Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Giannis Michailidis In the aftermath of the murder of Kostas by a DIAS cop, self-proclaimed “Justice” arms the hands of the cops who will execute unruly kids, Roma, immigrants, protesters in the future. Just as the cops murderers of Sabanis were released, giving the message that Roma lives … Continue reading Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy. ——-  Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy. Words in solidarity with comrades Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan “For me, “informality” is above all friendship and love between comrades who share everything, even disappointments (inevitable in human relationships due to their fickle nature). Brothers and sisters in war united by a passion: the destruction … Continue reading Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.


Down with the torture regime of 41 bis! «…I was expecting a suggestion, a start from fellow experts. A often, in return for my enthusiasm, I received a good dose of «realism» that dampened or threatened to curb any «ambition». «realism» that dampened or threatened to curb any revolutionary «ambition», any impulse to action. Any … Continue reading LA PAZ, BOLIVIA: ADJUDICATION OF EXPLOSIVE DEVICE ATTACK ON ITALIAN EMBASSY.

KOMOTINI Greece: Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police, Prisons

Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police Proposition: Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D. Speaker: N. Koulouris, professor D.U.TH. Prisons. Proposition: Anarchist House Utopia A.D. Update on the 41bis isolation in Italy, from the anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas- Anarchist Squat Nadir. Telephone intervention of Italian comrades – anarchist newspaper Vetriolo – … Continue reading KOMOTINI Greece: Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police, Prisons

Turin, Italy: You want to take away our voice; we cut off your light

Turin,: You want to take away our voice; we cut off your light YOU WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR VOICE WE CUT OFF YOUR LIGHT Despite the media silence, we want to make it known that: In the early hours of the morning of December 1st 2022, while in the supervisory court of Rome they … Continue reading Turin, Italy: You want to take away our voice; we cut off your light

Rome, Italy: Interruption of a performance at Teatro Argentina in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike against 41bis (Rome 26th November 2022)

Interruption of a performance at Teatro Argentina in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike against 41bis (Rome 26th November 2022) Today, 26th November 2022, the play ‘Hamlet’ was interrupted at Teatro Argentina in Rome. In spite of the fact that the theatre workers turned into a real security line-up to protect the bosses’ … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Interruption of a performance at Teatro Argentina in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike against 41bis (Rome 26th November 2022)

Responsibility claim for the explosive attack on the house of the First Counsellor of the Italian Embassy – “Carlo Giuliani” Vengeance Cell (Athens,Greece)

Since 20/10 Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike against the prison regime imposed on him by the Italian state, under the name 41 bis. Alfredo Cospito has been a prisoner since 2012, having taken responsibility for the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, director of Ansaldo Nucleare, an action carried out by the Informal Anarchist Federation/International … Continue reading Responsibility claim for the explosive attack on the house of the First Counsellor of the Italian Embassy – “Carlo Giuliani” Vengeance Cell (Athens,Greece)

Italy: solidarity with anarchist comrades’ struggle against repression. Updates

Turin, Italy: Solidarity presence outside the court Monday, December 5th Important appointment in Turin, Monday 5th December at 11am, outside the court, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 130, Turin where the hearing for the sentence recalculation for Alfredo and Anna will be held. END 41 BIS! ALL FREE! via: infernourbano ———-  Naples, Italy: Conference at architecture … Continue reading Italy: solidarity with anarchist comrades’ struggle against repression. Updates

Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Welcome back to Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast from the international A-Radio Network. This month you’ll hear five short segments from two member projects. Anarchists involved in the Stop Camp Grayling Offensive, a land defense project in the state of so-called Michigan, USA, to double the size of what is already largest military and … Continue reading Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike (France, December 1, 2022) Ivan, incarcerated in Villepinte prison (near Paris), lets us know that he has ended his hunger strike. Today, December 1st, he started feeding again, after 35 days of hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito’s struggle. He is well and sends a strong … Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)