Chile: Hunger strike of prisoners transferred from the High Security Prison to Rancagua ends

During the last days of June, the hunger strike ended of most of the prisoners transferred from the High Security to Rancagua, in Module 1 (the High Security prisoners) and in Module 2 (Maximum Security prisoners).
The mobilization allowed for a few more hours of yard time, the regularization of an internal and the more or less stable entry of a minimum amount of food, necessary to cope with the decadent diet imposed by the concessionaires (companies that profit from prison food).

Continue reading Chile: Hunger strike of prisoners transferred from the High Security Prison to Rancagua ends

EXPROPRIATE! From the trash cans to the malls

At two supermarkets I come to the garbage bins in which a heap of good food is thrown. I want to take it and feed myself and my friends. The security guard prevents me. Facing at the outrage, as if I wanted toclear the refrigerator in their home kitchen. They act aggressively and recklessly. I ask why it happens. „These are the rules. You can’t take it.”

Damn, they don’t call it with regret in voice. They enjoy that they can comply with these rules by violently or at least his threat.

I ask, „How do you fall asleep in the evening to oversee the food for
the landfill and not in people who are hungry?”

„I sleep well because I at least work”, says one of those fuckers.

What to say? The enslaved being boasts its enslavement. It uses its
enslavement as an argument against those who avoid the enslavement. I would like to regret it, but I can’t in this case. He doesn’t do it for fear of sanction. Makes it out of conviction. With pleasure and pride. Regret him? Fuck off! When someone is evidenced by his work, I will be what is being arranged from such a preventive measure. With thried hands certainly no one will take food from the mouth. Is it disgusting violent thinking? I don’t care. Deny the hungry food and prefer to end it in a landfill, it is damn disgusting violence. And do care for that. Continue reading EXPROPRIATE! From the trash cans to the malls


On 14/4/2021 the curtain fell on the four courts that judged the attack of Revolutionary Struggle against the CBE, the ECB branch in Greece and the IMF, action that took place on 10/4/2014.
The decision to sentence me to 6 years for »simple complicity» in the attack and 3 months for »stealing the car» used in the action, shows the huge discrepancy with the first judicial sentence imposed on me, which was life imprisonment and 26 years of imprisonment. A discrepancy that does not have to do (only) with changes in the penal code, but reflects the distance between the judgment of different courts on the same issues, a distance that is mainly due to the different approaches to the cases that could not but have a political background. The frenzied vengeful attitude of the first two courts that tried me and comrade Nikos Maziotis to the maximum penalty for this action of Revolutionary Struggle is not explained by the existence of the Hun legal fossil of Article 270 of the Penal Code on the explosion, which was enacted in 1969 by the Colonial Junta to impose life sentences on those who chose attacks as resistance against that regime. After all, no post-Junta court has ever imposed a life sentence for any bombing and Article 270 of the Constitution is, in fact, ineffective to enforce its extreme version. Until only two courts imposed life imprisonment on me and Nikos Maziotis, making full use of this legal monstrosity of the Junta for political revenge.

Vonovia car set on fire (Germany)

Even if the smoke has cleared a little after the attack on Rigaer 94, this does not mean that the struggles for affordable and decent housing in Berlin and elsewhere have stopped. Every year, many other tenants fear anew for their flat and thus for their centre of life. The prospects of finding a halfway affordable flat in this city tend towards zero for most people with an average salary.
The death of Peter Hollinger on 31 May 2021 shows that this fear can also have deadly consequences. After a three-year, unsuccessful court case against an eviction action due to owner-occupancy, the 67-year-old musician and long-established Kreuzberger killed himself. This is not the first death in connection with evictions. It is also worth remembering the death of Rosemarie F. who died two days after her eviction in a Berlin homeless shelter. In both cases, it was clear in the run-up to the eviction what immense pressure and psychological stress the people concerned had been subjected to and in both cases, from a medical point of view, an eviction was urgently advised against. The fatal consequence was accepted in favour of a property issue.

Continue reading Vonovia car set on fire (Germany)

Portland, USA : SUV Tires Deflated In Solidarity With Climate Liberation Front

Submitted Anonymously
Last night, over 100 tires on large SUVs were deflated in solidarity with recent actions by the Climate Liberation Front. From Portland to Arlington, we see ya.
An awl through the sidewall is quick and quiet.
It was hot as fuck during the day, over 110 degrees, so we took full advantage of the night. The city would never even get this hot if not for the gases these SUVs emit into the atmosphere, and the miles of dark, heat-absorbing asphalt that have been put down for them to drive on.

Continue reading Portland, USA : SUV Tires Deflated In Solidarity With Climate Liberation Front

Report Back – action in response to PPB’s murder on 6/24/21 ( USA,Portland)

Submitted Anonymously
In response to the Portland Police murder of Michael Ray Townsend on June 24, a parking lot containing multiple Portland Police Bureau squad cars was attacked. A hole was cut into the surrounding barbed wire fence, and a dozen vehicles were hit. All cars had their windows, windshields, lights and mirrors smashed, and abolitionists / anarchists messages were painted across their exteriors. A fire extinguisher filled with paint was used to completely cover multiple squad cars, as well as their interiors.
Everyday the pigs turn our public spaces into open air prisons. We call on all abolitionists to take the defunding and disarming of the pigs into their own hands.
Be bold! Sabotage is fun!
From: Rose City Counter-Info

Mont-d’Origny (Aisne): multiple sabotage against the Orange network (France)

Still no phone in Mont-d’Origny, the Orange network has been sabotaged in several places
Aisne Nouvelle, 30 June 2021 (extract)
For about ten days, many homes in the district were without an Internet connection. If this is bearable for a few hours, it becomes complicated to live like this for several consecutive days. Fortunately, the network came back on Monday during the day.  It turns out that the breakdown is linked to several acts of malice. “I got information about the problem. Orange told me that there had been acts of sabotage in several places on the network. There were wires cut with pliers,” explains Gérard Allart, the mayor.
What is more serious is that, at present, the inhabitants, although they have access to the Internet again, are still unable to use the fixed telephone network. Here again there has been damage. “The telecom wire was cut in two places on one line, for example,” continued the mayor, who spoke to the employees who worked in the municipality. “They told me it was deliberate. They showed me the footprints on the electricity poles. The people went up and cut them”, the mayor lamented.
via: sansnom.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

We’re being watched: poke their eyes out (France)

via:  IAATA (

A guide to putting Toulouse’s cameras into early retirement.
This guide only deals with methods of destroying camera cabling. To destroy the camera itself you have to knock down the mast or climb to the top to break the camera, this requires heavy and cumbersome equipment (disk cutter, ladder …) and  is therefore another story.
 1 – Scouting
The location:
Movement of people and vehicles, cameras (public or private) with a view of the targeted camera, nearby cops/vigilantes/etc.
What the camera is attached to:
On a wall, on a mast, the type of mast (old style light grey or dark grey and smooth for the new ones).
Continue reading We’re being watched: poke their eyes out (France)

Burning the centers of the technological virus On the necessity of cutting the networks of domination

In solidarity with Boris(, we have translated the publication which the police found in his house during a raid, and used as evidence against him. 
From Infokiosques (


Contents :
– Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? [When, if not now?] published in the anarchist weekly Zündlumpen no. 64, May 8, 2020 (Munich)
– Sabotages against digital normality, published on May 12, 2020 on Sans Attendre
– Incendiary walks along the railroad tracks in Munich, April 17, 2020, published on Sans Attendre
– Burn, antenna, burn! – a small (non-exhaustive) chronicle of sabotage from April to May 2020
When, if not now?
In recent years, all the devices around us have begun to take on a life of their own. Modern televisions record the conversations of those around them, modern refrigerators do the stock management and even modern ovens are no longer limited to being an electric fireplace: they have internet interfaces that are supposed to enable them to be switched on from “on the road” and through which they exchange data with their owners and other curious people at will. With smartphones, most people have long since bugged themselves voluntarily and in all their movements. So it’s hardly surprising that more than a few people are also willingly taking Amazon’s Alexa spying program into their homes. And while “technology enthusiasts” are excitedly building their “smart home” cage, the state and a handful of technology companies have even more extensive plans and visions. Voluntary (self-)surveillance within one’s own four walls was yesterday: the “smart city” of today and tomorrow includes an impressive repertoire of sensor technologies to not only meticulously record and monitor who is where and with whom, but also to control the movements and actions of the city’s inhabitants with subtle and less subtle methods, to direct and manipulate them. On closer inspection, this also seems bitterly necessary, because in the increasingly misanthropic environments of today’s cities, in which the highest priority is given to the transport of human livestock to offices, shops and factories, as well as to the transport of goods to satisfy false needs, any subversive potential must be silenced, or better yet, integrated into this illusion of life before it spreads like an epidemic and causes irreparable damage to this beautiful, perfect world.

Continue reading Burning the centers of the technological virus On the necessity of cutting the networks of domination

Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN

Our seventh issue (including issue #0) sees these columns return, in many ways, to our classic format. Nine months ago, the unprecedented release in the form of a wall-newspaper (issue 5) was part of our need for communication and a proposal for an instrument to break, materially, the pandemic home isolation; a sheet of paper, a cry on the wall to pierce the silence of the curfew. But the project of “Vetriolo” has always been in a laborious sowing of analysis and provocations, suggestions and insights, the study and understanding of the existing, against the commonplace and the foolish boast of ignorance, in order to its negation, its destructive overcoming in a revolutionary sense.
And so we have returned to dealing with history and philosophy, economics and politics, analysis of the present and dissection of the future. Starting from our first page, which wants to be, in its brevity, an immediate attack to the politics of National Unity – a horrible concept for internationalists.

Continue reading Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN