Here are two interviews by JURNAL ANARKI, anarchist publication in
Indonesia, and the band La Lira Libertaria in Chile and the
neo-platformists Boina Anarquista. These are the first English
translations. We hope you find them interesting, please feel free to
republish and translate etc. We think it important to create ongoing
communications between different territories and tendencies. For
international solidarity and insurrection.
1. What motivates you to create this counter-information newspaper?
A: Hello, good day. Well, the platform began as a newspaper, edited precariously with Word. What motivated us was that nearly 11 years ago, in 2013, when the waves of the student movement in Chile were still present, we started researching and came across a book about anarchist propaganda in Chile. We were amazed by how much of it existed in the 1920s.
Around that time, there were other physical-format newspapers: El Surco (2009-2013), El Amanecer (from Chillán, in central-southern Chile) (2011-2013), El Sol Ácrata (from Calama, northern Chile; 2011-2024), Acracia (from Valdivia, far south of Chile; 2012-2019) and Solidaridad, a Libertarian-Communist newspaper, aligned with the branch closest to especifismo or platformism (2010-2016).
It was within this context that we decided to found a newspaper called Periódico La Boina (2014), which only released 7 issues. Financial problems, time constraints, and lack of coordination led to its discontinuation, but we noticed that the website’s visits kept growing, reaching over 100,000 per year.
Continue reading Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia. →