Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station (Chile)

Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station

August 29, 2024

Received by mail 29/08/2024

Faced with the daily discomfort of inhabiting this world full of injustices and violence, we gather our time, our strength to, if only for a moment, topple the passivity that subjects the rhythms of exploitation. We make our anger and sense of vengeance a flare that ignites the alarms of their police and carceral security system, burning a Red bus of the I04 line under the noses of the 58th Police State in the Alessandri neighborhood, located at Antártica and Jaime Larraín Ave.

This is the station where the cops left from to assassinate the Vergara Toledo brothers in March 1985. At this very place, comrade Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda spoke out against the empty-headed cops, proclaiming the revolutionary bravery of her sons and family.
Continue reading Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station (Chile)

Russia: Radical resistance 30.07-28.08.2024

Belgorod region

On August 21 in Belgorod region, on the 41st km of the Palatovka-Biryuch crossing in Krasnogvardeysky district, where cargoes are transported to Lugansk and Donetsk, two “bundles” were found ten meters away from each other, covered with rubble. The sappers decided to disarm them by detonation. As a result, a third IED was detonated at a distance of about a hundred meters from the first two, which had not been noticed before. There were no casualties, the railroad track was damaged.

Continue reading Russia: Radical resistance 30.07-28.08.2024

ANARCHISTS LIBERATE 12 CHICKENS. 31st August, Argentina.


via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENG (translated):

“In the early hours of the World day for the end of Speciesism, four animal liberation front volunteers sneaked into an egg farm and liberated twelve chickens that now live free and safe in different homes owned by vegan people.

‘The wet and cold night was our accomplice. After having reccied the location we cut the fence to get access, we crossed the farm and approached one of the most accessible barns in the farm. There, chickens slept inside of cages, with shit tiles of shit almost reaching their deformed legs, with their combs and nails destroyed. We couldn’t liberate all and we know that other hens will fill in the gaps, but at least these 12 will never be exploited again. Today they can open their wings, stretch their legs, run, jump and breathe in freedom.

Continue reading ANARCHISTS LIBERATE 12 CHICKENS. 31st August, Argentina.

Perpignan, France : The screws’ 14th of July.


The facts occurred in one minute, on Sunday, July 14 at 5:50 a.m.: a man broke into the secure parking lot of the prison of Perpignan, where vehicles belonging to the prison officers were parked. He broke a car window before throwing a molotov cocktail inside, then he broke the windscreen of another vehicle, puis a brisé le pare-brise d’un autre véhicule, and the rear-view mirror of a third.

The man then left as he had come. There were no injuries, but one car was completely destroyed and the other two suffered serious damage. “This was clearly a premeditated unprecedented act,” says Pierre Grousset, the Ufap-Unsa Justice union’s secretary.

[L’Indépendant, 14 July 2024 (extract)]


via: sansnom
Translated by Act for freedom now!

New York,USA : A solidarity banner for Palestine in response to the call for action.

In response to the call for action for Palestine, we put up this banner in Queens, New York to connect the struggle here to the valiant resistance in Palestine.

While this may be a small symbolic action in comparison to what the fighters are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, we hope they will see this as a salute to their efforts. The work they are doing on behalf of the Palestinian people is felt around the world in struggles that have not yet blossomed, but see the potential in fighting for those who have been systematically oppressed by the United States.

Long live the resistance!
Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!
Death to the US!
Death to the Zionist entity!

Anarchists in New York

Actforfree receive and spread.

Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

Words of Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

It’s important to understand that Power is applying isolation as an intra-prison regime to combat anarchism of action in different parts of the world, utilizing the most severe measures the penitentiary systems can think of to annihilate the ideas and practices that are enemies of all forms of authority once and for all. This is not new. There have been many moments across history in which States have decided to put an end to anarchism, but they haven’t managed to.

Now it’s up to us, not only to stop authority from accomplishing its purpose of annihilation, but managing to leave this stronger, creating the conditions and the moments that make the powerful tremble.

In this sense, revolutionary solidarity plays a decisive role to the extent that it knows that striking against Power and creating autonomous instances of struggle, in some way, breaks the isolation.
Continue reading Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

Claudio Lavazza is free!

Actforfree: receive and spread the good news!
more general solidarity actions news about comrade Claudio Lavazza here


Claudio Lavazza has been finally released yesterday 7/9/24 after having served his sentence! After nearly 28 years locked up in French and Spanish prisons, Claudio can finally walk again on the paths of freedom and embrace all the comrades that have never stopped showing their love and solidarity in all these years.

Against All Prisons!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Cassa AntiRep delle Alpi occidentali

Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Actforfree : receve and spead:

General solidarity info news in english here


Operazione Scripta Scelera: revocate tutte le misure cautelari, l’8 ottobre la prossima udienza del processo di Massa

 Dopo alcuni mesi senza la pubblicazione di aggiornamenti specifici sull’operazione Scripta Scelera, scattata l’8 agosto 2023 contro il quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”, informiamo che tra luglio e agosto sono state revocate tutte le misure cautelari rimanenti nei confronti di otto inquisiti e inquisite. Ricordiamo brevemente che il PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova aveva richiesto dieci arresti in carcere per altrettanti indagati coinvolti nel procedimento, ottenendo dal GIP nove misure cautelari: gli arresti domiciliari restrittivi per quattro e l’obbligo di dimora con rientro notturno per altri cinque (per uno la misura è già cessata il 29 marzo per decorrenza termini). L’operazione ha inoltre visto vari aggravamenti delle misure, tra traduzioni in carcere e arresti domiciliari, così come i più recenti attenuamenti (in obbligo di dimora e di firma, variamente combinati).

 Con un provvedimento del 10 luglio (in un caso notificato oltre dieci giorni dopo) il GIP del tribunale di Genova ha disposto la revoca dell’obbligo di firma per tre indagati (uno si trovava all’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana, due con la stessa misura però a frequenza quotidiana) e successivamente, ai primi di agosto, è stato revocato l’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana per un’altra indagata. Queste quattro misure erano state stabilite, sostituendo le precedenti, sempre dal GIP a maggio (cfr. “Operazione Scripta Scelera: aggiornamento sulle misure cautelari e sull’udienza del 24 maggio a Massa”).

Continue reading Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)










Friday 20th September at 7pm at Kan Seitan (Pedrinyá)

Friday 20th September the comrades of the Comitato CO.RE (Comitato contro carcere e repressione)
will talk to us about the situation in which the Italian State finds itself under the government of the Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni.

This far-right government has accelerated its repressive electoral programme over the last year with a series of decrees, which toughen the measures against those who protest for the environment or fight for housing, has worsened the situation of migrants at the borders and within the Detention and Repatriation Centres (equivalent to CIEs)…

All this is the beginning of a not-too-slow erosion of individual and collective freedoms in the name of an
undetermined slogan which is “the fun is over”.

Continue reading Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)

Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

 We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Your grief over your damaged “property” is a source of amusement to us. You are not businessmen, you are murderers of millions of animals. Thousands of animals die every day in squalid conditions for the taste of their flesh, offering incalculable profits to the bosses. Sentient beings who can feel every emotion that we feel are treated as the raw material of capitalist production.

In a world where the extermination of the defenceless (animals) is the norm, we refuse to be a part of it. We refuse to stand by, we fight with fire.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.