“With Sehid Waka in our memory and determined to keep him alive with our actions, we headed into the night armed with little more than animal carriers.

Chicken farms are easy to access. You might need to squeeze through a window, or perhaps through the automated gates, but this time we simply opened the unlocked door and walked in. 

Inside, rows and rows of commodified individuals, forgotten to the outside world, nothing more than machines producing eggs for some abuser to make money. Dust, death and the sticky air that digs into your lungs accompanied us through the farm whilst we caught and put in carriers a little over fourty hens.

Colombelles (Calvados): Contribution to the transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism (France)

Contribution to the transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism

via: Attaque

received by mail/ Thursday 3 October 2024

As part of the transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism proposed at the end of the anarchist book fair in the Balkans 2024 , we chose to attack a power supply point of the technological pole « Effiscience » at Colombelles (France). We set fire to a substation on site in an attempt to shut off several companies:

Safran Data Systems who do telemetric research and innovation from satellites for military use and sell its technologies to various armies.

Probent Technology, who do precision mechanics to build essential parts, in particular for an atomic submarine recently built by Naval Group. Its involvement in the nuclear industry, central to the world’s warmongering, is important as it also designed control rooms of EPR of Flamanville.
Continue reading Colombelles (Calvados): Contribution to the transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism (France)

electric charging stations sabotaged around Amsterdam (Netherlands)

September 2024

As the impacts of climate change become ever more apparent capitalism seeks to rebrand itself as green. We are told that if we calculate our personal co2 footprint, buy the right (expensive) products, and do our part to recycle we can save the planet. This is categorically false. There is no way to consume our way out of this crisis. Nothing less than a fundamental shift away from the endless growth that capitalism requires can stop the glaciers from melting, the forests from burning, and the displacement of humans and animals from their habitats.

The shift to electric vehicles that is being promoted by governments across Europe and the car companies that these states subsidize is part of this thinly veiled attempt to recuperate the climate catastrophe called capitalism. There is nothing sustainable about an electric car. Every step in the global supply chain that ships an electric vehicle made in the United States to our doorstep in Amsterdam involves the exploitation of workers and the destruction of the planet. The mining of minerals for the battery alone is an incredibly destructive process. Lithium extracted in Chile contaminates local water sources, cobalt mined in the Congo involves child labor, and nickel dug out in Indonesia leaches heavy metals into the ocean. Not to mention the steel, titanium, aluminum, and plastic needed for the body of the car. These raw materials are in short supply and the scramble by states and corporations to secure access is fueling a new wave of colonialism across the global south.
Continue reading electric charging stations sabotaged around Amsterdam (Netherlands)


We got the chance to speak to Sindre, a Swedish animal liberation activist, locked up in prison indefinitely. (Check out our website for more information, about Sindres case, and how to write to him)

Sindre, could you to tell us something about yourself, a brief background?

I am 22 years old and come from a small Swedish town. Thanks to my parents being lacto ovo vegetarians, I was born into vegetarianism, with a passion for animal rights and when I got older veganism and the fight for animal liberation came naturally. I have now been vegan for about six years. In several ways I have been active for the animals through both direct actions, as well as above ground activism and demonstrations within the organisation Djurfront. I love animals, books, black metal and video games.

Anything you want to tell us about your trial? Why you are in prison, and how long you been there, will be there?

Last night 16/9, the windows of the new RE/MAX office on the Jan Evertsenstraat were spray painted with the text “sells stolen land” and “free palestine.” (Netherlands)

RE/MAX is an American international real estate company that operates in over 100 countries. The company has a franchise in occupied Palestine and sells properties in several colonial settlements in the West Bank. The property they claim to own and sell is land that has been stolen from the Palestinian people.

In doing so RE/MAX directly facilitates the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and profits from the ongoing colonization of Palestine. We hope our small gesture makes it clear that those complicit in genocide are not welcome in this city!



Preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation: postponement to January 15 in Perugia (Italy)

(IT) Udienza preliminare per l’operazione Sibilla: rinvio al 15 gennaio a Perugia

(DE) Vorläufige Anhörung zur Operation Sibilla: Verschiebung auf den 15. Januar in Perugia (Italien)



EN: The preliminary hearing of October 10th in the so-called Sibilla repressive operation, which involves twelve anarchists, including Alfredo Cospito, who is detained under 41 bis prison regime in Bancali prison (Sassari) and connected through videoconference (obligatory under 41 bis), ended with a postponement due to lack of notification.
Continue reading Preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation: postponement to January 15 in Perugia (Italy)

Towards Another Uprising

At the end of 2010 an individual act of despair in the town of Sidi Bouzid ignited a daring, enraged, and joyful upheaval that travelled through North Africa into the Middle East and beyond. People defied the oppressive systems they had been immersed in for generations and came together in the streets to topple the political elites at their helm. The authorities, at first stunned by this courageous spirit that they couldn’t understand, then unleashed a cynical and brutal response.

This defeat is still being inflicted on the people in the region, and is also felt all over the world by those who stood in solidarity with the uprisings but were mostly unable to overcome their powerlessness as the uprisings were massacred.

The horrors in the region during the last decade are many. To name some that stick most in my mind: Sisi has turned back the clock in Egypt to military dictatorship with the material support of the US. The regimes in the other North-African countries are paving over any sign of freedom while being coaxed by European countries to shut down the immigration routes over the Mediterranean. Without the murderous military campaigns of Hezbollah and the IRGC in Syria, Assad wouldn’t have survived the uprising. The Iranian regime itself brutally oppressed three different uprisings in the country in the last decade. Most people in Lebanon are in a daily struggle for survival because of the greed of its political leaders while mobs at the orders of Hezbollah beat down street protests. Early on in the uprisings, Hamas, who has shot political opponents in broad daylight on the streets of Gaza, culled attempts at an uprising by rounding up protest organizers and threatening them with murder. Leaders in the region understood once again that they can use any means against the populations under their control without real push-back from outside. Indifference, cynicism and opportunism trump moral appeals, and strategic alliances are always in play. The world churns on. For those of us who have not looked away, how can we not see a connection between Assad bombing Syrian cities into obliteration and Netanyahu razing Gaza?

Continue reading Towards Another Uprising

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Instituto Nacional in Memory of Denisse Cortés

Incendiary Stroll at Instituto Nacional in Memory of Denisse Cortés

October 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista
Extracted from Frente Fotográfico

Yesterday (October 11), masked individuals built barricades and confronted the police in the surroundings of the Instituto Nacional in commemoration of the death of Denisse Cortés, comrade and brigader/Human Rights observer who actively participated in the protection and safeguarding of her community in the context of social struggle.

Additionally, a banner was raised denouncing the bad moves and misappropriation of public funds regarding the management and payment of overtime of some officials of the establishment, who look out for their own interests instead of the educational community.

There were no arrests.

Greece: Solidarity to the 4 comrades being prosecuted for the case at Leroy Merlin | Trial 18/10, Piraeus Courts, Athens.

Solidarity to the 4 comrades being prosecuted for the case at Leroy Merlin | Trial 18/10/24 Piraeus Courts, Athens.


Anatole France

In July 2019, at Leroy Merlin(Leroy Merlin is a French-headquartered home improvement and gardening retailer serving several countries in Europe,) in Piraeus, an attempt to remove low-priced products by comrades Christoforos Kortesis, and Thymios A. takes place. This is the reason for the targeting of trade unionist-comrade Giannis A. by the security company OVIT employed by Leroy. Giannis A. does not resign as indicated by the management. After being held hostage for 3 hours the two comrades leave the “small room” of the store with the help of four more comrades. The next afternoon, the cops kidnap Christoforos K., take him to the GADA ( headquarters police in Athens) and charge him, as the prosecutor Angeloudi upgrades this to felony.

Continue reading Greece: Solidarity to the 4 comrades being prosecuted for the case at Leroy Merlin | Trial 18/10, Piraeus Courts, Athens.