Fumay (Ardennes) : Fire at the bailiff’s office (France)

L’Ardennais / Wednesday, July 7, 2021
It was about 5:30 this Wednesday morning when firefighters were mobilized to a violent fire at the Borgniet/Dupré bailiffs’ office in rue des Evignes.
The fire destroyed a large part of the building, and the police made the usual observations. Also on the spot, an employee spoke of “catastrophe”, the flames having consumed important legal documents. “It’s crazy,” said the employee, moved.
same rag / Thursday, July 8, 2021
The fire at the bailiffs’ office, which burned Wednesday morning, was “arson,” confirmed the public prosecutor, Laurent de Caigny.
via: attaque
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas (Gard): The hunters get more visits (France)

Midi-Libre / Friday 9 July 2021
The members of the hunting society The Saint-Hubert once raised lookout posts, wooden watchtowers, in the forest of Boissonnade […]. In the spring, vandalism was committed against these installations as well as the hunting lodge (edition of April 19).
This time, six watchtowers in steep locations were cut down. The acts were committed over the weekend. The mayor, Claude Salau, dispatched the municipal police officer to the site to measure the extent of the damage. A complaint was filed with the gendarmerie of Pont-Saint-Esprit by the company’s president.
via: attaque
Translated by Act for freedom now!

anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

submitted anonymously –
spring 2021 unceded kwakwaka’wakw territory, northern so called vancouver island, so called british columbia. two surveyed road routes had their flagging tape and other survey markings removed. if cleared and built, they would allow cutting of old growth and second growth forests.
fuck western forest products… and their claims to this land thru the colonial-capitalist state in “tree farm license 6” on northern vancouver island.
this fun, quick, easy action is in solidarity with ongoing kwakwaka’wakw resistance to logging in their territory, in violation of the so called douglas treaties and the sacred land of the kwakwaka’wakw people.
Continue reading anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Submitted anonymously –
On May 17 2021, the same day RCMP scum began enforcing Teal Jones Group’s court injunction against longterm logging blockades in Pacheedaht and Ditidaht territory, we locked TJG’s gate on Grierson Main road.
This action happened inside the injunction zone, within a few hours of the pigs beginning their assault on the brave land defenders at Caycuse blockade.
This gate, one of many in the area installed by Teal Jones to restrict access to their operations, is so easily turned against them. It now obstructs them from further destroying the upper reaches of the already ravaged Camper Creek watershed.

Continue reading Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Booklet pdf: Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression

Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression Rapidly, time marches on; we are already in the 2nd year of the Covid-19 state of emergency and, knowing that no power will ever voluntarily relinquish its new mechanisms of control, anarchist and other libertarian movements all over the globe are looking for strategies and practical means against it. In some regions, social tensions have recently erupted into riots.
Elsewhere, there are short-lived outbreaks known as Corona Riots. As anarchists, we are often surprised by the dynamics, sometimes finding ourselves in the crowd of the street battles or perplexed as spectators on the sidelines. Almost every state deals with us, small groups or individuals, sabotaging, agitating and roaming restless in the cities.

Continue reading Booklet pdf: Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression

Update on anarchist Alfredo’s situation in Terni prison (Italy, July 13, 2021)

At the end of June we heard the news that Alfredo had been transferred to Terni prison, where there is a section for imprisoned revolutionaries. To date, however, Alfredo is still being held in the “transit” section, despite the fact that the period of isolation imposed by the Coronavirus emergency regulations has been over for several days.
We do not know why Alfredo is still in isolation, we do not know and are not interested in the plans of the DAP (Department of Penitentiary Administration). What we do know is that the provocations and pretexts of the guards can not erase a historical fact: the existence over the years of an anarchism of action can not be erased by convictions in court or by the pretexts of the jailers.
Continue reading Update on anarchist Alfredo’s situation in Terni prison (Italy, July 13, 2021)

Nancy/Besançon, France: Some information on the situation of Boris

On April 10, 2020 during the first confinement, fellow anarchist Boris set fire to two cell phone antennas of the four telecom operators in the Jura region, also hosting police and gendarmerie communications.
As he himself explained from the prison where he is now incarcerated for ten months: “The time is ripe for the acceleration of flows and data, for the connectivity of everyday objects to control, listen to, trace, and spy on more and more, to make the human being more and more a slave to the machine. This is what domination calls “progress”, “civilization”. In reality, this project of society has everything of dystopia. Faced with this digital grid, there are not 36,000 solutions. It seems to me necessary to go beyond the stage of criticism and to act here and now, by linking ideas to actions (…). I am part of those who, at the first resounding of the state and sanitary order, refused to lock themselves up at home and went out to attack directly one of the pillars of domination” (Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet, June 2021)

Continue reading Nancy/Besançon, France: Some information on the situation of Boris

Anarchist comrade Natascia transferred from Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison to that of Rebibbia (Italy, July 10, 2021)

On her 24th day of hunger strike Natascia was finally transferred.
At the moment she is in Rebibbia (Rome), because in the prison of Vigevano (the one closest to Turin and Genoa that has a high security section) there seems to be no place at the moment.
To write to her:
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Italia – Italy
For more information (in english) on the ongoing trial in Genoa for Prometeo repressive operation: https://malacoda.noblogs.org/post/2021/07/05/operazione-prometeo-aggiornamenti-sul-processo-in-corso-maggio-luglio-2021/
[Published by malacoda.noblogs.org].

Prometeo Operation: Updates On the Ongoing Trial in Genoa (Italy, May–July 2021)

On May 10 last, the trial of the “Prometeo” trial began, in which the anarchist comrades Natascia, Beppe and Robert are accused of sending three parcel bombs to the former director of the DAP (Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria, “Department of Penitentiary Administration”), Santi Consolo, and two prosecutors of Turin, Roberto Sparagna and Antonio Rinaudo. The trial is taking place in front of the court of assizes of Genoa, as the indictment (article 280, paragraph 1 and paragraph 3) foresees a sentence starting from 20 years imprisonment. The trial was held by videoconference for the two comrades still locked up, Natascia and Beppe, who “attended” the hearings through a screen from the prisons of Santa Maria Capua Vetere and Bologna respectively. The trial followed a schedule of two hearings a week from May 10 to June 2, and saw a considerable number of carabinieri from the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, “Special Operational Grouping”) and experts from the RIS (Reparto Investigazioni Scientifiche, “Scientific Investigations Department”) summoned as witnesses by the prosecution, represented by prosecutor Federico Manotti and by the civil plaintiff who appeared for Rinaudo.
Continue reading Prometeo Operation: Updates On the Ongoing Trial in Genoa (Italy, May–July 2021)

Italy – Report on the gathering in Santa Maria Capua Vetere on July 4th ,2021

In the afternoon of Sunday 4th July a group of people descended on the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere in solidarity with Natascia, on hunger strike since 16th June, and with all the prisoners.
Many talked expressing strong solidarity with the comrade locked up in AS3, on her third week of hunger strike to obtain a transfer from that jail. It was pointed out how the dispersion of prisoners carried out by the DAP [Department of Prison Administration] with transfers to prisons hundreds and hundreds of kilometres away from loved ones, contexts of life and struggle – and in the case of Natascia, whose trial has already started, making contact with her lawyer almost impossible – is clearly aimed at completely isolating those locked up and at breaking relations of solidarity between those inside and outside. In the face of Natascia’s great determination, we know that a solidarity presence outside the jail holding her prisoner is just a little of what we can do to support her in her battle.

Continue reading Italy – Report on the gathering in Santa Maria Capua Vetere on July 4th ,2021