Cinq femmes révolutionnaires contre le tsar (Tumult, hiver 2025)














Cinq femmes révolutionnaires contre le tsar

Vera Zassoulitch, Praskovia Ivanovskaïa, Olga Lioubatovitch, Elisabeth Kovalskaïa et Vera Figner sont cinq conspiratrices fougueuses du mouvement révolutionnaire russe des années 1870-1880. Dix ans après l’abolition du servage, la première vague de lutte contre l’absolutisme tsariste prend principalement la forme d’une marche de la jeunesse vers le peuple paysan et ouvrier. Face à la répression, le mouvement se transforme : à la propagande et l’agitation s’ajoutent l’organisation secrète, la fomentation de révoltes paysannes, le combat armé et les attentats. Le 1er mars 1881, le tsar Alexandre II lui-même est tué lors d’un attentat à Pétersbourg.
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Rumoer publication is out (#8 but actually 10!)






Read it here (or get your paper version):
In English:
In Dutch:

We really like to spread this publication for free, not just by post and in social spaces, but also on the street and other gatherings. But that costs some money. Give us some or plenty of money:

INGBNL2A NL75 INGB 0004253090 in the name of ITHAKA in Utrecht, in the description RUMOER.

You can order paper versions by sending us an email at rumoer at riseup dot net. Tell us how many you want in which language.

Enjoy reading tell us what you think and see you soon! XXX RUMOER

international call for the revolutionary union of anarchists by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis. (Greece)

International call for the revolutionary union of anarchists

First part, introductory: 12th of February 2012

On 12 February 2012 the last big battle of the anti-austerity movement (in the Greek territory) took place. Other open battles followed in the following years, but after that day, when the movement realized that it had reached the limits of its power, it did not revive. The objective of this longstanding insurrectionary movement, which was to cancel the parliament during the passing of the controversial laws or even to occupy it, was lost for good during the popular attempt on 12/2/2012. It was the biggest militant gathering since 1973. Half a million people, once again, but for what would be the last time, surrounded the central institution of the regime and after being repelled by chemical bombardment, we made persistent efforts to reach the target again. The state’s military machine, without resorting to the use of standard weapons of warfare, overpowered a huge yet unarmed mass of people.

The turning point of the anti-austerity movement became a critical juncture for various poles of the anti-authoritarian movement that led them to prioritize the question of the revolutionary program and the question of organization. We all recognized the impasse of one-dimensional insurrectionism, that is, of the deferral of all questions to the dynamics of the insurgent mass and to the moment of insurrection. However, the road to overcoming all the culminated weaknesses remained blurred. The program and the political organization became the new points of deferral for all critical issues, while denouncing insurrectionary practice.
Continue reading international call for the revolutionary union of anarchists by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis. (Greece)

[Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

poster pdf

[UPDATE] We inform that during the hearing of February 14th, it was decided by the judge to postpone that one scheduled for the following 28th, for which a solidarity gathering had been called. The new hearing has been set for Tuesday, April 1st, the times remain unchanged.


August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’. A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.
Continue reading [Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

I will not be intimidated.


In the past, I have published an extensive analysis of how specific individuals and groups try to isolate me, attack my private life, they’re threatening my safety and sabotage the Anti-militarist activities I engage in. One of the examples given was a description of how a member of the Trhlina infoshop and the Anarchistická federace (Anarchist federation) told a friend of mine that I was at risk of a strong reaction from militant anti-fascists. In other words, the person from Trhlina and the Anarchistická federace was threatening me. At that time it was not yet clear whether the threat would come true. Now it is clear. On Saturday, February 8, 2025, I was physically attacked by one such militant anti-fascist in Prague’s Club 007.

What happened?

The attacker waited until most of my friends had left the club, followed me into the toilets, where he punched me several times in the face. No, I’m not surprised he chose such an insidious method. I’ve seen so much scheming from his cronies that I expect nothing but meanness, unscrupulousness and hypocrisy from them now.
Continue reading I will not be intimidated.

KLM cars were slashed in solidarity with the prisoners in the detention center in Amsterdam( Netherlands)

On the night of December 31 during the solidarity demonstration at the detention center Schiphol Airport, the tires of 5 KLM cars were slashed this was in solidarity with the prisoners in the detention center next to the cars parking.

KLM is carrying out their deportations, among other things. There are numerous other good reasons to attack KLM together.

Freedom of movement for all!
Fire and stones for KLM!


Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia.

Here are two interviews by JURNAL ANARKI, anarchist publication in
Indonesia, and the band La Lira Libertaria in Chile and the
neo-platformists Boina Anarquista. These are the first English
translations. We hope you find them interesting, please feel free to
republish and translate etc. We think it important to create ongoing
communications between different territories and tendencies. For
international solidarity and insurrection.


1. What motivates you to create this counter-information newspaper?

A: Hello, good day. Well, the platform began as a newspaper, edited precariously with Word. What motivated us was that nearly 11 years ago, in 2013, when the waves of the student movement in Chile were still present, we started researching and came across a book about anarchist propaganda in Chile. We were amazed by how much of it existed in the 1920s.

Around that time, there were other physical-format newspapers: El Surco (2009-2013), El Amanecer (from Chillán, in central-southern Chile) (2011-2013), El Sol Ácrata (from Calama, northern Chile; 2011-2024), Acracia (from Valdivia, far south of Chile; 2012-2019) and Solidaridad, a Libertarian-Communist newspaper, aligned with the branch closest to especifismo or platformism (2010-2016).

It was within this context that we decided to found a newspaper called Periódico La Boina (2014), which only released 7 issues. Financial problems, time constraints, and lack of coordination led to its discontinuation, but we noticed that the website’s visits kept growing, reaching over 100,000 per year.

Continue reading Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia.

Heraklion, Greece: Incendiary attack against a bus belonging to the GEK TERNA conglomerate

What a beautiful sight a burning bus is!

The GEK TERNA conglomerate counts among its losses a staff transport bus, on 24/01/2025, due to arson. A giant company that is responsible for the greatest disasters in the Cretan environment, the Greek territory, but also internationally.

It does business and secures its profits by destroying forests and leveling mountains. It uproots people, animals and plants.

Capitalism has its own ethics: profit above all else. Arguments, logic and justice are unnecessary. As long as they’re profitable, they’ll keep going, even if they leave behind nothing but debris.
Continue reading Heraklion, Greece: Incendiary attack against a bus belonging to the GEK TERNA conglomerate

Munich (Germany): barbecue of police vans

barbecue of police vans

In the wealthy capital of Bavaria, Friday night (January 25) was anything but ordinary. Munich’s mayor, Dieter Reiter, who has seen it all from the perch where he administers his subjects, even issued an official statement declaring himself “horrified”. Does his statement refer to a war in the Middle East, or to the techno-industrial civilization poisoning the planet? Not in the least. But it’s nonetheless a nightmare that disrupted the sleep of good society: a nocturnal fire managed to make its way to their doorstep. Then it ravaged the tools of the lackeys charged with protecting them.

It was around 2.40 a.m., in the outlying district of Allach-Untermenzing, that zealous citizens began alerting the fire department to a gigantic fire in progress at the police dog brigade. By the time they arrived, the 23 police vans parked there were already completely engulfed in flames, while the (empty) brigade building was losing its windows to the heat. It took the Munich fire department almost an hour to extinguish the fire, while some 50 cops combed the area in vain for suspects.
Continue reading Munich (Germany): barbecue of police vans

South London, UK : Film Screening and Discussion about Ferguson touched the sky, at the touchpaper anarchist library.

Touch the Sky, Film Screening and Discussion

After Michael Brown was murdered by police with his hands in the air, some of the excluded and oppressed population of ferguson touched the sky. The revolt of the agonised and enraged suburb – previously known for its quietness during the 1992 unrest – led to an uprising that spread across the city of St Louis and far beyond. The participants were not deterred by self-appointed or media-groomed experts, with repressive or socially-conscious programmes for getting back in line.

Instead, they actively posed the question of freedom and dignity against the daily murderers and violators, in destructive confrontations against the enforces, urban architecture, commerce and circulation of control. This found-footage film takes up those questions which remain vital, even if they can’t be answered on a screen.

Tuesday 18th February
Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road SE14 5HD