Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasileiadis article about Palestine and the 7th of October (Greece)

Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasileiadis article about Palestine and the 7th of October

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What we did on 7 October 2023

For a year now, every person on the planet who is not indifferent or excluded from the general forms of information, when they hear this date, they automatically associate it with a specific event of historical significance. And yet, all this time, apart from the Palestinian resistance, only the NATO imperialists and their subordinates have been referring to this date, in the terms of counter-revolution, the narratives of “counter-terrorism”, in order to exonerate the genocide of a revolted people.

The testimony of resistance creates in immediate time the continuity of living memory, relaying and extending the power of revolutionary experience. Against this experience stand the narratives which take a distance from the testimony of the resistance subject, as well as the silence that, like a threateningly insidious command, objectively established, attempts to eliminate the historical intrusions of those revolutionary initiatives that are subversive for the rulers’ order.
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Text of the anarchist Fotis Tziotzis about his vindictive detention in the garbage dump of Grevena prison (Thessaloniki,Greece)

Text of the anarchist Fotis Tziotzis about his vindictive detention in the garbage dump of Grevena prison.

I think that after 5 months of conscious silence, it’s time to say a few words about the general regime of detention that the repression mechanisms are building against me. The issues of Greek prisons are more or less known and not only are there no attempts to solve them, but they are constantly increasing. Prisoners suffer daily from the obvious indifference of the State, which is now clearly being supplemented by vindictiveness towards us.

Speaking about my own journey through prisons, about the vindictiveness and obsession with my person, I do not speak in terms of a victim, I do not speak with any predilection for regret or repentance. I speak as a recalcitrant prisoner, who for so many years does not give up, does not back down, is not touched by their tricks – in simple words, I do not even see them. For all these reasons, 4 months ago, they vengefully shuffled me from Domokos prison to the garbage dump of Grevena  prison (a condition that is beginning to become a norm for other prisoners as well), as a first punitive move against the events surrounding the attack with a trapped parcel on the scumbag-president of appeals Thess/niki Anastasia Anthopoulou.
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Forest of Dean, UK: Sabotage attack upon hunting towers in solidarity with anarchist comrade Toby Shone & the pine martins

Sabotage attack upon hunting towers in solidarity with anarchist comrade Toby Shone & the pine martins

7th October 2024

We made a choice to saw into 2 hunting towers in Staunton and the other NR St. Briavels, both in the Forest of Dean. This simple action was taken with the thoughts in our minds of pine martins in Germany and Switzerland that chew into brake cables whilst keeping warm and snuggled up to cooling down engines and also not forgetting the martins in the UK that were pretty much wiped out for their taste in game bird, their eggs and caged poultry, but now some 60 pairs have been released back into the wilds of the Forest of Dean.

So this bring us to welcome Toby Shone who’s to be released from HMP Garth NR Manchester early next month (9th Nov) who before his imprisonment enjoyed over a decade of his life in this beautiful countryside. Good luck with your future Toby!

Eco-Anarchists – The Pine Martins Cell

Ps These towers and others were attacked previously in the past, but metal straps were attached to protect them since the last attack. These straps were cut all in the day time, while the chair and hunting clothes we found there have been put to better use



Police news on the investigation into sabotage against the Olympics (France)

[Everyone knows that the major international news agencies are linked to states, and in particular to their intelligence services. And Reuters, founded in London in 1851 and once again one of the giants of the market since its takeover by the Canadian group Thomson in 2007, is no exception to the rule. With this in mind, yesterday it released a long “exclusive” dispatch that lifts a small corner of the veil on the investigation into the sabotage of the opening of the Paris Olympic Games. Entitled “Exclusive: France seeks FBI help in probe of high-speed train sabotage hours before Olympics”, we thought this Reuters document drawn from North American sources might be of interest to curious readers.]

PARIS, Aug 7 (Reuters) – Police in France investigating the sabotage of high-speed rail lines hours before the Paris Olympics’ Opening Ceremony have asked the U.S. FBI for help, two sources with direct knowledge of the French inquiry said.

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Suspected arson at Atlanta construction site of Brent Scarborough and Company, Inc. (USA)

Law enforcement agencies are investigating a suspected arson in Atlanta early Wednesday at a construction site of a company previously targeted in similar incidents over its role in the building of the police and fire training facility that has faced a long-running protest and opposition movement.

It happened at a cleared lot on Memorial Drive next to new apartments as part of what appears to be a construction project.

Wednesday’s suspected arson follows on several other incidents that have targeted construction sites over connections to the building of the public safety training center.
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Saint-Amand-sur-Ornain (Meuse) France : Railroad sabotage – TRAIN TO NOWHERE

 Railroad sabotage – TRAIN TO NOWHERE

(Indymedia Lille 9th of August)

Over the summer, we bent a rail with a hydraulic bottle jack on the old railroad line between Nançois-Tronville and Gondrecourt-le-Château. We chose to operate precisely between Tréveray and Saint-Amand-sur-Ornain, not far from the field where the Burelesques festival of resistance to Cigéo will be held from August 16 to 18.

In a few years’ time, the SNCF plans to put these rails back into service to transport the nuclear waste that the French government would like to bury at Bure. Public consultations were held in 2022 on this rail project, and SNCF subcontractors have since begun measuring the route. This would involve 36 km of rehabilitated former railroad line, running right through the middle of villages (perhaps foreshadowing a future stage of expropriations in a few years’ time?). ANDRA also envisions the convoy of six 100-meter-long radioactive trains at 40 km/h per month for 100 years.
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Valparaíso, Chile: 3rd Anarchist Bookfair – October 12

Valparaíso: 3rd Anarchist Bookfair – October 12

Comrades, friends and affinities:

With the spring winds blowing, we wanted to invite you to participate in the third version of the Valparaíso Anarchist Bookfair, to be held the day of October 12 in @espaciokatarcis

With this symbolic date, we wanted to problematize and debate about the extractivism and speculation being carried out on the land, holding the experiences of organization and struggle in the present and across history as antagonists of these practices of devastation.
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(Chile) Vegan/Anti-authoritarian Comrade Killed During Procession in Commemoration of the Coup D’etat

 Vegan/Anti-authoritarian Comrade Killed During Procession in Commemoration of the Coup D’etat

 comrade Alonso Verdejo, tagging a metro car against the IIRSA

This Sunday, 9/8, like every year, there was a procession to the General Cemetery to commemorate the anniversary of the 1973 Coup D’etat. In this context, on the intersection of Recoleta Avenue and Santos Dumont, a subject appeared from a police picket line and began to attack masked comrades with a knife. He wounded three and unfortunately one of them died a few hours later.

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