Rome by the DIGOS police and the ROS carabinieri on orders of the Power of Attorney of Genoa and Public Prosecutor Federico Manotti. The charge is fabrication and … Continue reading Italy – You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation

June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[En Español] [Français] As time moves on and the seasons change, we approach once again the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. Another year has passed, and many of our dear comrades remain captives of the state, subject to its daily subjugation, isolation, and brutality. June 11th … Continue reading June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (marzo 2022) Informiamo che a metà del mese di marzo è stata nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito, attualmente recluso nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Terni. La censura avrà una durata di tre mesi, quindi fino a … Continue reading [IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Italy – Blank spaces and black letters

via:  infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now! Blank spaces and black letters – On the repressive operation “Sibilla” To express annoyance or disappointment in the face of power is not for us. Convinced as we are that between freedom and authority not only there is an unbridgeable gap but also that the former is … Continue reading Italy – Blank spaces and black letters

Italy – Let’s talk about techno-sciences and new the accumulation of capitalisms

via: fuoridallariserva We are publishing an article from last June’s 6th issue of the Bulletin of the Biblioteca Spazio Anarchico [anarchist library]“Lunanera” in Cosenza. The article was discussed in its time with comrades editors of the anarchist paper Vetriolo during the initiative “Science and the State” of 27th July 2021. Concerning the ongoing pandemic, everybody … Continue reading Italy – Let’s talk about techno-sciences and new the accumulation of capitalisms


We inform that in January the censorship of correspondence (incoming and outgoing) to anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned for a 20-year sentence in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial, was renewed. We remind that censorship was also previously ordered between September and December 2021. Alfredo was recently subject of an arrest order in the context of … Continue reading ITALY: THE CENSORSHIP OF CORRESPONDENCE FOR ALFREDO COSPITO WAS RENEWED