UK: Civilization is a cancer. Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Toby Shone

Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Toby Shone “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Some matters should be denounced in the strongest terms, one of these is the way prisoners health is addressed. Neglect and mistreatment are endemic, if not malice, … Continue reading UK: Civilization is a cancer. Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Toby Shone

(Carasco, Italy, November 26, 2022) Responsibility claim for the arson attack against MARR vehicles and warehouse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Juan Sorroche, Ivan Alocco, Toby Shone, Giannis Michailidis and the 11 turkish revolutionaries on hunger strike

Responsibility claim for the arson attack against MARR vehicles and warehouse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Juan Sorroche, Ivan Alocco, Toby Shone, Giannis Michailidis and the 11 turkish revolutionaries on hunger strike Chiavari: Fire at Marr vehicles and warehouse Dinner is served, tonight flambé. On Saturday, November 26, a slightly overcooked dinner was … Continue reading (Carasco, Italy, November 26, 2022) Responsibility claim for the arson attack against MARR vehicles and warehouse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Juan Sorroche, Ivan Alocco, Toby Shone, Giannis Michailidis and the 11 turkish revolutionaries on hunger strike

UK: “Like Mercury” Open Letter for Dan Baker, aka Alishare : from Toby Shone

Alishare, I heard your message of solidarity, thank you, it gave me strength. I would turn the energy with this open letter, and I hope to kick a brick from the walls. One more time. In a flurry of black feathers and lunar wisdom, a murder of crows delivered your statement and those wily crows … Continue reading UK: “Like Mercury” Open Letter for Dan Baker, aka Alishare : from Toby Shone

Bristol, UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s SCPO was rejected by the court!

To the wild celebrations in the public gallery, the presiding judge rejected the application for anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s Serious Crime Prevention Order, declaring there were no grounds for it to be applied under the circumstances. Shouts of ‘Not one step back!’ were responded to with Toby shouting ‘The Revolution is inevitable!’ The result of … Continue reading Bristol, UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s SCPO was rejected by the court!

UK: Two statements from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone

First of May 2022 01/05/22 As a minimal gesture I refuse to eat from the prison servery to mark the Revolutionary 1st of May, to join in the demonstrations around the world using my body as a means of solidarity and to protest the denial of my correspondence by the security company G4S. I will … Continue reading UK: Two statements from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone

UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL

Even though the cops couldn’t prove their terrorism case against him after a four year investigation, anarchist prisoner Toby Shone is facing a Serious Crime Prevention Order that will legally sanction the criminalisation and total surveillance of him and everyone around him for years to come after his release. In November 2020, a series of … Continue reading UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL

Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

[A4 PDF version for printing] “The event aims to be an informal and self-organised gathering of activists, representatives and delegates from groups active in the prisoner solidarity / anti-prison / anti-repression struggle, one focused on the consolidation of international solidarity…” – second call-out for the International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering, Brighton Hi comrades, known and … Continue reading Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

“Above all one thing must be clear, one is only part of the FAI-FRI in the moment of the action, then each one returns to their life as anarchist, nihilist, individualist, to their own projects and rebel or revolutionary perspectives with all their adjuncts of assemblies, coordinations, affinity nuclei, occupations, communes, struggles in the territory … Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

Berlin (Germany): claim of the attack against the Italian diplomat’s car

via: sansnom  , source :/de.indymedia —— Berlin : claim of the attack against the Italian diplomat’s car On the 100th day of a hunger strike, arson an Italian diplomatic vehicle We support the idea of decentralized actions and therefore we respond to the call for a week of action from South America in support of … Continue reading Berlin (Germany): claim of the attack against the Italian diplomat’s car

(Hamburg,Germany) Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched

Hamburg: Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched In thought of anarchist prisoner in hungerstrike Alfredo Cospito, we torched a ‚Strabag‘ truck in the Schanze¹ neighborhood during the night of January 4th. Not only does the Strabag company build prisons. Ever since the struggle for the Dannenröder foresti² they … Continue reading (Hamburg,Germany) Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched