Claudio Lavazza is free!

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more general solidarity actions news about comrade Claudio Lavazza here


Claudio Lavazza has been finally released yesterday 7/9/24 after having served his sentence! After nearly 28 years locked up in French and Spanish prisons, Claudio can finally walk again on the paths of freedom and embrace all the comrades that have never stopped showing their love and solidarity in all these years.

Against All Prisons!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Cassa AntiRep delle Alpi occidentali

Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Actforfree : receve and spead:

General solidarity info news in english here


Operazione Scripta Scelera: revocate tutte le misure cautelari, l’8 ottobre la prossima udienza del processo di Massa

 Dopo alcuni mesi senza la pubblicazione di aggiornamenti specifici sull’operazione Scripta Scelera, scattata l’8 agosto 2023 contro il quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”, informiamo che tra luglio e agosto sono state revocate tutte le misure cautelari rimanenti nei confronti di otto inquisiti e inquisite. Ricordiamo brevemente che il PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova aveva richiesto dieci arresti in carcere per altrettanti indagati coinvolti nel procedimento, ottenendo dal GIP nove misure cautelari: gli arresti domiciliari restrittivi per quattro e l’obbligo di dimora con rientro notturno per altri cinque (per uno la misura è già cessata il 29 marzo per decorrenza termini). L’operazione ha inoltre visto vari aggravamenti delle misure, tra traduzioni in carcere e arresti domiciliari, così come i più recenti attenuamenti (in obbligo di dimora e di firma, variamente combinati).

 Con un provvedimento del 10 luglio (in un caso notificato oltre dieci giorni dopo) il GIP del tribunale di Genova ha disposto la revoca dell’obbligo di firma per tre indagati (uno si trovava all’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana, due con la stessa misura però a frequenza quotidiana) e successivamente, ai primi di agosto, è stato revocato l’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana per un’altra indagata. Queste quattro misure erano state stabilite, sostituendo le precedenti, sempre dal GIP a maggio (cfr. “Operazione Scripta Scelera: aggiornamento sulle misure cautelari e sull’udienza del 24 maggio a Massa”).

Continue reading Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)










Friday 20th September at 7pm at Kan Seitan (Pedrinyá)

Friday 20th September the comrades of the Comitato CO.RE (Comitato contro carcere e repressione)
will talk to us about the situation in which the Italian State finds itself under the government of the Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni.

This far-right government has accelerated its repressive electoral programme over the last year with a series of decrees, which toughen the measures against those who protest for the environment or fight for housing, has worsened the situation of migrants at the borders and within the Detention and Repatriation Centres (equivalent to CIEs)…

All this is the beginning of a not-too-slow erosion of individual and collective freedoms in the name of an
undetermined slogan which is “the fun is over”.

Continue reading Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)

Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

 We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Your grief over your damaged “property” is a source of amusement to us. You are not businessmen, you are murderers of millions of animals. Thousands of animals die every day in squalid conditions for the taste of their flesh, offering incalculable profits to the bosses. Sentient beings who can feel every emotion that we feel are treated as the raw material of capitalist production.

In a world where the extermination of the defenceless (animals) is the norm, we refuse to be a part of it. We refuse to stand by, we fight with fire.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Serres, Greece: Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.

Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy

In the early hours of Friday, August 23, we visited the Piraeus Bank branch on Gr. Rakintzi Street in the centre of Serres and doused its facade and the nearby ATM with gasoline. Although the bank alarm went off at the time of the ignition, by the time the clueless cops realized what had happened we had already left the area long ago. We might as well just have left the scene and stopped for a drink on the way instead of taking the time to come up with a good escape plan. The action had little success since we did not manage to completely destroy the ATM as we originally planned. We’ll make sure it’s not like that next time.

We are in a situation which leaves us with nothing to do nothing but attack head-on and destroy. We seek no moral justification from the masses to act violently. Political tactics which aim at the gradual building of a mass anarchist movement with social characteristics to finally reach the revolution, permanently postponing the attack to an indefinite future, leave us extremely disappointed. We believe that counter-proposals and theories about how a better society could be are extremely secondary in front of the total destruction of the existing one. Here we want to emphasize that we do not reject mass movements in general and vaguely. Besides, we believe that guerrilla (without characterizing this specific action as such) works ideally in conjunction with a mass militant anarchist movement. The struggle will always be diverse. Arson, bombings and executions are not enough. But peaceful marches, bicycle rides and occupations are not enough either, many of which, as others before us have rightly observed, have ended up as alternative entertainment centres for young people. . Rebellion is ALWAYS HERE AND NOW.
Continue reading Serres, Greece: Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.

A call of solidarity for Anarchist prisoner marcelo villarroel in Chile.

Actforfree receive in English and spread:

call solidarity for marcelo villaroel


Comrade Marcelo has been in prison for more than 16 years straight, and they haven’t managed to break his will nor defeat his indomitable spirit.

Shot, tortured, isolated- but whole and dignified, unredeemed. Detained for the first time at 14 years old, subsequently passing nine months in prison, being the youngest political prisoner on the continent, after he would suffer another long imprisonment, from 1992 until 2005. Of his 51 years, he has spent thirty incarcerated.

A revolutionary given that, among many other daring actions, he robbed banks to finance the struggle, which he risked, and is paying dearly for his commitment and courage.
Continue reading A call of solidarity for Anarchist prisoner marcelo villarroel in Chile.

Spain: Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated the XXII December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.

Actforfree receive and translated to English and spread :

Greetings from the Assembly of the XXII Gathering of Anarchist Books in Madrid.

Once more, we invite you to participate in the twenty second Gathering of Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.

In addition to debates and discussions, the presentation of written publications, workshops and film screenings, the Gathering will offer space for publishers and distros.

Continue reading Spain: Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated the XXII December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.


Received anonymously via email:

“We have been paying attention to a particular scummy farmer who among other abuses likes to murder turkeys and sell their corpses for Christmas. They also, like many farmers, love to trap and shoot foxes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mammal traps they find broken into pieces and strewn across the fields, they keep getting more.

This farmer had recently got themselves a new massive fox trap and placed it, ready for future use, in the enclosure they planned to put the turkeys in once they grew a bit larger.

Postcard from Clandestinity, Greetings from an Anarchist on the run.

Dear comrades along the way,

An annual greeting is not easy to write, it is exhausting; as it tries to express in a few sentences thoughts, feelings and experiences of a whole year – and beyond. A task whose failure, however, has something beautiful inherent in it: the concentrated attention on this one moment of verbalized devotion. It is beautiful to carry you in my chest, eight years after my departure into clandestinity.

The last few days were rather cloudy, as I had to think about my old life and the loss that came with it. Fortunately, this gloom does not predominate, but only spreads from time to time. For the most part of my time, I am in good spirits, happy and proud of my decision to have chosen my free feet on constantly new adventures to the chains on a few square meters of dreariness. If you are unfortunate to face such a decision – take the risk. It is worth it!
Continue reading Postcard from Clandestinity, Greetings from an Anarchist on the run.

Statement for Running Down The Walls 2024 by Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone (UK)

I’ll be joining the 5km Running Down The Walls event in September
that is organised by our comrades across the Atlantic in the United

This initiative is another date in the calendar that can help
build a revolutionary narrative that prisoners and those outside can
participate in together. It promotes physical training and fitness with
a mindset of solidarity in struggle.

These kind of events give us strength and development. A huge shout out to all those taking part.
I write this during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist
Prisoners, in combative memory of the state murders of Sacco and
Vanzetti in Boston 1927. P.S. A greeting also to the rebel prisoners in
Italy, I heard of the revolts even here in high security.

Toby Shone
HMP Garth North West UK