Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis A solidarity message from captive member of the Organization Anarchist Action to anarchist guerilla Alfredo Cospito, who is on a hunger strike against isolation regime 41bis. For some, the cohesion of comradeship is built on shared positions or philosophical opinions. In an empty dimension … Continue reading Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

The mountain and the little mouse At dawn on Thursday, September 29, a dozen or more policemen showed up at a comrade’s home with a search warrant for the crime of defacement, which a public prosecutor of the Lecce court had no shame in signing. Having ascertained that only the suspect was present, they decided … Continue reading The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

Report of the initiative at the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’ (Rome, Italy, September 30, 2022)

Report of the initiative at the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’ in Rome September 30, 2022) On Friday, September 30, the announced mobilization took place near the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’, DNAA) in Rome. We were in the square, and we will be there again, to shout our … Continue reading Report of the initiative at the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’ (Rome, Italy, September 30, 2022)

Genova Italy : Gathering in September 25 at 17:30 caricamento in Genova Against Anti-Anarchist Repression

25/09 TO GENOA AGAINST ANTI-ANARCHIST REPRESSION Caught in the grip of health emergencies, wars, increasingly fierce internal repression, the energy crisis, economic recession, the systematic erosion of individual freedoms, the dismantling of acquired rights, and a widening social gap, we are asked to perform an act of blind loyalty like that of a dog that, … Continue reading Genova Italy : Gathering in September 25 at 17:30 caricamento in Genova Against Anti-Anarchist Repression

Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

In the early morning of September 12, at 2:40 a.m., we placed an incendiary device composed of four half-liter plastic bottles with gasoline, tied with adhesive tape, which were set on fire by means of a wick that we assembled with 5 matches and 3 incenses tied with rubber bands. We placed this rudimentary device … Continue reading Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua, Chile: Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting

Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua,Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting A complicit greeting Revolutionary anarchist solidarity is a mutual relationship that indispensably requires a clear and decisive war positioning of the prisoners and milieus in affinity outside. Starting from this basis, this week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners goes to fortify such a relationship upheld in … Continue reading Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua, Chile: Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting

Athens, Greece: Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna by FAI/ELF Anti-cultural nucleus of total chaos and destruction

Athens, Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna  in Palaio psixiko area ( Παλαιό Ψυχικό) I’m going into the dark. The green lights of the security vehicles watch the streets and corners. They spy, they guard, bringing security to the neighbourhood of the rich. They don’t know what’s happening to them. Under their … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna by FAI/ELF Anti-cultural nucleus of total chaos and destruction

Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications This writing stems from the need to explain to comrades what will happen after the Cassation ruling for the Scripta Manent trial issued on July 6. Starting with the most serious convictions, the court requalified the explosive attack against the Carabinieri’s student school in Fossano(Cuneo) on June 2, … Continue reading Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Rome,Italy: COMMUNIQUE CLAIMING THE PARCEL BOMB AGAINST ALESSANDRO PROFUMO by Augusto Masetti Informal Anarchist Brigade – International Revolutionary Front

Translated by Act for freedom now! via: fuoridallariserva ————————————————————————————- The rich bleed too.  COMMUNIQUE CLAIMING THE PARCEL BOMB AGAINST ALESSANDRO PROFUMO The horrors of war move sensitie souls. Instead, we are reminded that it is injustice that dominates this world. The mangled bodies are always those of the poor people, it’s never a rich man … Continue reading Rome,Italy: COMMUNIQUE CLAIMING THE PARCEL BOMB AGAINST ALESSANDRO PROFUMO by Augusto Masetti Informal Anarchist Brigade – International Revolutionary Front

Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Rome,  10 cars are not enough… In the early hours of May 27, we carried out an incendiary action against the Enjoy carpooling vehicles belonging to the multinational ENI s.p.a. (national hydrocarbon company) in the Tuscolana-Cinecittà area of Rome. According to local newspapers, 10 cars were completely destroyed, while four others were seriously damaged. ENI … Continue reading Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…