Paris, France: Night visits to builders of prisons!

Those who participate in their construction, those who decide, order and design them (not those exploited in the building works)are content and capitalize on other people’s misery.
To disturb their tranquility, we paid two of them a visit at the beginning of this month of May.
More prisons! Passed on to each new government. There are those who have the honour of programming them and those who manage their construction. The excuses are always the same: to face overpopulation in unworthy conditions, in collective cells.

Continue reading Paris, France: Night visits to builders of prisons!

Montreuil, France: Surprise visit to prison builders

Tuesday May 11th at around 2pm, about thirty people met up between two downpours at Montreuil (93), with leaflets, a banner, posters, paint and a little inspiration.
A few streets of Montreuil will remember their (lightning) visit but especially the Egis company at 4 rue Dolorès Ibarruri, who in growing their harvest in prison construction, also reaped a free makeover!
Until we meet again !
Via: nantes.indymedia.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Argentina: Explosive Attack against Police Car in Buenos Aires

Responding to the appeal of action by our subversive and anarchist comrades on hunger strike from May 16 to 23.
We say that after the completion of the hunger strike, we felt the same urgency of action. To absorb the incendiary / destructive activity as an accomplice continuity form with whom today and yesterday, we fight from the enclosure of the State / Capital dungeons.
On the night of May 18 we left a tube sealed at its two ends, stuffed with fragmented munition, ground aluminum and black gunpowder. Activated by a timer of washing machine. Deposited below the infamous police vigilant patrol a few meters from the commissioner of the commune 15 of the neighborhood of Villa Crespo, Calle Camargo. Caba.

Continue reading Argentina: Explosive Attack against Police Car in Buenos Aires

Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Today, Saturday, June 5, 2021, in the afternoon, the anarchist and subversive prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores have been transferred from the city of Santiago to Rancagua, from the High Security Prison to the concessioned  prison of that city.In October 2019, before the revolt, the gendarmerie was preparing a closure of the Special High Security Unit (UEAS), which includes the Maximum Security Section, the High Security Prison and the Captain Yaber Prison for the rich, for its remodelling.  The revolt and the pandemic postponed those measures until they were finally carried out today.
The intentions of the powerful are to reestablish the punishment regime originally created by that extermination centre, 27 years ago, in February 1994 for the punishment of subversives who were fighting the democratic transition.

Continue reading Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Contribution for the debate at the anarchist space Motín by anarchists editors of “Vetriolo”. Madrid, February 27, 2021
Thanks to the comrades for the invitation, we regret that more comrades could not come. The reason for such a small presence is the restrictions related to the repressive laws enacted by governments, under the pretext of the pandemic. However, we would be happy to come back for further discussions as soon as possible.
On the pages of “Vetriolo”, we have defined the repressive climate in Italy, and in general throughout the democratic West, as an “authoritarian turn of new form”. Let us try to better explain the meaning of this definition.
One of the reasons that prompted us to search for a specific definition for the repressive climate of this historical phase is our dissatisfaction with the classic categories of anti-fascism. Some of us don’t believe that there isn’t in fact a fascist danger today. Obviously there are many fascists and they are very dangerous, but some comrades editors of the paper don’t believe that there is a historical and political danger of an establishment of fascist regimes in the West. In fact, we think that fascism was a response of the state to the revolutionary danger. Since there is unfortunately no danger for the power of a social revolution today, we also don’t believe that the liberal state will turn into a fascist state.

Continue reading Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Berlin, Germany: Strabag vehicle set on fire

via: Attaque
source Kontrapolis / Wednesday 2 June 2021
On June 2nd there will be a day of action against motorways at national level. This kick-off against this capitalist madness, cars, was the reason we set fire to a vehicle of the Strabag in the night from Monday to Tuesday.
Nobody was put in danger, no other car was damaged and, above all, the attack was not aimed against the driver of this company car.
In this world guided by ideas of profit and maximization of rentability, this company keeps spinning the wheel of always bigger, always faster… it is devastating the countryside, but in spite of its size it is only small fry. Strabag belongs to the problem of a world that increasingly enslaves nature.
« Each extra metre of motorway means the destruction of the climate, cast in concrete. »
Let’s attack the Munich IAA / Greetings to all the forest occupations / Rigaer94 resist!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Berlin,Germany : Rigaer 94, Which side are you on?

The time to search the conflict and intensify it is long overdue.  It’s time to go against the idea of property and the owners and take on the fight on our side, the side of the disposessed, the renters, the homeless. It is also time to resist against the occupation of our neighbourhoods, against the state and a society, that supports and contributes to its agenda and actions of systematically opressing and exploiting people based on racial ascriptions, drives away, displaces and excludes those that don’t fit or don’t want to fit in with the city of the rich. There is no reason to defend the existing and take the side of those profiting of the capitalist system. There are many reasons though to get organized together and rebel against state and capital, against authorities and its defenders and fight for the principles of selforganisation, mutual aid and a life in freedom and dignity. That is the context in which we see the defense of Rigaer94.
To us, this house is a place where we chose to live and fight collectively. It is a place of organization of different local and international struggles in which we involved ourselves over the years. As a piece of the ongoing resistance in this city. Against the policestate and with it the transformation of parts of the city into so called “danger zones”, in which cops harass, control and hunt people. Against gentrification, rising rents, real estate projects, the destruction of public spaces and forced displacement. Against social isolation, egoism and the narrative of “everyone fending for themselves”.

Continue reading Berlin,Germany : Rigaer 94, Which side are you on?

Roberval, Quebec : beautiful like a court reduced to ashes (Canada)

via: sansnom
 After seeing so many men and women in handcuffs being lugged endlessly through interminable corridors, then going to jail after dark … After attending so many videoconference hearings where cables and screens now prevent physically spitting in the face of the judges, or thinking full of rage to jump from the box and try to run off… After contemplating a beautiful sample of what humankind can offer most vilely – executioners in uniform, scoundrels in togas, conscientious journalists, experts in the right of the strongest, I’m-only-doing-my-job clerks, repentant scales … By dint of hearing the complaints of fine talkers claiming what a tool of domination cannot structurally give them, namely justice or truth, which moreover is non-existent in heaven as on earth …
By dint of, who knows ?, reflections on the absolute incompatibility between authority – that which it embodied so well – and freedom …the court of Roberval went up in flames in the evening of May 8th 2021. . But after all, doesn’t the famous motto on the coat of arms of this small Quebec town located on the shores of Lake Saint-Jean proudly profess “For a valiant heart, nothing is impossible“? Although humans often have poor memories, what was one of the last historic buildings in the city (1910), however, remembers very well that the following year a regional prison was added to it. Certainly the mark of some civilizational progress on the predecessors of the shores of the lake, these Innu nomads whose wisdom had for too long Continue reading Roberval, Quebec : beautiful like a court reduced to ashes (Canada)

At Natascia’s side – Who struggles is never alone! Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano (Italy, June 13, 2021)

Sunday, June 13, 2021 – 11:00 am
Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano
Natascia has been in preventive detention for over two years. In mid-March she was transferred from the High Security 3 section of Piacenza to that of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in the province of Caserta. In that prison, she is treated in a totally arbitrary manner, partially reminiscent of 41 bis [the harshest and most restrictive prison regime in Italy]: no more than four books are allowed in the cell, CDs are forbidden, two phone calls per month, video interviews are halved, parcels are opened and searched. The punitive nature of this transfer and the further estrangement from her affections and her lawyer is obvious, but Natascia resists with strength and determination.
During the months of May and June at the court of Turin are underway the hearings for the Scintilla trial and for this reason she has been temporarily transferred to the prison of Vigevano.

Continue reading At Natascia’s side – Who struggles is never alone! Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano (Italy, June 13, 2021)