TEN-T, Military Logistics, and Availability: Using the Scan–Med Corridor and Its Current Sub-Projects as an Example

Preliminary remarks by the authors

We are at the beginning of a new age of wars. Wars between transnational power blocs, wars between existing and nascent nation states and wars against both fleeing and rebellious populations. Wars over strategic resources, wars over food and water, wars over geostrategic power constellations and territorial claims. But no matter what the wars of the present and future may be fought over, we firmly refuse to join any party in them, as every war is directed exclusively against the exploited and oppressed of this world and only benefits the powerful in increasing their wealth and their domination over life. However, it cannot follow from this that we will passively watch as the rulers prepare the slaughter, commit genocides and massacres and bring destruction and misery upon people and life itself. While it is clear that we will never turn our guns on each other at the command of the MASTERS, nothing in the world will prevent us from fighting with our own weapons against the mere facilitation of war, against nationalist propaganda, the military-industrial process of progressive genocide, and not least the very infrastructure of war.

And it is precisely this infrastructure of war, or today’s modern “dual use” infrastructure of the “peaceful” exploitation and military destruction of people and nature, that we want to focus on in this article. We’ll use the example of the so-called Scan–Med corridor (Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor), one of the EU’s most important infrastructure transport axes, as well as some of its current sub-projects for expansion and constructive reinforcement. In doing so, our aim is not to yet again demonstrate that the fight against war always includes the fight against the “peaceful”, i.e. frictionless exploitation and destruction, against the industrial and colonial project, but rather to make a small contribution to pointing out concrete points of attack in this fight. At the same time, we encourage people to carry out their own analyses of the military-industrial complex, its raw materials and its logistics, with nothing less in mind than its efficient sabotage. We feel the lack of such an analysis all the more sharply because we are of the opinion that our ability to fight domination (and its wars) is irrevocably dependent on knowing its infrastructures, understanding the mechanisms that make them function and, not least of all, possessing the necessary skills as well as a certain routine for attacking it at identified weak points. Continue reading TEN-T, Military Logistics, and Availability: Using the Scan–Med Corridor and Its Current Sub-Projects as an Example

The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is charged with railway sabotage and attacking a military airfield ( Moscow ,Russia )

At the end of November, the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui on suspicion of organising the derailment of a goods train in Ryazan province. On 2 December, the Dorogomilovsky district court in Moscow sent Ruslan to pre-trial detention.

Acts of railway sabotage are now quite common in Russia. Partisans use these to block the delivery of military supplies to the armed forces operating on Ukrainian territory.
Continue reading The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is charged with railway sabotage and attacking a military airfield ( Moscow ,Russia )

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years (USA)

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years

Following nearly ten years of incarceration and numerous attempts by the State to frame, murder, and break him – anarchist prisoner Eric King has now been released and is headed to a half-way house “for several weeks,” reports supporters.

Imprisoned for taking direct action in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising, Eric King survived everything from COVID, to attacks by neo-Nazi prisoners, and years of abuse from guards. In a statement from 2016, King stated:

I stand by my actions. After seeing what happened in Ferguson, so close down the road, I was disgusted by the lack of mobilization in my city. Three hours away people were fighting for their lives and we weren’t even taking to the streets. We were doing nothing. My act as a very personal display of my anger and rage toward the state as well as an act of solidarity to everyone in Ferguson. We never know our own strength until we are tested and even with my ridiculous sentence I feel at least proud to have been able to stand strong and refuse to cooperate with the state.


Continue reading Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years (USA)

Rome, Italy: Sentence of the Bialystok appeal trial (28th November 2023)


Tuesday 28th November the second instance judgement concerning“Operation Bialystok” was issued. The Public Prosecutor’s appeal request seemed poor from the motivational point of view, so much so that the Attorney General (representing the prosecution at this stage of the trial) asked at the end of the trial that the penalties imposed at the first degree trial be confirmed.
The Court confirmed the acquittal of the person already acquitted for the location of the explosive device at the carabinieri barracks of San Giovanni and further acquitted him of the other charges. The anarchist previously sentenced for the Eni-Enjoy car-sharing vehicles set on fire had his sentence confirmed (1 year’s prison, suspended).

The anarchist sentenced to 7 months in first instance was acquitted of all charges, while another three had their sentence reduced to 3 months following the acquittal of certain minor offences.
The judges have the usual 90 days to file the grounds for the sentence.

Continue reading Rome, Italy: Sentence of the Bialystok appeal trial (28th November 2023)

Greece: The 2024 Agenda of the Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters has been released

The 2024 Agenda of the Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters has been released

We have chosen to focus on the four years following 2008, judging that they present a qualitatively coherent structure in terms of a new cycle of political developments, of which 2009 was an explosive prelude. The four-year period 2009-2012 unfolds in the wake of the largest violent social explosion during the post-colonial period, on the occasion of the murder of the anarchist student, Alexandros Grigoropoulos, in December 2008 and while the country had already begun to sink into the first eddies of the global economic crisis that broke out in September 2008, with the collapse of the 4th largest US financial giant. These two peculiarities were to be a ticking time bomb for the already fragile climate of that time, causing social competition to explode to unprecedented levels through a veritable armageddon of developments.

For more information on distribution points and pick-up methods, you can contact tameio@espiv.net.



By Solidarity Fund of Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters

Let‘s give weight to the words Foreword by Stecco from „I giorni e le notti. #8, Anarchist Magazine – October 2018“:

Let‘s give weight to the words

Foreword by Stecco from

„I giorni e le notti.

#8, Anarchist Magazine – October 2018“:

„This text is about the concept of responsibility between individuals and communities, between comrades, in relation to the world as we want it. As in other recent texts circulating in the anarchist movement, there is a common sentiment of trying to illuminate principles, methods and dreams that strengthen and improve our actions as anarchists. I do not claim to be exbaustive on such a complex issue that touches on delicate aspects. Responsibility can be seen from different angles and I am sure that I will not be able to see them all. I will therefore concentrate on the points that seem to me to be the most urgent, and consider this text as a stimulus for reflection among the Companions. It is a text in which I do not intend to give an outline.

My aim is to make a contribution, a wealth of reflections that stimulate me precisely on this delicate subject.“

Dealing with the issue of responsibility today means, above all, dealing with the doctrine of irresponsibility that has been organising this society for some time. By irresponsibility, I mean the goal set by the state, by those in power, and also by science, of driving the exploited to ever greater inattention to the various social problems that afflict the whole of humanity. A never-ending task, so that people stop caring about the impending and imminent social changes. So that they stop thinking more and more. So that they believe that it is not possible  to  live  and  organise life without this social structure. In short, responsibility is to be passed on to others, and nowadays more than ever to some kind of technician. Of course, this development also affects interpersonal relations in all their facets.

Continue reading Let‘s give weight to the words Foreword by Stecco from „I giorni e le notti. #8, Anarchist Magazine – October 2018“:

Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine.( United States)

Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine

This action was taken in response to a larger call coming out of the Bay Area to protest against the continued bombing of Gaza and the violation of the Ceasefire by Israel.

On the morning of December 2nd at 5:00am we sabotaged various strategically located train lines in Northern California: in Pittsburgh, Oakland, Niles, Bahia, and Lodi. We used a tactic shared by natives and accomplices of the Wet’Suwet’en tribe in so called Canada. We took large gauge copper wire and wrapped it around both rails of the same train track. Doing this completed the low voltage current running thru the rails notifying the train operator that the track is occupied and cannot be used until the obstruction is found and removed. This method for stopping train traffic yields the lowest possibility for derailment, and thus the least likely to cause harm to human or animal life. We did this in solidarity with the ongoing resistance to genocide being waged against Palestinians by the so called state of Israel.

Continue reading Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine.( United States)

Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

Message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation, Thanos Chatziangelou, on the strategic diversion of the Palestinian Resistance in the heart of the imperialist centres.

Car bomb attack of Red Army Faction at the HQ USAFE and HQ 4th ATAF parking lot of Ramstein Air Base in 1981

The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war in the Western metropolises

“A sacrifice today for tomorrow

the numbers suck their blood

Good morning, you’ll say good morning to me again on Saturday.

wrapped in a shroud.”

The Zionist atrocity of the Israeli occupation forces and the Western allies is growing day by day. Invoking the provocative narrative of the rules of war, they baptize entire migrant camps, hospitals, churches, playgrounds and entire urban centres as Hamas bases and operational centres in order to legitimize the exemplary massacre of the Palestinian resistance for communication purposes. Israel’s war crimes are officially underwritten by the North Atlantic Alliance, with bilateral military support and the legitimisation of Israeli interventions by Western media propaganda. The Western narrative cuts off the practical popular resistance of dozens of Palestinian organizations from the Palestinian right to self-determination and independence, wanting to criminalize and drown in blood any attempt at liberation defined by the popular base, moving outside and against the imperialist Western centers.

Continue reading Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF -Water Main Cemented

For Palestine.

To rebels everywhere.

With deepest love and ancestral rage,

We gathered with heavy hearts and humble hands holding a promise for a world safer from white supremacist, settler-colonial violence. Those who declare war on original peoples and pillage sacred life and land will face retribution. There has been a great fire building, may it overflow and take all enemies of life with it. May it create fertile grounds for victory against violent occupiers.

We took it upon ourselves to make sure these fascists could not gather. Rather than the constant reactivity and rigidness of mass protest spectacles, we wanted to hit them where it fucking hurts.

On November 5th, the Zionist fascist scum, “Friends of the IDF,” who represent the interests of wealthy American capitalists in their direct support of the settler colonial state of Israel and its continued campaign of genocide and apartheid against the Palestinian people, attempted to hold a fundraiser gala at Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California.

Continue reading A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF -Water Main Cemented

Czech Republic : Alfredo M. Bonanno zemřel, ať žije anarchie! (Alfredo M. Bonanno is dead, long live anarchy!)

Alfredo M. Bonanno zemřel, ať žije anarchie!
7thDec. × ’23

Dne 6. prosince 2023, ve věku 86 let, zemřel dlouholetý anarchista Alfredo Maria Bonanno. Prožil neuvěřitelný život a ještě před 14 lety, ve svých 72 letech, čelil obvinění z vyloupení banky. Mimo jiné napsal knihu “Ozbrojená radost“, kterou soudce nařídil zakázat a spálit všechny její výtisky. Za vydání knihy byl uvězněn. Alfredo byl jedním z nejlepších autorů povstalecké tendence a jedním z nejpozoruhodnějších anarchistů 20. a 21. století, pokud jde o jasnost jeho myšlenek a teoretický vliv. Nechť je jeho život inspirací pro nás všechny.

Upřímnou soustrast jeho parnerce Annalise a synovi Alfredovi. Člověk, kterého jste ztratili, pro Vás jistě znamená ještě víc než pro nás všechny v anarchistické galaxii, kteří jsme četli jeho spisy a byli jimi ovlivněni.

Soudruhu, odpočívej v síle. Byl jsi skutečný. Ať žije boj za sociální revoluci. Ať žije anarchie


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By Kronika odporu