Rovereto,Italy: windows smashed in solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna

Rovereto, windows smashed in solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna We learn from the local media that the windows of various banks and shops in the town centre were smashed between 3 and 4 July. According to reports the banks Intesa San Paolo and Crédit Agricole and the Benetton and Inbitcoin stores were struck. The … Continue reading Rovereto,Italy: windows smashed in solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna

Italy: Statement of Juan Sorroche in front of the court of Treviso and against the telematization of the democratic inquisition.

In this umpteenth hearing in videoconference and after many requests, all denied, to appear and attend in person and not in absence to all the hearings of the trial that sees me charged, for the heavy and infamous accusation of massacre, I have to face the issue of videoconferencing, which enters, or to be more … Continue reading Italy: Statement of Juan Sorroche in front of the court of Treviso and against the telematization of the democratic inquisition.

Solidarity with anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche (Italy)

Italy – For Juan SOLIDARITY WITH JUAN, AGAINST THE STATE AND ITS TORTURERS On 11th June another hearing of the trial against Juan Sorroche will take place at the court of Treviso; Juan is an anarchist comrade accused of placing two devices near the premises of the League in Villorba (Treviso) in August 2018, and … Continue reading Solidarity with anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche (Italy)

Treviso, Italy : 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan

PDF: 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan “We must struggle and fight for disproportion to be crushed”. And whatever path we tread, always with our hearts! For Anarchy! (Juan Sorroche – Prison of Terni AS2 – February 2019) Because we have known the courage and tenderness of it. Because this is the way among … Continue reading Treviso, Italy : 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan

Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

via: infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now! We receive and publish a series of texts and materials distributed during the initiative in solidarity with Chilean prisoners, which took place at the Occupied Bencivenga on 26 November 2021. Two pamphlets: one about the hunger strike carried out by prisoners in Chile, the other is a … Continue reading Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

PUERTO RICO: STATUE OF SPANISH INVADER TOPPLED IN SAN JUAN, ANARCHIST GROUP CARRIES OUT DIRECT ACTION The statue of Juan Ponce de León, Spanish colonizer and invader, was toppled in San Juan on the morning of January 24, the same day that King Felipe VI arrived from Spain. The group Fuerzas Libertarias de Borikén claimed responsibility for the action. “Ahead of the planned visit of the King of Spain, Felipe … Continue reading PUERTO RICO: STATUE OF SPANISH INVADER TOPPLED IN SAN JUAN, ANARCHIST GROUP CARRIES OUT DIRECT ACTION

Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 1 de la publicación “Tiempo de Luchar” de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo” [Febrero 2020] [Es/En]

 PDF ES: Nota previa: Desde la RSAJM publicamos la primera edición de la revista “Tiempo de Luchar” construida -desde la cárcel y la calle- en febrero del año 2020 en momentos de revuelta en territorio chileno. El contenido de esta edición es acorde a la temporalidad descrita y se ha movido y presentado físicamente durante … Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 1 de la publicación “Tiempo de Luchar” de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo” [Febrero 2020] [Es/En]


From the centre of Santiago, region dominated by the Chilean State, we broadcast: The streets speak, defending our autonomous subversive libertarian prisoner comrades who have held up their fist with clarity and decisiveness throughout all the years of confinement in which power has buried them under tons of cement and penitentiary metal. For more than … Continue reading en/ gr/ es / : MARCELO VILLARROEL AND JUAN ALISTE PRESENT IN THE SUBVERSIVE STRUGGLE!!! (Chile)

Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Our comrade Pablo Bahamones Ortiz was arrested along with Herny Mendez (today imprisoned in the former penitentiary of stgo) and Hugo Moraga (in the street after an abbreviated trial that sentenced him to 3 years) while they were being transported in a vehicle on September 8, 2018 under an investigation regarding an explosive attack occurred … Continue reading Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Bologna, Italy – Giovanni Ferretti’s concert interrupted in solidarity with anarchist Juan, Alfredo and Anna

Giovanni Lindo Ferretti’s concert was interrupted on 9th June in Bologna. The banner read: “A republic founded on massacres”. The intervention concluded with a message of solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna. :Translated by Act for freedom now!